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So depressed from the Redskins loss that I turned it off with 8 minutes to go and played FIFA instead. By the time I had stopped playing it was 30-7 Green Bay over Philly so I gave up on that and channel surfed HBO. 


The Wolverine (2013) is a fantastic movie and I like the Marvel movies and all that so I decided to watch the full movie this time. Very good film. Mariko is hot. Also liked how the story dealt with Wolverine and so on. Would recommend 

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Fans in stadium acting like RG3 had an Eli Manning game. 5 picks, I wonder if Giant fans are calling for him to be benched.

Two of my coworkers/friends sent me pictures and video of them burning their Griffin jerseys. Normally, I'd think this is dumb but I don't really care. I'm just happy I haven't wasted any money on Redskins gear since before Shanahan came in. I think Portis was the last jersey I bought.

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Anyone like Sumo wrestling?


Just got back into it... I don't pretend to know anything about it however and I don't know japanese other than konichiwa and stuff like that.


I know a Gyoji is the ref

I know a henka is when a rikishi (a sumo wrestler?) during the initial lunge actually sidesteps as a way to perhaps get an easy win, since the sumo wrestler lunging might just fall on his face or whatever... it's sort of a "dishonorable" move.

A Matta is a "false start" on said initial lunge.


Makuuchi is the top division.


Ok I'll shutup


Bottom line is.


Hakuho has 31 championships (yushos) and is one away from tying the all time lead of 32 by Taiho.


He passed Chiyonofuji (a great Yokozuna from the 70s/80s) in September (there are 6 bashos a year, every other month starting in January)


So, this one is going on now.  I generally will see a Youtube account Kintamayama post all matches in a vid around 3-4 hours after the day ends, meaning around 6-7 AM EST time. 


Hakuho, Kakuryu, and Harumafuji are the three current Yokozunas.  All Mongolian. There is a youngster named Ichinojo who is only 20/21 but went 13-2 last basho and is already rising in the ranks (a sekiwake, below Ozeki, below Yokozuna) at a record pace.  Also Mongolian.


I could say 8  billion more things, but I will shutup for now.

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I heard B Mitch went HAM on Post Game Live. Once that happens, you know the season is officially in crisis mode.


It just sucks man. Why does it seem like everything is so hard with this team. Shoot even the last three times we did go to the playoffs, we had to go on do or die winning streaks for 5, 4, and 7 weeks. I would love to be in the situation one year where we can clinch something in week 15. Shoot lol

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Had to put my dog down tonight, I've had her since I was 15. My brother and I found her in a box when she was 4 weeks old, someone left her in a parking lot with the lid closed. I'm 29 now and she was absolutely an amazing best friend for the last 14 years. I'm devastated.

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Had to put my dog down tonight, I've had her since I was 15. My brother and I found her in a box when she was 4 weeks old, someone left her in a parking lot with the lid closed. I'm 29 now and she was absolutely an amazing best friend for the last 14 years. I'm devastated.


I'm sorry man. I remember we had to put my last dog down on the day Colombia exploded, talk about one of the hardest days of my life. It might not help much now, but time truly doeshelp the process and you'll remember just how awesome of a dog she was.



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Had to put my dog down tonight, I've had her since I was 15. My brother and I found her in a box when she was 4 weeks old, someone left her in a parking lot with the lid closed. I'm 29 now and she was absolutely an amazing best friend for the last 14 years. I'm devastated.

Sorry man. :(


My parents weren't pet people so I didn't have anything other than a fish growing up, but I loved my aunt's three dogs and it was hard enough to see them go.  I can't imagine having to put down a dog that I had actually lived with for years.

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Had to put my dog down tonight, I've had her since I was 15. My brother and I found her in a box when she was 4 weeks old, someone left her in a parking lot with the lid closed. I'm 29 now and she was absolutely an amazing best friend for the last 14 years. I'm devastated.

Sad, sad news. Rest in the fact that you gave her the best life she could possibly have.

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