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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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6 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Add this to the list of Trump clips where he appears to be senile. Pretty long montage at this point. 

It really is too bad that the press keeps him in the news to make money. With all the crazy that he vomits it's obvious that he is totally insane and yet they want their money

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2 hours ago, Skintime said:

It really is too bad that the press keeps him in the news to make money. With all the crazy that he vomits it's obvious that he is totally insane and yet they want their money

I don't think you can argue that what the likely GOP nominee for President is saying should not be in the news. One of the problems that was mentioned by some on Twitter this weekend was some of the really stupid stuff Trump says isn't covered by the major outlets. Specifically, the "Truth" tweet where Trump was saying that Milley's post-2020 election coordination with China was something that was "treasonous" and "punishable by death in the past."


Ron Filipkowski is a Trump-hater, but in this piece provides examples of things Trump has said that should get more widespread coverage:



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C'mon! You guys aren't falling for the polling crap again, are you? Polling is far from useless, but the context for which polling should be used has been way too vague these last several years. Quit paying attention to "polls" and listen to what the voters are telling you. You really think that after four years of America hating Trump, rebuking him by electing Biden, rebuking the GOP by voting them out in record numbers that America wants to go back to Trump? No, look at the most recent elections, we're on track for a blue wave. Of course, anything can change. However, the Dems are actually winning elections, not trying to win polling data.


Which brings me to another point: political polling in this country used to try and put a finger on the leanings of America, try to get a sense of what we're feeling. Now, it seems that instead of trying to get the feel of America, polling is trying to tell Americans how to feel. Polls done for clicks, polls with loaded questions and skewed info, polling data can't be trusted like it used to...or the polling process isn't coveted like it used to be.

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4 hours ago, hail2skins said:

One of the problems that was mentioned by some on Twitter this weekend was some of the really stupid stuff Trump says isn't covered by the major outlets. Specifically, the "Truth" tweet where Trump was saying that Milley's post-2020 election coordination with China was something that was "treasonous" and "punishable by death in the past."

Candidate Donald Trump literally stated, on camera, that one of his ideas for dealing with the national debt was to default on it. 


And yeah, the media quoted it. Like once. Without explaining it. And then moved on to the next day's squirrel. 

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I don't see it. Trump has what..3 or 4 pending court cases before the general election?  His name is going to be dragged and he was already proven unelectable n 2020. 


And then..his recent dementia descent into rambling press conferences cannot be good for him. What if the reason he is avoiding these debates is because his handlers know he cannot coherently make it through them?


Finally, the kicker is that the DNC has done nothing yet. Once that machine gets going, how many commercials are we going to see about Trump, Jan 6, windmills and whales, Jeb Bush being President, etc? It moves the needle for the undecideds (whoever the hell they are) and more importantly,  it gets the Biden voters out who for whatever reason wouldn't vote in a normal election. 

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I actually took part in a political poll recently, and some of the questions asked could be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on who was reading the question.


One question asked basically something like "Do you feel the country is heading in A) the right direction, B ) the wrong direction, C) not changing"...I immediately thought if I'm a MAGA Republican I'm probably voting B if for no other reason than Biden is president and the mantra handed down from Trump is that our country is going down the toilet and needs to be rescued. There doesn't really need to be any other reasons for them to choose option "B" and say the country is going in the wrong direction.


And if I'm a Democrat I could easily look at Roe being overturned, banning of books in schools, Supreme court justices getting "gifts" from the wealthy, teachers being called "groomers" for hanging a rainbow in their kindergarten classrooms, MTG and Boebert's regular political insanity, the House filling up their time with useless hearings, and the idea that Trump could theoretically still be elected president even if he's in prison, and ALSO decide the country is going in the wrong direction...which means "B" could get the majority of responses but for wildly different reasons.


However, it would most likely be interpreted as being only about how the public views Biden, and reported as such: "New poll says 62% of Americans thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction under president Biden" even though half of that 62% don't think that at all.


The poll also asked something like "If the election for president were held today, who would you vote for: A) Democrat Joe Biden, B )Republican Donald Trump, C) someone else." If you picked "Someone else," they ask the same question again but say "If you HAD to choose between Biden and Trump, who would you vote for?"--yet still give the option of "C) someone else." And they asked that question after like 15-20 minutes of mind-numbing, butt-numbing repetitive questions so you know a lot of people taking the poll just didn't give a **** anymore about being accurate in their responses...it took all my willpower to read every question and focus on my response. At one point I had to read through 5 pages of questions with each page having 48(!!) statements on it and having to pick whether or not I:


- strongly agreed

- agreed

- somewhat agreed

- didn't agree or disagree

- somewhat disagreed

- disagreed

- strongly disagreed, or

- had no opinion


I still don't know what the difference was between "Don't agree or disagree" and "No opinion" lol...By page 5 I honestly didn't give a single ****. I still answered truthfully but, good lort, I was soooooo damn tempted to just arbitrarily select from the options without caring what the statements said.

