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Aikman, Irvin, Smith will enter Ring of Honor together

July 20, 2005

CBS SportsLine.com wire reports

IRVING, Texas -- Of all the accolades and honors that Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith earned throughout their careers with the Dallas Cowboys, their favorite was something simple: their shared nickname, "The Triplets."


While the phrase linked them in the minds of others, the teammates really were as tight as brothers. Each inspired, cajoled and teased the best out of the other two and their entire team was better off for it. Dallas went from 1-15 the year before they became a threesome to Super Bowl champions in their third, fourth and sixth years together.

Now that all three are retired, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has found another way to get the trio back together, announcing Wednesday that on Sept. 19 they'll become the 13th, 14th and 15th recipients of the club's Ring of Honor.

"Honestly," a teary-eyed Irvin said, "this is the best way."

Aikman, Irvin and Smith shared their memories for more than an hour in a news conference at Texas Stadium. The franchise's five Super Bowl trophies gleamed on a table in front of them and the field was visible behind them; from the right angle, banners commemorating the three Super Bowls they won were flapping high over their heads.

Aikman recalled that the last time he was in this setting was his retirement press conference and he mentioned then how much he loved the "Triplets" nickname.

"So when Jerry called me up and said we want you to go into the Ring of Honor and we've got a couple of special people we've got to go in with you named Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith, to me it was really the way that it should be," Aikman said.

"We're so connected," added Smith.

Irvin mocked the current "Triplets" in Indianapolis, Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison and Edgerrin James.

"We are the Triplets because we won three Super Bowls," Irvin said. "I need some championships in there somewhere!"

As fitting as their shared tribute is the timing of their ceremony: a Monday night game against their top division rival, the Washington Redskins.

"The Redskins are going to hate it. They better hate it because I don't care much for them," Smith said, smiling wide. "Jerry is going to showboat in front of them."

The trio arrived separately over three straight summers, 1988-90, each a first-round pick. Irvin, drafted by Tex Schramm and Tom Landry, got hurt his rookie year and the team went 3-13, so bad that Dallas got the next No. 1 overall pick. Jones arrived in time to choose Aikman, but the Cowboys went 1-15.

The bolded quote has me pumped for the game, to beat the Cowboys on a special night for their franchise........Hopefully this is when we get the monkey off of our back.

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"The Redskins are going to hate it. They better hate it because I don't care much for them," Smith said, smiling wide. "Jerry is going to showboat in front of them."

I believe now would be a propitious time to use a few relevant smileys. Courtesy of Extreme. Ahem.

:cuss: :rant: :coach: :slap:

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

"The Redskins are going to hate it. They better hate it because I don't care much for them," Smith said, smiling wide. "Jerry is going to showboat in front of them."

I believe now would be a propitious time to use a few relevant smileys. Courtesy of Extreme. Ahem.

:cuss: :rant: :coach: :slap:

Now now.

Dont you think Snyder would showboat too?;)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

"The Redskins are going to hate it. They better hate it because I don't care much for them," Smith said, smiling wide. "Jerry is going to showboat in front of them."

That statement coming from the same B!TCH that complained about TO disrespecting the Cowboys "in their own house" & ACTUALLY CRYING :cry: about it on national television? Like anyone gives 2 :pooh: :pooh: about what that tard has to say. :doh:

Give me a break, Emmitt. Don't one of your daughters have a softball game you have to go watch or something? I mean, afterall, that's the only reason you returned to Dallas as Cardinal, right? You B!TCH! :nutkick:

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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The planets are not aligned in our favor, but to rain on their Ring of Dishonor parade?!?!? Oh sh*t!!! That would chap some hides in Cowboyville. We win while Gaykmin, Pleamaker, and the 2nd greatest RB of all time are in the house!?!?! Oh sh*t!!! If the REDSKIN WIN ONLY ONE GAME IN 2005 it HAS to be that GAME!!!

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

Now now.

Dont you think Snyder would showboat too?;)

Some of your buddies would like us to believe that he isn't showboating but that this is the only time all 3 of them could be at the stadium together. :rolleyes: Yeah, right. Like these guys don't make millions of dollars & are on tv & couldn't POSSIBLY be replaced for 1 friggin weekend. What-the-f***-ever.

It's ok, though. We paraded the 70 Greatest Redskins on MNF against the Cowboys...and lost. Now it's time to return the favor. :D

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Ring of Honor :)

First home game of the year vs. the skins----- the crowd was already going to be in a frenzy-- this will only create more of a frenzy... should be an interesting game!

I have to say, I've been down there for the last three years for the skins / dallas game. I struggle to remember at anytime when those fans are in a frenzy..

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if anything that article about dallas showboating them on mnf should be posted on a board in the skins locker room before the game to get them pumped up. i'll join any sig wager any cowboys fan wants to get into with me.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

That's a bit...extreme, seeing that that game falls on week 2.

A bit extreme.I know it falls on the second week,but that is a huge early game in my opinion.Lose,and the skins will not hear the end of it from us fans or the critics.Win, and we will get that monkey off our back,with a feeling we can beat any team.Gotta beat those Cowturds.:helmet: :dallasuck

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Originally posted by MONTEY

A bit extreme.I know it falls on the second week,but that is a huge early game in my opinion.Lose,and the skins will not hear the end of it from us fans or the critics.Win, and we will get that monkey off our back,with a feeling we can beat any team.Gotta beat those Cowturds.:helmet: :dallasuck

Well, I know it's Dallas, but I don't think losing to them in week 2 (so long as it's not a blowout or a vicious come-from-behind victory) will determine the rest of our season. I think that if there is any game this season that will be defining, it will be the week 9 meeting with the Eagles. By that time, that game could make or break us...or them. I just think saying that a week 2 game is a "must-win," regardless of who we are playing, is a little much, that's all. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Well, I know it's Dallas, but I don't think losing to them in week 2 (so long as it's not a blowout or a vicious come-from-behind victory) will determine the rest of our season. I think that if there is any game this season that will be defining, it will be the week 9 meeting with the Eagles. By that time, that game could make or break us...or them. I just think saying that a week 2 game is a "must-win," regardless of who we are playing, is a little much, that's all. :)

Well, okay.I can deal with a early blowout.But a vicious come from behind win like the ones againts us of late,and I'll be sick.:puke: Sick I tell you.How about calling it a necessary win?

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