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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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2 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Don't agree. Maniford chose Pence specifically to help him with the Evangicals and it did then. By 2020, he still had those folks but the people who came out to vote against Trump were greater. 


I agree with this.  Pence gave evangelicals a permission structure to vote for Trump, with all of his myriad unchristianity built in.  Pence could say, I'm an evangelical just like you, and if I can get behind Trump, so can you.  Then, once they crossed the line and got behind Trump, Pence was no longer needed.  But Pence was critical to get those folks across the Rubicon in 2016. 

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7 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Don't agree. Maniford chose Pence specifically to help him with the Evangicals and it did then. By 2020, he still had those folks but the people who came out to vote against Trump were greater. 


I do wonder how many VPs have actually energized a ticket? I know of at least 1 (this century) who sank one...

Edited by The Evil Genius
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1 minute ago, ixcuincle said:

I would gladly vote kamala if Biden stepped aside yet Biden is putting his party at risk by continuing to run for office. I don't see why he doesn't drop out and let kamala run. she is ready. and she'd wreck Trump. 


I would like to see that, and have her start January 1st with the bodily autonomy rights for females big time. Also, she needs to keep championing diplomacy over war. Also support for NATO to chill out Russia about Ukraine. War is killing to take what's not yours, that should be our message, along with support for struggling democracies. And position Democrats support for democracy here over Republicans devolving into fascism and start using that word. Revise the Army's pamphlet about Fascism so citizens can have an understanding of what Republicans are doing.

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Biden mightve stepped down if the red wave had materialized in 2022. But it didn't, and those results coupled with those last Tuesday probably have him thinking that the polls aren't as dire as suggested.


He also may have stepped down if the GOP had moved on from Trump. That hasn't happened. To Biden I think this is personal.


Both parties have made choices that have been short sighted. Biden's age is a liability for the Dems in '24, and Trumps buffoonery is going to hurt the GOP in '28. 

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How does people ****ing about a candidates age help keep the country safe from another 4 years of disastrous Trump reign? Have you lost your god damn minds? Biden isn't dropping out. So get on the wagon and vote,  or get the hell out of the way and shut up for the next 5 years. 


If you are like me, you hate more what the other party stands for than what your own party does. And I've voted a lot of times to keep them out more than to keep my own party in. 




Edited by The Evil Genius
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1 hour ago, Fan since a Fetus said:


The people who refuse to vote are going to destroy us. Then they’re all going to **** about what’s happening. For example: elections in Texas recently had only 13% people show to vote. Disgusting. and people constantly complain about this place.




NSFW for anyone that doesn't know, obviously.

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7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

How does people ****ing about a candidates age help keep the country safe from another 4 years of disastrous Trump reign? Have you lost your god damn minds? Biden isn't dropping out. So get on the wagon and vote,  or get the hell out of the way and shut up for the next 5 years. 


If you are like me, you hate more what the other party stands for than what your own party does. And I've voted a lot of times to keep them out more than to keep my own party in. 

I think the thought on here is the fear that the independent voters who are going to decide this thing have the perception that Biden will die in a second term and we'll have what they've also been fed will be the "disaster that is Kamala" (what this is based on I'm not sure of).


Meanwhile Trump continues to spew his same BS in his speeches, but unless you look at the right accounts on Twitter, you don't know about it from the mainstream news channels.


And people are going to remember that the economy was decent without inflation (which was mainly caused by covid stimmy) under Trumps first three years. Even thought the deficit was still going out of control. But people don't care.

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I agree with this.  Pence gave evangelicals a permission structure to vote for Trump, with all of his myriad unchristianity built in.  Pence could say, I'm an evangelical just like you, and if I can get behind Trump, so can you.  Then, once they crossed the line and got behind Trump, Pence was no longer needed.  But Pence was critical to get those folks across the Rubicon in 2016. 

also, like some in my family in 2016. “Well didn’t want to vote for Trump but obviously couldn’t vote for HRC…so we kinda just voted for Trump and are hoping for a quick heart attack so a real Christian gets to take over” 



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10 hours ago, China said:


Christie needs to stay in just for the sole purpose of hammering Trump.

