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How much did Snyder pay these referees?


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Yeah I know that Clark personal foul was definitely a bad call...I mean since when is leading with your helmet illegal? Just because he purposely lead with his helmet and purposely tried to hurt someone doesn't make that a penalty.

I didn't know we had a psychic on the board, besides the ball was still in play and within reach, a completely clean play.

BTW leading with your helmet is only when you go helmet to helmet, I would liek to see you perform a tackle without your head in front of you.

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Wow, that was classless...

Congrats on the win. The Giants played like complete crap, the Redskins played well, they wanted it more and they deserved the "W". I only saw the 1st half of the game, but the Toomer touchdown looked pretty clear to me. I heard that there was blatant pass interference on Burress toward the end that wasnt called, but I can't vouch for it as I didnt see it. I'm not going to blame the refs though

Even if there were bad calls, the Giants didnt deserve to win this game the way they played. Hopefully these two teams will meet again in the playoffs. Good game, the skins deserved it and showed they are to be taken seriously.

Merry Christmas

props to you tiki! nice class.

the call was a non call on springs. springs was going for a ball that was in front of burress. one of those calls that you think is great if youre the skins, bad if youre the giants.

edit- 'tiki'! thanks, man.

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Oh yeah I forgot one important thing.

The Redskins won because they can tackle, the Giants meanwhile seemed to have caught the non-tackling bug from KC. Great execution by the skins

Thank you BlueTiki. I think you are the first Giants fan besides Tom to not makes excuses.

It was one hell of a game. Reminds me of the old NFC East days. If we have to play you guys in the first round at NY we will prob not win.

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The Giants had the benefit of TWO delay of game calls ignored by the officials, once even calling a penalty on us. They had a 41-yard pass interference called on Springs which was bogus. It's not illegal to touch a guy. It's illegal to pull him which didn't happen. They had a bogus 15-yarder on Clark that set up a touchdown drive.

I wouldn't have called the roughing the passer on you guys, though, by rule it was a penalty. And, to be fair, Snee didn't hold, though you got away with several holds throughout, so it almost had to be called at some point.

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How can the refs be responsible for 5 (FIVE) TD's?? Why, even Mark B spotted you 7 Take that away and you had 13 pts! Portis 100+ yards, Tiki ?? Moss, Mucho Yards, Plaxico ?? I believe he was shut out in the first 1/2.. 4th down tries?? Blocked FG?? Skins didn't even have to try a FG. ETC. ETC. Gwan Home Boy! YOU TIRE ME

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :point2sky :point2sky

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Can't wait to get some Linebackers back? Since when did the Linebackers cover Moss 30+yds downfield? Your LB's didn't lose the game for you, your team was simply outplayed. The Refs didn't give it to us, your non tackling team gave it to us. We punished your guys all day long on both sides of the ball. The only aspect of the game in which your team executed better than ours was CRYING! How funny is it when Shockey cried while Marshall's running downfield with the INT. Now that's classic! Too bad the mediots won't show that play over and over again. LOL, that one should get the play of the game award.

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props to you tike! nice class.

the call was a non call on springs. springs was going for a ball that was in front of burress. one of those calls that you think is great if youre the skins, bad if youre the giants.

Yeah, I didn't see it personally so I can't really say anything about it. I'm just going by what someone else told me. The 'skins were going to win this game regardless and deservedly so.

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The Giants had the benefit of TWO delay of game calls ignored by the officials, once even calling a penalty on us. They had a 41-yard pass interference called on Springs which was bogus. It's not illegal to touch a guy. It's illegal to pull him which didn't happen. They had a bogus 15-yarder on Clark that set up a touchdown drive.

I wouldn't have called the roughing the passer on you guys, though, by rule it was a penalty. And, to be fair, Snee didn't hold, though you got away with several holds throughout, so it almost had to be called at some point.

I couldn't of said it better myself. The RT on the Giants were holding our players all day. I'd see one of our guys get around him and the RT would hold his shoulders or jersey and pull him away from Manning.

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being on the wrong side of calls for years has made me unsympathetic to anyone else


Can't be said better than that. Period.

and btw,

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :

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I couldn't of said it better myself. The RT on the Giants were holding our players all day. I'd see one of our guys get around him and the RT would hold his shoulders or jersey and pull him away from Manning.

I don't know why they put him in at right tackle, the guy is almost legally blind in his right eye! He's pretty decent at left tackle...the Giants should have just used the same line they used in the KC game.

It wouldn't have changed the outcome though

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