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Pick A Number Between 1 - 100: Part 1

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9 minutes ago, abdcskins said:



Q78: Have you ever--or would you ever be interested in--observing a surgery? If so, why and what kind?





2 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:



Q6: What’s something you intended to do today, but didn’t? Why didn't you do it?

Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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3 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q6: What’s something you intended to do today, but didn’t? Why didn't you do it?


Still at my folks for Thanksgiving n whatnot. Totally wanted to walk my dog round their neighborhood to a few good open areas n such. Didn't happen cuz I'm lazy. Plus hes terrible on a leash. Watched some college basketball tho. 🤣

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16 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q78: Have you ever--or would you ever be interested in--observing a surgery? If so, why and what kind?



Probably not no. I could possibly be persuaded if I knew exactly what was going on technically, like what the procedure was - otherwise it is just a bunch of sinew, guts, and blood. I wouldn't even know what I am watching.

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15 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q17: Do you save old greeting cards and letters, or throw them all away?



I save some and throw most away. The only ones I save are from my wife. I don't want to deal with the fight in case they get scrapbooked or something lol. 

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15 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Q96: What items do you currently have stored in the trunk of your car?


Ugh. So much. You couldn't have picked a worse person for this question. I don't even know that I can answer accurately. 


  • full size tire cause i hate spares
  • tire iron
  • hydraulic jack 
  • About 15 laptops i dont know what to do with yet 
  • a bunch of WAPs 🤔 
  • a jacket that I always forget to get 
  • some old sneakers
  • probably a bunch of other junk honestly 
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13 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q88: Who’s the jolliest person you know? Describe him or her.

As corny as this sounds...



I am literally NEVER in a bad mood. I'm cheerful pretty much every single day. I have a million jokes floating around my head for practically every single thing I hear or see, and the one thing I do better than pretty much anything is make people laugh.

I'm nice in public, I smile at people when i walk by. I am the weird guy who will joke with a stranger in line at the store.


i know here on ES I am all huffy and pissed in most of my posts but we're talking about seriously BAD stuff, so that is how I react to it. 

But if any of you knew me in the outside world, there's one of two things that would happen.

1. You'd LOVE me to be around. I'll brighten up your day.

2. You'll hate me and wish I would just shut the hell up.



But chances are it'll be the first and we will LAUGH and laugh and have a blast doing whatever it is we were there to do.

A dear friend who i've known for decades once said "John is a party waiting to happen".
I would like that on my memorial.



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24 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

54.    Come at me bro.



Q54: What’s the best New Year’s resolution you’ve ever made?



15 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

#4, to round out 1-10.


Q4: What’s one of your nicknames? How did you end up getting that nickname?

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8 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Q4: What’s one of your nicknames? How did you end up getting that nickname?


Unfortunately nothing exciting that's ever stuck, usually just a shortened version of my real name.  TTB has me saved in his phone as Spiff.  Meeting ESers is wild, you I think you just usually end up using their screename instead of their real names.  


Let's see.  The wife usually calls me "babe," (yeah, we're one of those couples, shut up) and which is fine with me because I know I'm in some **** when she uses my real name.  That split second where she drops my real name I gotta think about what the hell she could be upset with me for, I'm sure a lot of you can relate.  Some of the guys at the old company used to call me "Chief" since I was a default manager and had been there the longest.  



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27 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



Q54: What’s the best New Year’s resolution you’ve ever made?



Coming to the realization that my life wasn't going to magically improve by making an empty promise to myself at the start of a year, and that I was - by and large - OK with how my life was going anyway, I resolved to never again make a New Year's resolution.

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52 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q15: What animal are you the most like? Why?

A dog. I'm loyal to people and things beyond reason, I'll eat anything in a bowl that's placed in front of me (except avocados, tastes like soap), I'm restless if I don't move around for too long, and I'm dumb but people still love me.

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24 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Q47:  What is something mischievous you have done?






Q61: At what age do you hope to retire? Explain.


Wow that is kind of a tough one. I've been semi-retired the last few years as I complete grad school, and I can't say having a bunch of time on my hands is super fun. I end up gambling my brains out watching sports all day in between hiking/walking with my dog and going our to eat with my girlfriend/friends. It isn't that bad actually, but I miss working. I feel like retirement is only fun when you have a few million in the bank and can do whatever you want, such as traveling. I am 40 now, I'm thinking work for at least twenty years and retire around 63.

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