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I hate when the barber talks to me during the haircut. I don't want to talk to you sorry.

I thought I was the only one. Shut up and cut my hair and let me out of here. Plus, I always feel stupid walking out of there. They always feel the need to make your hair look larger than it actually is. I don't want it styled. I want it the same way as I walked in, just trimmed.

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I hate when the barber talks to me during the haircut. I don't want to talk to you sorry.
I thought I was the only one. Shut up and cut my hair and let me out of here. Plus, I always feel stupid walking out of there. They always feel the need to make your hair look larger than it actually is. I don't want it styled. I want it the same way as I walked in, just trimmed.

Add me to this list.

I've been going to the same place for like 10 years now. There are 3 barbers there, and I always end up getting this guy that never shuts up. The worst part is, he's always trying to be funny, but he's just crass and lacks any real wit, so I have to smile and pretend to be amused during the whole effing haircut.

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I thought the Shirley Bassey appearance was a nice surprise, even if her pipes aren't the same as they were 40 years ago. Goldfinger is still the best bond film/theme ever, and I'll accept no counter-arguments. If you don't agree, go pound sand and kick rocks.

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Wizards will soon be replaced by Pelicans as the worst name. I think the Raptors name is right behind the Wizards. I thought the name was cool when they first came into the league, but that was around '95 during the Jurassic Park craze, plus they had cool guys like Damon Stoudamire and Vince Carter playing for them, but over the years, the name has gotten more and more ridiculous. Then you look at the logo, and see a retarded red dinosaur dribbling a basketball, and at 24 you realize that with a name like that, they are destined for failure. And they play in Canada on top of it.

No chance.

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Fell asleep too early and am awake now, which sucks. Starship Troopers is on and my roommate brought home leftovers, that's fantastic.

Pelicans isn't a great name, but it's still better than Wizards and Raptors (which I agree with you about). They are a cool bird to watch, it's one of my favorite hobbies. Sitting on the beach watching them. When they age though, they get blind and younger birds will help them for a while, but they eventually all starve to death. Not a good symbol for a champion. Better for a beach day.

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New title to add to my resume: Soccer Aunt. :ols: One of the best things about moving back to my hometown is that I get to be involved in my nieces' and nephew's lives...and earn my new nickname. Love it!

Went to sleep at 10 and have been up since 340. Why the **** can't I sleep?

If you have any intellectual or scientific journals around, try reading one. If you don't, pick a few up tomorrow. Or, if you have any school books you didn't get rid of, read on of those. This method gets me to sleep every time I'm having difficulty going to or staying asleep. Kill 2 birds with one stone: learn something new and be put straight to sleep in a few minutes. I seriously swear by this method! :)

I hate when the barber talks to me during the haircut. I don't want to talk to you sorry.

I'm the same way with hair dressers, nail technicians, etc. Just focus on your wor and maybe I can get out of the damn salon in 2.5 hours instead of 3. Obviously if someone starts talking to me, I'll talk back and not be rude, but I very much dislike the small talk/gossip that occurs in salons and spas anyway.

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I wasn't a fan of his in college, but I really hope Denard Robinson makes the transition to slot WR in the pro's. Especially if he ends up on the Skins as a mid round pick.

I bet though he ends up with a team that knows how to use him..like the Seahawks or something.

What about Tavon austin and his 40 time



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I kind of feel like I'm still on last week cuz this week has started just as bad as last week ended. New week. Same crap. oye vey...

Atleast things can go only up right? :kickcan:

Nope. Things can always get a lot worse than you can imagine/prepare for. :)

If it's out of your control, I wouldn't sweat it. Just do what you can to make sure that it doesn't make the rest of your day/week miserable, and don't let dumb ass people or circumstances affect you. It's something that I ultimately had no choice but to learn how to do a better job of managing, about 3 years ago.

One of the most important lessons that people can learn, is to stay positive in tough situations, and let the petty/meaningless stressful stuff roll off your shoulders. And when you learn to do a better job of it, you start to realize just how many people have no clue how to do it, and make it their mission to make everyone else's life around them a living hell. Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to just go through life, problem free, not a care in the world, but it isn't reality. Problems come and go. You fix one thing, and something else pops up, on and on. The only thing you can do is handle them in a more healthy way, and learn from your mistakes, and don't beat yourself up when you do make one, because the rest of the world will have no problem doing that for you.

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So, my one roommate moved out the other day with his two cats and now there is just two dogs here, but an entire family of field mice have also moved in. I tried those sonic things, they don't work. They've probably eaten $100 worth of my food already. I pulled everything out of the kitchen today and scrubbed the hell out of it. I also bought poison, which really goes against my beliefs, but I don't know what to do.

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You need to find the source of the mice. They are getting in to your place somehow. Hire a professional.

There is two left. I just saw them. They're just taunting me now. I got the joint on lock down and the dogs have full access. If I come home and they are still mobile. Poison.

And my house is easy to get in and out of. A horse could walk in (which is possible, because there a ton of wild ones.) I'd **** my pants if I walked in and a senepol cow was sitting on my couch. It's all open air down here. We get a lot of little lizards in the house too, but I like them.

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I know what I'd do. Steaks and hamburgers for everybody! :silly:

I got charged by one once, it was terrifying. I was back there the other day and three of them, shoulder to shoulder, came around the corner and just started walking at us. Google them suckers, they are so freaking big.

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