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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

shouldn’t Nikki Haley be Sonic the Hedgehogging her way across the media landscape, trying to act all foreign policy gravitassy, this week?


That would require bringing up the fact that she was ambassador to the UN. They're not really super popular with the right wingers.


Does Niki ever talk about her time at the UN? Only ever hear her talk about her time as SC governor. 

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20 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:




To quote myself from another thread lol...



On 10/11/2023 at 6:40 PM, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Exactly...and any of the kids shot dead in their schools could have grown up to find a cure for cancer as well.


Republicans never, ever, think things through.


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Hurd was a terrible candidate. Good riddance.


Saw Biden has some opposition in the Dem primaries with Marianne Williamson and some other person Uigyur. Biden has been okay this presidency. Few things he could have done better on, but 3 years into his presidency I give him a solid C.


Better than the D- of the Trump presidency.

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Something wrong about Vivek man. He tries too hard to appeal to our youth. You aren't Obama dude. You're about as wacko as the other people on the stage.


Can't wait for him to drop out.

No one on the Republican side is remotely likable. As much **** as I give the democrats (neutral moderate here) nobody they have is as unlikable as the Republican clowns. Literally all of them are the worst of the worst. Terrible batch.

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1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

Hurd was a terrible candidate. Good riddance.


Saw Biden has some opposition in the Dem primaries with Marianne Williamson and some other person Uigyur. Biden has been okay this presidency. Few things he could have done better on, but 3 years into his presidency I give him a solid C.


Better than the D- of the Trump presidency.


*stares, blinking loudly*


Holy **** man.  The first post I just thought was from a political Mad Libs.  But then I got to the second part here.  


1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

(neutral moderate here) 


You think you're being serious, don't you?


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5 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


*stares, blinking loudly*


Holy **** man.  The first post I just thought was from a political Mad Libs.  But then I got to the second part here.  



You think you're being serious, don't you?


I don't believe in rooting for a political party like a sports team. I think it's dangerous to do that. Just my two cents. I'm not team blue or red. 


based on my moderate beliefs you can also depend on me for unbiased analysis without any hint of bias. which at the end of the day is the goal. 

Edited by ixcuincle
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2 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

I don't believe in rooting for a political party like a sports team. I think it's dangerous to do that. Just my two cents. I'm not team blue or red. 

based on my moderate beliefs you can also depend on unbiased analysis without any hint of bias. which at the end of the day is the goal. 


This can be true and has nothing to do with the posts I quoted above nor does it address the the craziness of what you said.


Any unbiased analysis could not seriously grade those two administratons the way you did.  That has nothing to do with "team color" or whatever.


For the record, I think you could make a decent argument that Biden's grade is C or whatever.  But using that same grading scale, Trump couldn't even qualify for an F.  He'd have to get a "not attended".

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10 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


This can be true and has nothing to do with the posts I quoted above nor does it address the the craziness of what you said.


Any unbiased analysis could not seriously grade those two administratons the way you did.  That has nothing to do with "team color" or whatever.


For the record, I think you could make a decent argument that Biden's grade is C or whatever.  But using that same grading scale, Trump couldn't even qualify for an F.  He'd have to get a "not attended".

we'll agree to disagree, but at least you said Biden was a C


I'm so tired of hearing about how Biden is the best president ever. No he's mid. He's okay. He's not great, he's not Obama, he's too old. Honestly if I were him I wouldn't run in 2024 and just hand off to Kamala.

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5 hours ago, ixcuincle said:

/r/JoeBiden :(

it's like i go online and see all this praise for him. oh he's so great. no he isn't. he's okay.


not that that's bad but let's temper our enthusiasm, clones


1) If you have to go to a reddit group specifically geared towards Biden, then it kinda negates the idea of being tired of seeing Biden called the "greatest president ever"...just don't go to that site lol.


2) I went to that reddit...read through the first 20 or so posts. Not a single one said anything remotely close to indicating Biden is the greatest president ever. By contrast, I constantly DO see Trump supporters--and even members of Congress--proclaiming Trump as the "best president in my lifetime." And I don't have to visit any specific sites or reddit groups dedicated to Trump...I see that nauseating **** everywhere I go online. I even see lawn signs literally saying that **** lol...


3) I'm not sure what type of grading scale you're using or how you determine which praise is acceptable and which praise is over the top, but as someone else pointed out earlier, if Biden gets a C then Trump gets an "Expelled from school system." It's like if a woman went on a blind date and afterwards was asked how the date went:


Woman: "Restaurant was nice, and he was nice enough. Kinda funny at times, too...and he paid for everything. But didn't really connect, no chemistry, and too many awkward silences during the night. I give it a C."


Friend: "Was it better than your last blind date?"


Woman: "Oh, yeah, it was. That guy never shut up, only talked about himself, didn't look like his photo at all, ate off my plate for ****'s sake...said he forgot his wallet and I had to pay for everything. Then he sexually assaulted me and tried to kill me. Luckily I was able to get away to safety. I give that date a D-."





Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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36 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

I'm so tired of hearing about how Biden is the best president ever


31 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Who TF says this?...


30 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

/r/JoeBiden :(

(Sorry for the Quote Notification Califan, you're just collateral damage here)

So...you go on a subreddit specifically about Joe Biden, and are tired of hearing about Biden and how great he is? That's like saying you're tired of hearing people talk about how great Estonia is and how it's such a wonderful place to live while browsing r/Estonia. There's a very easy solution to your problem. 



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