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

I don't see it. Trump has what..3 or 4 pending court cases before the general election?  His name is going to be dragged and he was already proven unelectable n 2020.  

Just pointing out. 

1). Second term elections are like 90% simply referenda on the incumbent's job approval. 

2). And 2020 proved that Trump can barely lose an election, if 2,000 Americans are dying every day, GDP is down 5%?, and unemployment is what, 10%?  

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26 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Slightly confused...are you saying Trump "barely" lost the 2020 election?


I think the number I've read was that if 45,000 votes change, Trump wins the election. 

Granted, that's one way of looking at it. And I can appreciate some of the other ways, too. 

Just saying, let's not look at that W as some kind of proof of everlasting victories. 

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40 minutes ago, Larry said:

Just pointing out. 

1). Second term elections are like 90% simply referenda on the incumbent's job approval. 

2). And 2020 proved that Trump can barely lose an election, if 2,000 Americans are dying every day, GDP is down 5%?, and unemployment is what, 10%?  


All of this excludes the effect of Jan 6 and his multiple pending court cases. Again, the effect of those things cannot be fully factored in until the actual vote happens.


I can only suspect Trump will see a marked decrease in his base because of them, when it comes to actual 2024 election. 

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2 hours ago, Larry said:


I think the number I've read was that if 45,000 votes change, Trump wins the election. 

Granted, that's one way of looking at it. And I can appreciate some of the other ways, too. 

Just saying, let's not look at that W as some kind of proof of everlasting victories. 


I think you are thinking of 2016.  2020 was much less close. For example, in 2020, Biden won PA by more than 80,000 votes.  


In 2020, GA and Wisc were really close and went to Biden, but even if you gave both to Trump, Biden still gets over 270 EC votes. 

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14 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I think you are thinking of 2016.  2020 was much less close. For example, in 2020, Biden won PA by more than 80,000 votes.  


In 2020, GA and Wisc were really close and went to Biden, but even if you gave both to Trump, Biden still gets over 270 EC votes. 


Arizona too. But then, NC was closer (total vote difference) for Trump than PA was for Biden. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Former Trump Defense Secretary Insists ‘It’s a Legitimate Fear’ Trump Will Throw Enemies in Jail if Reelected


Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Monday it was “a legitimate fear” that former President Donald Trump could throw his enemies, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, in prison if reelected president in 2024.


During an appearance on CNN’s The Source with Kaitlan Collins, Esper defended Milley from Trump’s most recent attacks and said, “Milley’s tenure was extraordinary. He did a great job, he has served honorably, and he deserves our praise and thanks, and he does not deserve what he’s receiving from President Trump right now.”


Asked by host Kaitlan Collins for his thoughts on the recent report which claimed Milley was afraid Trump would “start throwing people in jail” if reelected and that he would be at the “top of the list,” Esper said, “Look, I think it’s a legitimate fear.”


He continued:



If you’ll recall from my memoir that you mentioned at the top, I cite a circumstance where the president, egged on by his close advisers, wanted to call back to active duty Admiral McRaven and General McChrystal to court martial them for some things that they allegedly said in the public domain, and Milley and I had to talk the president out of doing that for many number of reasons. So is it possible that a new loyalist sitting around Trump in the Oval Office will say, ‘Let’s call up Milley’? Yeah, it’s quite likely.


Now the good news is that there’s a silver lining in all this, is Trump’s kind of poisoned the well. I don’t know that a jury or anybody would find that he could be, given what we would call command influence, that such a thing could happen. But nonetheless, I think it’s a legitimate fear. The president has also said that a second term would be about retribution, right? So, I think these are all legitimate concerns.


Click on the link for the full article


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You gotta wonder which woman (Haley, Noem, Stefanik, Britt) who is chosen and accepts the VP nod realizes what they are getting themselves into. On the one hand, they should be the front runner for the 2028 nomination. On the other, they'll be going in with the baggage of Trump's second term nonsense and will be running against a Dem candidate that will at the very least be significantly younger than Joe.


They all have to secretly hope that either Trump dies in office or (unlikely) that he's only running to show that he can win, say it's proof 2020 was rigged, and lose interest and resign sometime during his term.

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6 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

"Do you feel the country is heading in A) the right direction, B ) the wrong direction, C) not changing"...


Trick question!


The North American plate is moving ~2.5 cm/year to the southwest, and the Australian plate is moving 6.9 cm/year north-north east.  This means the answer is both A and C...the motion hasn't changed and we are approaching Miranda Kerr at around 3.5 cm/year:




so (A) right direction.

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