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How much did Snyder pay these referees?


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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

EDIT: Whoever said that Toomer catch wasn't a TD should try to watch the game with his eyes open as it really allows you to see the game better. And what calls did the Giants have thrown their way? The only thing thrown their way were bogus flags. Also I am not saying that we didn't play bad because we were horrible, but its pretty amusing that even though we flat out stunk we still probably would have won if it weren't for this travesty.

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I was just going to come here to say it. Between that stupid holding call, that BS Roughing the passer call, the favorable spot on the last Skins TD and so many more this game became a joke not only because our team played horrible, but because if we would have had referees who were competent and didn't pull their groin walking then the game would have been completely different. The only thing I can say is that after watching this game I know for a fact that when we play these guys in the Meadowlands we will probably win by at least two touchdowns because w/o the help of the referees they are at most times a very average team.

The 12th man was in full force today, however it wasn't the crowd like the Redskin fans would like to think...The 12th man was the referee. Enjoy the win Skins fans and the 1st round playoff loss that will probably come with it.

does the wittle baby have dipey rash?

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