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Uh, this seems crazy, doesn't it?


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A girl Jessica that is my golf buddies, brothers daughter took FOUR boys to get them tested and they ALL came up negative...

Should the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th been forced to pay for the well being of the child?

Sometimes it is best to get the right person...

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Seems to me that 3 things should be done

-- End the practice of "substitute service" this is a serious enough issue to demand envelope to hand delivery.

-- Do not have a time limit for establishing paternity via DNA test. I don't care if a guy did think he was the father the second he finds out he isn't the payments should be able to be stopped by him.

-- Men need to learn about and involve themselves in fathers rights. The custody system in this country is a joke. Women used to get screwed by dead beat dads, and thanks to NOW and other feminist groups theat has been fixed (mostly). However once you let a group like NOW in you find it's not easy to get them out. They are pushing for more slanted judgements and more bias (if that's even possible). Educate yourself and get involved. If you don't your kids aren't yours, they are hers and you are reduced to a wallet and a birthday present.

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So is this another darn activist CA court?

It seems to me they did the right thing. Are we going to hear those on the board who regularly attack activist courts argue the court should not have overturned the ruling based on the laws the legislature had passed (or failed to pass when the former governer vetoed).

I say good for the second district court of appeals in CA in this case.

It does bring up an interesting point though. What is the courts roll? Is it to enforce the laws as written no matter how poorly written or is it to promote justice/prevent gross miscarriages of justice. That's the question that kept me from pursuing a legal profession as I wanted early in highschool.

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Originally posted by Destino

Seems to me that 3 things should be done

-- End the practice of "substitute service" this is a serious enough issue to demand envelope to hand delivery.

-- Do not have a time limit for establishing paternity via DNA test. I don't care if a guy did think he was the father the second he finds out he isn't the payments should be able to be stopped by him.

-- Men need to learn about and involve themselves in fathers rights. The custody system in this country is a joke. Women used to get screwed by dead beat dads, and thanks to NOW and other feminist groups theat has been fixed (mostly). However once you let a group like NOW in you find it's not easy to get them out. They are pushing for more slanted judgements and more bias (if that's even possible). Educate yourself and get involved. If you don't your kids aren't yours, they are hers and you are reduced to a wallet and a birthday present.

:cheers: Sometimes I love ya, man. :laugh:

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Originally posted by gbear

So is this another darn activist CA court?

It seems to me they did the right thing. Are we going to hear those on the board who regularly attack activist courts argue the court should not have overturned the ruling based on the laws the legislature had passed (or failed to pass when the former governer vetoed).

I say good for the second district court of appeals in CA in this case.

It does bring up an interesting point though. What is the courts roll? Is it to enforce the laws as written no matter how poorly written or is it to promote justice/prevent gross miscarriages of justice. That's the question that kept me from pursuing a legal profession as I wanted early in highschool.

Actually, when a law is unconstitutional, their job is to completely ignore it.

Of course, no one knows what that means anymore...so, uh....

I believe that this kind of ruling is actually illegal according to such precepts, but I don't want to say with certainty yet.

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I was just referring to the article where:

"In hearing Navarro's appeal, the Second District Court acknowledged that "by strict application of the law, appellant should be denied relief ... Sometimes even more important policies than the finality of judgments are at stake, however."

To me, that's being an activist judicial branch and not appologizing about it. Of course, I think they were correct to be activist if they did in fact believe the law as written gave them no just outcome.

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Originally posted by Art

Well, uh, yes. I'd be more than happy to send support checks, and, to re-engage my relationship with mom :).

And China, if Art passes, I will adopt you and marry your mom myself :D;) :tongue:

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Originally posted by Destino

Seems to me that 3 things should be done

-- End the practice of "substitute service" this is a serious enough issue to demand envelope to hand delivery.

-- Do not have a time limit for establishing paternity via DNA test. I don't care if a guy did think he was the father the second he finds out he isn't the payments should be able to be stopped by him.

-- Men need to learn about and involve themselves in fathers rights. The custody system in this country is a joke. Women used to get screwed by dead beat dads, and thanks to NOW and other feminist groups theat has been fixed (mostly). However once you let a group like NOW in you find it's not easy to get them out. They are pushing for more slanted judgements and more bias (if that's even possible). Educate yourself and get involved. If you don't your kids aren't yours, they are hers and you are reduced to a wallet and a birthday present.

Gentlemen, have sex with your wife and no-one but your wife.

Birth control is not 100% effective. That means that for every 100 times a heterosexual couple has sexual intercourse, at least 1 child is created. Whether that child is wanted or not.

There is a very good reason why marriage was created, why it should be considered sacred, and why adultery should be considered wrong. This business of having sex with who-ever and when-ever leads to short-term pleasure and long term headaches.

Not to mention what is does to the poor children who are born under these circumstances. Here you have a child who finds out the person being "punished" (by means of child support) for being their father is not their father. The child then does not know who their father is, they don't know "who they are or where they came from."

Anyway you look at it, it is a mess. And I am not cleaning it up.

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Originally posted by Tommy-the-Greek

Why can't we have a national referendum and vote to remove California from the nation?

Better to just have the referendum to deport all the people. Let's keep all the natural resources.:)

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Birth control is not 100% effective. That means that for every 100 times a heterosexual couple has sexual intercourse, at least 1 child is created. Whether that child is wanted or not.

uhhh....no it doesn't, it means that of all the people in the history of birth control who have used birth control and engaged in intercourse, there has been at least one pregnancy.

Going off the top of my head, I think there's about 4.6 billion people on the planet...


so then at most there have been 100 humpings per human...


* 100



that means that in the last, about 65 years, there has no more than that many humpings. c'mon, we're hornier than that.

Otherwise I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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