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I wanted to let you guys know.....[merged X 3]


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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

I'm sure they did it on purpose, one: because it's the Redskins and two: because they figured it would be an easy win.

I really don't think this was designed to slight the Skins. It's the Cowboys first home game and it's MNF. Coming off a 6-10 season, I pray that the Cowboys are not viewing ANYBODY on the schedule as an easy win.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

I really don't think this was designed to slight the Skins. It's the Cowboys first home game and it's MNF. Coming off a 6-10 season, I prey that the Cowboys are not viewing ANYBODY on the schedule as an easy win.

I hope the Redskins "prey" ON the Cowboys that night. :D

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I can't wait to see how hard our guys are going to be hitting that night!!!!

I'm telling you our defense is going to be punishing the cowpukes.

Time to stab the beast in the heart, that night will be perfect!:evil:

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Lord in heaven we need to beat those Cowturds on that Monday night game.I will say right now that if we lose this one,that may be all she wrote for the season,given the history of the last 14 years or so.:point2sky :dallasuck

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Originally posted by MONTEY

Lord in heaven we need to beat those Cowturds on that Monday night game.I will say right now that if we lose this one,that may be all she wrote for the season,given the history of the last 14 years or so.:point2sky :dallasuck

That's a bit...extreme, seeing that that game falls on week 2.

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Originally posted by The Bounty Hunter #21

Hey how bout if LaVar gives out a speech about how he planted Aikman on his a**..in his last game

Cool and then Lavar can start talking about his SB rings and how he will be a sure fire first ballot Hall of Famer.... that would be aaawwwwweeeessoooommmmeeeeeee!

I couldn't just sit back... I had to join in the fun! :cool: :D

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We'll get the monkey off our back in my lifetime I think.

In other words embarass them 12 years in a row with 22-2 record over the course of the next 12 seasons:laugh:

I'll wager any Cowboy fans on this board that the Skins will beat them.

Any takers? We can do money as well as sigs, anything.

Step up.

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Bigredskin77 . I am not discouraging you from posting away and such, ( and to be honest, I'd rather this news comes from a Redskins fan than a Cowboys fan), but one of those fans of "those people", started a thread about this yesterday. It's the offseason and we're all a little bored now waiting for camp to start, but take some time to look at the front page a little closer. You'll find it. Hang in there. Takes time for the place to warm up to ya and vice versa. :)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Bigredskin77 . I am not discouraging you from posting away and such, ( and to be honest, I'd rather this news comes from a Redskins fan than a Cowboys fan), but one of those fans of "those people", started a thread about this yesterday. It's the offseason and we're all a little bored now waiting for camp to start, but take some time to look at the front page a little closer. You'll find it. Hang in there. Takes time for the place to warm up to ya and vice versa. :)

I just wanna hear everybody's feedback on what Emmit Smith said about jerry Jones showin off i dont anybody posted that yesterday.

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Originally posted by illone

We'll get the monkey off our back in my lifetime I think.

In other words embarass them 12 years in a row with 22-2 record over the course of the next 12 seasons:laugh:

I'll wager any Cowboy fans on this board that the Skins will beat them.

Any takers? We can do money as well as sigs, anything.

Step up.

How much

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