Trump doesn’t show up for the debates. He’s splitting support with Haley. 

I supported the idea of him being there to go after Trump but it’s more important they stop splitting the vote. Desantis’ campaign is a disaster, he needs to be out to. They need to coalesce around Haley (from the perspective of defeating Trump)


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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Vivek as VP on that ticket kind of makes sense. He's a sociopath just like Trump. 


It'd be like a Ted Nugent/Kid Rock tour. 

I don’t think Trump could handle his vp having a strong personality, too insecure. 

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18 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

**** independent voters.


If you can't make a choice between the Democrats and the MAGA party by now, then I don't think you will ever vote Democrat again. 

I'm registered as independent.  I was once a Republican, but I was young and that's just what my parents did...

After figuring life out, I've been voting as a Democrat for a couple decades, and I can't imagine changing now.  No ****in' way.

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42 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

How does people ****ing about a candidates age help keep the country safe from another 4 years of disastrous Trump reign? Have you lost your god damn minds?

You’re talking about the general public. They have short memories and are stupid. 

I hate to break it to you but these are the same people who think the economy is bad, and that it’s Biden’s fault, and are likely to show up to vote more concerned about Bidens current age and how angry they are at the state of the country than anything Trump did 2016-2020


Part of the benefit of all these trials taking so long to get started, and drag out to completion, is it helps keep it all in the current news and makes it harder to forget. 

But never underestimate the stupidity and laziness of 80% of the general public. 

28 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

**** independent voters.


If you can't make a choice between the Democrats and the MAGA party by now, then I don't think you will ever vote Democrat again. 

I’ve pointed this out in past, pre-Trump election cycles, but the main flaw of the dem supporters is they r become convinced their ideas/preferences/outlook is the only one that’s right (whether that means morally, critical thinking, etc)


lots of people don’t like lots of things about the democrats platform, or about certain candidates. Not recognizing this is why you lost 2016. I’m not really to make any declarations about 2024, Biden hasn’t started campaigning and we don’t even know who he’s going against yet, but the overwhelming reluctance to be rational and grounded in reality when discussing this stuff is part of the reason you all lose races and don’t understand why. 

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15 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’ve pointed this out in past, pre-Trump election cycles, but the main flaw of the dem supporters is they r become convinced their ideas/preferences/outlook is the only one that’s right (whether that means morally, critical thinking, etc)


lots of people don’t like lots of things about the democrats platform, or about certain candidates. Not recognizing this is why you lost 2016. I’m not really to make any declarations about 2024, Biden hasn’t started campaigning and we don’t even know who he’s going against yet, but the overwhelming reluctance to be rational and grounded in reality when discussing this stuff is part of the reason you all lose races and don’t understand why. 

T, I think more Dems could accept that if the Republican nominee were someone other than Trump.


The dude goes out of his way to praise Putin, Xi, KJU, and Orban in just about every speech he gives these days. But not enough people seem to know or care. That is disturbing.

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19 minutes ago, tshile said:



lots of people don’t like lots of things about the democrats platform, or about certain candidates. Not recognizing this is why you lost 2016. I’m not really to make any declarations about 2024, Biden hasn’t started campaigning and we don’t even know who he’s going against yet, but the overwhelming reluctance to be rational and grounded in reality when discussing this stuff is part of the reason you all lose races and don’t understand why. 


I understand the sentiment here, I just don't totally agree with the conclusion.  I do find a lot of the Democrats attitude to be "this should be so ****ing obvious to everyone, how can it not be?  Well, if it's not obvious to you, you're probably an uneducated cousin ****ing racist because only those types of people vote Republican these days."  


I think plenty of Democrats understand why they lost in 2016, they lost because hate, fearmongering, and the uneducated racist cousin ****ers - you know, the deplorables- turned out in droves.  


So they certainly understand why they've lost elections, they just don't like to admit that their ideas and ideals can be defeated by something as ugly as Trump.


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52 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

also, like some in my family in 2016. “Well didn’t want to vote for Trump but obviously couldn’t vote for HRC…so we kinda just voted for Trump and are hoping for a quick heart attack so a real Christian gets to take over” 


He'll grow into the job!



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