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Hamas Attacks Against Israel


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I just started reading Son of Hamas by Mosab Youssef, and I highly recommend it! Does a great job of illustrating the Palestinian condition and mentality.  If you search him on YouTube there are some pretty good interviews, but the book provides much greater insights.  And it's a page turner!

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back Saturday against growing international calls for a cease-fire, saying Israel’s battle to crush Gaza’s ruling Hamas militants will continue with “full force.” 


A cease-fire would be possible only if all 239 hostages held by militants in Gaza are released, Netanyahu said in a televised address. 


The Israeli leader also insisted that after the war, now entering its sixth week, Gaza would be demilitarized and Israel would retain security control there. The position appears to run counter to post-war scenarios floated by Israel’s closest ally, the United States, which has said it opposes an Israeli reoccupation of the territory.


I don't want to fund some forever occupation

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

Deal with the problem now or deal with it later.  Israel waiting too long to crush Hamas, now the problem is huge and difficult to accomplish cleanly.

America spends a lot for security assistance to Israel each year already.



It sure does seem like Israel wants Iran and hezbolah to join in. No need to make such inflammatory statements unless you are trying to get them to jump.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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40 minutes ago, Larry said:


Funny. I'm pretty sure Hamas says that they're not responsible for the people they kill, either. 

Unfortunately it's not going to bode well as we host the largest jewish and muslim communities in Europe.

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On 11/12/2023 at 11:12 AM, Larry said:


Funny. I'm pretty sure Hamas says that they're not responsible for the people they kill, either. 

No one is, in the age of media driven public sentiment. None can admit that killing isn’t just some side effect of persecuting their war, but also a goal in and of itself. They’re out for vengeance, both sides in this conflict, and the suffering they inflict is part of the price they mean to exact. 

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During at least two of Ballet Folklórico Mexicano de Yale’s three fall showcase performances this past weekend, the dance group included a QR code labeled “Support Palestine” on its on-stage projection screen, alongside a separate QR code for the show’s program. The “Support Palestine” QR code directed audience members to a three-slide Instagram post by the account @desolasol.colectiva, with a title slide that reads “Collection of resources to aid Palestine.” The second slide listed donation information for four groups — the Middle East Children’s Alliance, Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians and Gaza Mutual Aid Collective. The third and final slide is a graphic with the heading “Support Palestinian anarchist fighters.” 

The last slide listed a Venmo handle — which, as of Monday night, appears to no longer exist — and also tags another Instagram account called @abolishtheusa. That account features a handful of posts from this month showing support for Fauda, a self-described “anarchist movement in Palestine” that the account says associates itself with Hamas, which the United States recognizes as a terrorist group. According to the account, a Fauda member in an interview described the organization as one of “15 anti-Zionist resistance groups in Palestine” — specifically including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Kitab al-Aqsa — that are “all together” and “follow the same goal.” 


In an email sent to Ballet Folklórico members yesterday at 4:14 p.m., the co-presidents wrote that they made the decision to include the QR code hours before the first show “without consulting the board or membership,” which they called a “substantial oversight.” They apologized to members who were “unwillingly and unknowingly aligned” with the statements.

Fundraising for terrorists directly… and their response wasn’t that they didn’t know how this could have happened, or that they didn’t know the slide was there, but that they failed to consult with the board of membership. 

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So do you guys think Israel actually finds these tunnels and underground bases? They’ve built them up and used them to justify dropped bombs into civilian populated areas. In some ways these bunkers, tunnels, and bases in hospitals have become their search for WMDs. I think they’re going to have to prove it,  convincingly, or lose a tremendous amount of credibility.

I have doubts. I believe that Hamas is working out of civilian locations, but a secret underground complex of interconnected tunnels and bunkers? That’s feels beyond them.


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5 hours ago, Destino said:

So do you guys think Israel actually finds these tunnels and underground bases? They’ve built them up and used them to justify dropped bombs into civilian populated areas. In some ways these bunkers, tunnels, and bases in hospitals have become their search for WMDs. I think they’re going to have to prove it,  convincingly, or lose a tremendous amount of credibility.

I have doubts. I believe that Hamas is working out of civilian locations, but a secret underground complex of interconnected tunnels and bunkers? That’s feels beyond them.



Hamas has been building tunnels and bunkers in the Gaza strip for decades, .and if you do anything for that long you get good at it.


‘A spider’s web of tunnels’: inside Gaza’s underground network being targeted by Israel | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian


...The phenomenon of tunnels in Gaza is not a new one – they appeared long before Hamas’s takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007 and are used for smuggling and rudimentary military operations, including to mine Israeli positions.


...Hamas’s military engineers in particular had become highly adept at building tunnels, developing systems with concrete-faced walls, ventilation and military communication systems.


...There are claims that some tunnels are as deep as 45 metres (150ft), and the main communication tunnels are big enough for a motorbike to drive through.

As an indication of the potential scale of the network, just over a decade ago Israel uncovered a tunnel from Gaza into Israel that was 1.5 miles long and 20 metres underground that required 800 tonnes of concrete to build.



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You can't put it past them, the Vietnamese had tunnels, hospitals, garrisons underground.


I think it is entirely believable. 
But like Destino says, actual proof would be good to have, although I honestly can't trust video, photo.. it's hard to know what is real and what is not.



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“We’re not pro terrorism, we’re pro Palestine” has shifted several times in just a month. Last week I saw a lot more open endorsement of the idea that Hamas are liberators, which was the message SJP chapters across the country were told to convey by their national chapter. There’s been a new shift. Now social media is buzzing, incredibly, with essentially “Osama Bin Laden was right”



TikTok is where a lot of this sudden pro Hamas bull**** reached young people and now it’s flooded with the above. Watch the video. I said a while ago the propaganda campaign by Hamas on social media was overt, but who knew it would be this effective?

This is also a reminder to keep your kids off social media. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

If you go searching for famous tunnel networks there’s some crazy stuff put there. 

I guess I hadn’t really put much into it but people basically built underground cities 

I’ve fallen into many “under city” rabbit holes. France is the most famous but there are many more. Really interesting stuff. I don’t think Gaza really had an under city that Hamas could simply infest, so I was thinking of the construction difficulty of building an actual underground network. Hamas doesn’t strike me as competent enough to build a umbrella corporation evil lair under Gaza.

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15 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Weird how they're all going through an "existential crisis". Almost like reading from a script they are. 🤣


I get it. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Unfortunately that disregards that terrorists purposefully target innocent human beings to achieve their goals. 

It also ignores what this particular terrorist’s goals were. Who he was. What he did. What the world he wanted looked like. Al Qaeda was not the voice of the oppressed masses yearning to be free. He offered brutal religious tyranny to those who followed, and brutality to those that refused. That the thing with people siding with terrorist, they always want to repeat their tragic origin story, but never discuss what their version of victory looks like.

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