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Uh, this seems crazy, doesn't it?


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Originally posted by Destino

Seems to me that 3 things should be done

-- End the practice of "substitute service" this is a serious enough issue to demand envelope to hand delivery.

-- Do not have a time limit for establishing paternity via DNA test. I don't care if a guy did think he was the father the second he finds out he isn't the payments should be able to be stopped by him.

-- Men need to learn about and involve themselves in fathers rights. The custody system in this country is a joke. Women used to get screwed by dead beat dads, and thanks to NOW and other feminist groups theat has been fixed (mostly). However once you let a group like NOW in you find it's not easy to get them out. They are pushing for more slanted judgements and more bias (if that's even possible). Educate yourself and get involved. If you don't your kids aren't yours, they are hers and you are reduced to a wallet and a birthday present.

Destino, thank you for wording exactly how I feel. :)

Gentlemen, it's simple. Beware of all of the entry points you are offered - some are more secure than others. And make sure you wear a condom, please. Take responsibility for your own bodily fluids and be aware of the possible consequences resulting from where they are left. ;)

If you aren't the child's father, or you aren't sure about whether you are or not, take the bull by the horns, find the money, pay for the damn test and take it.

If it turns out that you ARE, step up to the podium and live up to your responsibilities. Be there for your kids. (And see a lawyer if you are not married to your children's mother.)

If it turns out that you aren't, talk to a lawyer. Now.

Lastly, if you are not the father, but have an emotional attachment to the child, and the relationship with the child is good, try to salvage it. That child is not going to know what is what once the test results are discussed, and shouldn't have to suffer the loss of your relationship in total because of those results (I know, it's idealistic, but hey...).

Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

uhhh....no it doesn't, it means that of all the people in the history of birth control who have used birth control and engaged in intercourse, there has been at least one pregnancy.

Going off the top of my head, I think there's about 4.6 billion people on the planet...


so then at most there have been 100 humpings per human...


* 100



that means that in the last, about 65 years, there has no more than that many humpings. c'mon, we're hornier than that.

Otherwise I agree with you wholeheartedly.

In terms of events of sexual intercourse, I think it depends on which relationship/marriage arrangement you find yourself in. At least, this is the sense I got from reading other threads here, right gentlemen? ;)

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Actually, this case could have a reflection on another one that was discussed, here, recently.

Aparantly, one of the laws this court decided to ignore was one creating "presumptive fathers": In effect, declaring that if someone starts to care for a child, then he's (and, supposedly, she's) committed to continue doing so.

I'd claim that if he, say, paid child support for a few years and then demanded a paternity test, then that law would apply, too. (Now, if he didn't know about the court ruling untill five years later when some cops show up at his door, and he immediatly protests, then that's another matter.)

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