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Why ?


Because they are not, and should not be considered heroes. 

They are just men doing what most men were raised to do. 

Protect women and children first. 


Many of the lost were simply caught up in the moment of saying they were the first. So what ? 

Hell, I was the first customer at the firestone down the street...So ???

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bruh they call me rim job huey, cause i'm so good at finishing around the rim. I go to work when playing ball. I finish with either hand. yes out of context but no ****s given. 


Umm, out of context is not the issue. 


I don't think you know what the term "rim job" means. 

You DID NOT just call me "son". 


Okay. Dude. 

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Because they are not, and should not be considered heroes. 

They are just men doing what most men were raised to do. 

Protect women and children first. 


Many of the lost were simply caught up in the moment of saying they were the first. So what ? 

Hell, I was the first customer at the firestone down the street...So ???

I guess that depends on your definition of hero, a lot people don't put the interest of other people first, and lets not pretend they do.

Anyone who puts the interest of others first can be considered a hero. To me a hero is kinda about being selfless when it is easy to be selfish. I'm not saying being selfish makes you a bad person. In a situation like that i don't blame anyone for looking over their own self interests, so if someone put the life of another before theirs than yeah i would consider them a hero. I'm not saying everyone did that, but I can see why some people would call those who perished heroes. 


I dunno what being first at firestone has to do with anything, your life wasn't at danger at firestone so your comparison is flawed to me. 

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I guess that depends on your definition of hero...


That's what most men are raised to be. Protectors. That is our job. Protect our family especially women and children. 

My firestone reference was to point out that the folks that were on the Titanic, were just ego filled wanting to be first on this auspicious vehicle. They got called into a situation they did not expect and acted like nearly anyone else would. That's simply what they are supposed to do. That is not heroic. 


EDIT: To clarify the firestone...it makes zero difference that I was the first customer. I am also the 10,000th customer...zero difference. Many of those folks just wanted to brag about it. 

Damn near laughed coffee everywhere.  


Yeah, Huey is going to have to look that one up. 

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I get what your saying, but I'm going to disagree slightly. The reason I disagree is because doing something your suppose to doesn't automatically make it unheroic. 


For example a police offices who saves the life of a kid and dies in the process would definitely be called a hero, but that is in their job description to protect and serve. Would you not call this hypothetical police office who dies doing his job heroic? 

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^^ it's true. I was flipping channels on Wednesday and caught part of it. Sad thing is, he's only 26.

He had a bad attitude problem and wanted help, but didn't want to help himself by doing what was required. He finally turned it around after the doc told him he's on deaths door.

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^^ it's true. I was flipping channels on Wednesday and caught part of it. Sad thing is, he's only 26.

He had a bad attitude problem and wanted help, but didn't want to help himself by doing what was required. He finally turned it around after the doc told him he's on deaths door.

More than anything, I was pissed at his mother. She got him a whole ****ing pizza to eat by himself...then she gave him some of hers. That's adult abuse right there IMO.

I call bs. No way you should be alive at that weight. Your internal organs would fail

When he first went to the Dr, they brought in a scale that stopss at 800lbs. Said he was over capacity. Then they put him in a bed that logged his weight at 919. Doc sent him home. Said, if you can drop 100lbs, we'll get to moving on the surgery route...nope..he gained almost 100lbs more in a month.



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I get what your saying, but I'm going to disagree slightly. The reason I disagree is because doing something your suppose to doesn't automatically make it unheroic. 


For example a police offices who saves the life of a kid and dies in the process would definitely be called a hero, but that is in their job description to protect and serve. Would you not call this hypothetical police office who dies doing his job heroic? 


That is their/your responsibility. 


We pay cops and even military for their service. I appreciate it, but very few instances are heroic. 

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I dunno what being first at firestone has to do with anything, your life wasn't at danger at firestone so your comparison is flawed to me. 


You don't know what the firestone is like in our hood......**** gets real.


I see Kosh already explained his comparison of the two, so no need to elaborate any further.  I just woke up, still half asleep.......but did Doc just post responses in paragraph format?

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You DID NOT just call me "son".

U mad, BRO? ;)

I call bs. No way you should be alive at that weight. Your internal organs would fail

I saw the episode, he was 1,003 lbs. Doc was amazed he was alive.

His foot was severely distorted from a bad brake years ago, **** was nasty.

Dude had open sores under his fat rolls. I felt bad for him, but that **** was disgusting.

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Why assume the bad dough man? What hurt you in life? If those great people let the cynicism get to them do you think they would do those great little things? I don't, if they were cynical then they wouldn't do those little things because they would feel its pointless.

do you have any idea how much life and death I've had in my life? I do a lot of charity work and have saved a lot of lives of lots of species. Human too. I'm not special or noble. I was military. I'm no hero. My mom was a saint. Dead at 34 from cancer. Nothing noble. I work in two of the highest suicide fields and have had depression issues my entire life. I'll probably go that way myself eventually, but I'll do a lot of great things first.

I have no issue with participation medals for kids that try. I think it's cool. I don't think anyone who died, joined the military, drowned on a luxury cruise, whatever, is any more noble, heroic, good or special than anyone.

The average person thinks they aren't.

Look at Doc making posts longer than a sentence.

and you posting only a sentence.
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