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How much did Snyder pay these referees?


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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

WOW! Now that's what I call a poor loser. Yea some calls went our way but some went your way as well. Your boy Carter got lit up and a flag was thrown, why? That was 7 of your points. So take those away and add in the ones you "think" you were screwed out of and you still have your ass handed to you. Quit your crying and take the loss like a man. Hail to the Redskins baby!

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

Hey little ***** why dont you shut the **** up and take it like a man. The Giants got beat down plain and simple. The refs were not the people trying to cover Santana on his frequent trips to the endzone. The refs were not the one who instead of staying in the play and trying to tackle Lemar Marshall after picking of Manning decided to stand still and whine and cry to the refs. Heres to you guys losing in Oakland and Washington winning the division:cheers: :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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Please the refs called everything for the giants the first 3 quarters

Clark Personal Foul, Trap ball called TD, The Giants OL were holding the entire game.

Burress hit Springs, Snee tackled Wynn (gets calkled everytime, we know)

The Giants were whipped today

Yeah I know that Clark personal foul was definitely a bad call...I mean since when is leading with your helmet illegal? Just because he purposely lead with his helmet and purposely tried to hurt someone doesn't make that a penalty.

I disagreed with the Snee holding call, but seriously it's like calling a phantom offensive foul on a team after a guy just hit a game winning shot (I know we still would have been down it's just an example)

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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

EDIT: Whoever said that Toomer catch wasn't a TD should try to watch the game with his eyes open as it really allows you to see the game better. And what calls did the Giants have thrown their way? The only thing thrown their way were bogus flags. Also I am not saying that we didn't play bad because we were horrible, but its pretty amusing that even though we flat out stunk we still probably would have won if it weren't for this travesty.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and look at the play again. The ball moved when it hit the ground. He didn't have possession.


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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

EDIT: Whoever said that Toomer catch wasn't a TD should try to watch the game with his eyes open as it really allows you to see the game better. And what calls did the Giants have thrown their way? The only thing thrown their way were bogus flags. Also I am not saying that we didn't play bad because we were horrible, but its pretty amusing that even though we flat out stunk we still probably would have won if it weren't for this travesty.

You make all Giants fans look bad with this post. We outplayed you today. We stopped Tiki and made Manning beat us, which we didn't. A simple gameplan that was executed fairly well.

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i forgot to say- comletely asshat post by bluwave. WTF are you talking about? g men got calls all day. just like art and co said- you got your only offfensive TD as a result of a BS call for UR. totally ridiculous. you are an idiot and do a disservice to your fanbase. be more like tom, blu.

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At least our owner is still ALIVE!!!

Wow, that was classless...

Congrats on the win. The Giants played like complete crap, the Redskins played well, they wanted it more and they deserved the "W". I only saw the 1st half of the game, but the Toomer touchdown looked pretty clear to me. I heard that there was blatant pass interference on Burress toward the end that wasnt called, but I can't vouch for it as I didnt see it. I'm not going to blame the refs though

Even if there were bad calls, the Giants didnt deserve to win this game the way they played. Hopefully these two teams will meet again in the playoffs. Good game, the skins deserved it and showed they are to be taken seriously.

Merry Christmas

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