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How much did Snyder pay these referees?


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The Giants had the benefit of TWO delay of game calls ignored by the officials, once even calling a penalty on us. They had a 41-yard pass interference called on Springs which was bogus. It's not illegal to touch a guy. It's illegal to pull him which didn't happen. They had a bogus 15-yarder on Clark that set up a touchdown drive.

almost forgot about those art. i was screaming at the TV- winning makes you forget the bogus calls.

1 of those was on lavar, another was a first down for the giants i believe.

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I couldn't of said it better myself. The RT on the Giants were holding our players all day. I'd see one of our guys get around him and the RT would hold his shoulders or jersey and pull him away from Manning.

Holding is an understatement, it was more like mugging. I swear every other play I was jumping out of my seat hollering for a flag. Did anyone see the block field goal where one of the Giants tried to trip Harris after he picked the ball up? He literally tried to kick him, no call. The bad calls went both ways but it's always and excuse when you lose. Bad calls are more frustrating when it's a close game but when it's a blow out, cmon it wouldn't have made a damn difference anyway. Cudos to the Giants fans coming on the board and taking it on the chin, they have a hell of a lot more class than the Cowgirls.

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I didn't know we had a psychic on the board, besides the ball was still in play and within reach, a completely clean play.

BTW leading with your helmet is only when you go helmet to helmet, I would liek to see you perform a tackle without your head in front of you.

Watch that play and see where Clark's helmet hits Carters. Also it would be tough to do anything w/o my head because I would be dead. Also I like how you guys mention the non-calls when it comes to holding when you can point out the same thing on the Skins Offensive line, in fact it happens in EVERY game. That is something we as football fans have to come to grips with.

I would also like to say tthat although the refs were horrible, the Redskins played a good game today and for the most part deserved to win. Moss was tremendous and Will Allen went back to being Will Allen. I respect Redskin fans (except for the ones in dresses) and wish you guys the best of luck. With that said, it was brought up on Giants Online this week and it is pretty funny that next week the Giants whole season basically comes down to Kerry Collins when we thought we were done w/ having to worry about him.

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Watch that play and see where Clark's helmet hits Carters. Also it would be tough to do anything w/o my head because I would be dead.

No it didn't. Look, if I can be honest enough to point out areas that were bad calls on you, you should be able to do the same for us. Why aren't you?

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Also it would be tough to do anything w/o my head because I would be dead.

Considering some of your comments here I wouldn't necessarily think that to be true.

Yanno, it's sad, it's just sad when we get the whiners and not the stand up "tough one, congrats" kinda fans posting..........

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Watch that play and see where Clark's helmet hits Carters. Also it would be tough to do anything w/o my head because I would be dead.

sorry- worst call ever. do you want the safety to not hit the WR? they were both in the air.

i'm sorry- i missed the post when you said the giants got worked by the skins and that the giants got some calls....

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I don't know why they put him in at right tackle, the guy is almost legally blind in his right eye! He's pretty decent at left tackle...the Giants should have just used the same line they used in the KC game.

It wouldn't have changed the outcome though

Was it Whitfield? I remember him being pretty solid for Atlanta, but like you said he played LT.

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I think it's hilarious when another team's fans can't admit when their team was beaten by a better team. Even without the bad calls (assuming they were in fact bad calls), the Skins would've still won this game by at least a TD. Look at the stats. The Giants were soundly beaten in every catagory. Also, the Giants still haven't won a road game against a team with a winning record. Which team is the mediocre team here? The Skins are kickin' butts and takin' names and I don't think any team wants to play them right now.

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The redskins have gotten the bad calls for almost every game for the past 2 years.


That 15 yarder on Clark? The pass interference on Springs(same as the one on Moss, except much deeper), that awesome spot Barber got for a first down on that first scoring drive? The holding the Oline got away with MULTIPLE times? Yeah, I think the Giants just suck.

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Originally Posted by JtheRock1

I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

EDIT: Whoever said that Toomer catch wasn't a TD should try to watch the game with his eyes open as it really allows you to see the game better. And what calls did the Giants have thrown their way? The only thing thrown their way were bogus flags. Also I am not saying that we didn't play bad because we were horrible, but its pretty amusing that even though we flat out stunk we still probably would have won if it weren't for this travesty.

You keep crying like this and someone will have to change your formula.

By the way, does this :applause: have any significance for you?

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