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The Everything 118th Congress Thread


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5 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


. It almost makes me glad that I'm near the end of my days unless we have a huge Blue Wave in 2024 and forward to outlaw theocracy.


Theocracy is technically already outlaw'd in this country, folks are just trying to tell people what they want to hear in hopes of attacking the blockers to implementing one.


Btw, I felt that 110% on throwing up after having sex with men, and I've given this scenario to folks about how sick they would feel if straight and having sex with someone of the same sex.  As adamant as some straight people are it's fascinating this disconnect to anyone having this type of visceral reaction to "what they supposed to do" because they aren't straight. 


Thats the extent of it being a choice in my mind...so ill let anyone help set record straight on folks that marry someone of opposite sex then wanting out because they are gay, that sounds more bi to me then gay.  My life is not in danger for being straight, so i can understand some folks pretending best they can, to an extent, because I totally believe what you just said about your own experience.

3 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

🤷 Who's to say anymore? Could be a rumor. But so would one about the new House Speaker and his wife having a Jerry Falwell Jr. thing going on. It's so hard to tell these days. 


Alabama has a bunch of folks up to no good and pretending to be goodie two shoes...ill listen to the evidence if there is any, otherwise, I'll stick the stuff that can be proven doing that already pisses me off.


At some point rumors are just a distraction and some horrible people bring them up as trying to lump in facts with the rumors to try and delegitimize them.

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So I wanted to know what the bank account limits were.  It could be possible that a disclosure isn't required for something like  $15k account.  But its $5k.  


But this would mean him and his wife live paycheck to paycheck.  While I find it hard to believe for a Congressional Representative -- its not impossible.  Especially since they have 4 kids.   But if a Congress member who makes like $174k a year is living paycheck to paycheck.... and this fine? 


Does the media think this is okay?  Like, this seems like an indictment of the US economic system, wealth disparities (like if this guy can't afford $5k in savings what does that say about median America.).  

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21 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

So I wanted to know what the bank account limits were.  It could be possible that a disclosure isn't required for something like  $15k account.  But its $5k.  


But this would mean him and his wife live paycheck to paycheck.  While I find it hard to believe for a Congressional Representative -- its not impossible.  Especially since they have 4 kids.   But if a Congress member who makes like $174k a year is living paycheck to paycheck.... and this fine? 


Does the media think this is okay?  Like, this seems like an indictment of the US economic system, wealth disparities (like if this guy can't afford $5k in savings what does that say about median America.).  


Yeah, hard to believe someone who has worked in the private sector as a lawyer has zero 401k/IRA accounts. I think I read this is his 4th term in office & he doesn't have Fed gov't retirement account? Something's not right...

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Senate Republicans unveil border security demands for Ukraine funding


Senate Republicans, led by Sens. Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Tom Cotton (Ark.) and James Lankford (Okla.), on Monday unveiled a list of immigration reforms they will demand be attached to any foreign aid package funding the war in Ukraine, signaling a difficult negotiation with Democrats in the next few weeks. 


The Republican senators who have been in talks with a broader cross-section of the Senate GOP conference want a variety of changes to immigration and asylum policy, which Democrats have so far resisted. 


They want the Department of Homeland Security to resume construction of the southwestern border wall, beef up pay for Border Patrol agents, reform the nation’s asylum laws, crack down on humanitarian parole of illegal migrants and deny asylum to migrants who cross through safe third countries before coming to the United States. 


“We must make policy changes to reduce the flow of immigration.  The world is on fire and threats to our homeland are at an all-time high. President Biden’s border policies are not working and it’s time to change course. Our proposal makes the necessary changes that our country needs at this critical time,” said Graham, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in a statement accompanying a one-page list of proposals.  


The GOP senators want to raise the standard for asylum requests for migrants who claim “credible fear of persecution.” They want claimants to demonstrate it would be “more likely than not” they would face persecution if they remain in their home countries — a higher bar than the current requirement of facing a “significant possibility” of persecution.  


They say migrants should be required to request asylum at legal ports of entry, which they argue would make it easier for Border Patrol agents to focus on drug smugglers and criminals. 


They want to reduce what they call “frivolous delays” in deportation proceedings by making the denial of a migrant’s claim for asylum “controlling” when that same migrant tries to raise a need for asylum as a defense from being removed from the country. 


Click on the link for the full article

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The House is getting jammed... the House is getting jammed... there will be a CR and there's nothing the House has to hold leverage. 


We might have a couple day shutdown...Speaker Mike J is going to realize the Senate is not up for much budget fights.  Israel, Ukraine and border aid will prolly be handled seperatly.  

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@Cooked Crack

It is not hard to read the effing tea leaves. But even if you take away McCarthy, the GOP is still stuck in a strategic legislative mess. The goal is to put your best bill forward and negotiate with the Senate.  The Gaetz caucus and the appropriators still have bad blood and this bad blood is going to poison the House GOP the rest of the term.  Although I do have the feeling this is some drama that they are playing to get to the across the board 1% cuts.  


One thing Johnson has talked about is some "laddered" CR which funds some agencies to January and others to February.  The problem with this is that it's a non-starter with Dems who view prioritizing agency funding as a horrible idea (and obviously the GOP rouse would be to shutdown agencies that lapse in January and fund everything in February). It seems like he's just trying to move forward with "do something different than what Kevin McCarthy would do". Guess what?  Kmac really did the best he could for you guys.  He already finished the hard negotiations anyway.  If you can't realize that a 50/50 split in your party of "burn down the government" level of cuts and "poison pill policies" vs. "let's keep spending at normal levels" is a near impossible needle to thread... you are in denial. 


The best the GOP is going to be able to get is the 1% across the board cuts that are triggered by CRs. This was negotiated into the debt limit deal by McCarthy.  So, I am sure some agencies might get a larger than 1% cut to prevent other agencies (like VA and Defense) from getting any cut.  I don't know, but I think this is a cut against the topline spending caps. I think appropriators will rightly rail on this, but the Dems are in denial if they aren't planning on it.   I don't necessarily see the need for a "budget fight" standalone thread at the moment.


I see this playing out as a CR into January (and maybe they will have a December deadline) everyone getting upset when the 1% cuts are triggered and full year budget in February with funding levels that take the 1% into account.  I know why the Dems don't want to accept those levels... they want to make it look like the House isn't holding up the deal. 


I hate how Congressional reporters just focus on the day-to-day drama.  Also, everyone has finally come to the point where they agree true shutdowns are a waste of money (for now).  But maybe this was also a McCarthy pillar. If Johnson was interested in a shutdown, he needs to say so now.  This is also a "party leader 101".  






The Senate isn’t waiting any longer With Johnson still mulling his options, Senate Majority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER has filed cloture on a shell bill that will eventually be the vehicle for moving a continuing resolution. Yesterday, Sen. BEN CARDIN (D-Md.) said Democrats want a clean CR that expires before Christmas, a pre-holiday deadline conservatives will loathe.

That timeline, we’re told, is still fluid. Schumer also hasn’t decided whether he’ll try to add the White House’s $106 billion national security supplemental to the CR to make a point — though if he does, it wouldn’t pass. Which leads us to.. [speculation re: Israel funding vs. Ukraine and border funding]



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