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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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This is highly worth reading. 


The premise is that there have been a million articles written that attempt to “understand” Trump voters, the myriad columns where the author goes to some diner in the Rust Belt, and basically none about understanding Biden voters, of which there are several million more. 

It’s really long, here are some paragraphs that give you the flavor, but read the whole thing. 


CONSERVATIVE AND MAINSTREAM MEDIA don’t agree on much, but one point of consensus is that everyone should work harder to understand Trump supporters. The implicit message: You don’t have to agree with the populist right, but you should be listening to, empathizing with, and engaging them more.


A common style of this coverage is the safari to “Trump Country,” in which journalists from various outlets, most of whom live in big metropolitan areas, go to a rural community or Rust Belt town and talk to Trump voters, often white, working-class men in diners. The resulting articles are often tautological—basically “Trump Supporters Support Trump”—and framed as if explaining to liberals who might think that Trump’s failures will cause some voters to abandon him that they won’t. A great example is a May 2019 New York Times story titled “There’s No Boom in Youngstown, but Blue-Collar Workers Are Sticking With Trump.” It’s such a well-trod trope that it’s inspired parodies and running jokes.



In addition to Biden voters not feeling like elites—or, by objective measures, largely not being elites—here are some other things about them that conservative and mainstream media don’t seem to grasp (or at least doesn’t think are nearly as worthy of attention as Trump supporters).


Millions and millions of Americans are, for lack of a better term, Bidenists. Many don’t have strong feelings about Biden himself, and some are quite critical of him, but they tend to react to societal disruptions by seeking normalcy, not trying to increase the chaos.


Bidenists like a president who shows empathy, though they may not have realized that until confronted with the opposite. It’s not a coincidence that George W. Bush’s approval rating shot up after 9/11 and stayed high until after the invasion of Iraq, nor that various Republican governors saw sustained approval increases during the worst of COVID while Trump quickly lost his.


Bidenists actually mean what they say about democracy. As Republicans have embraced the quasi-nihilist cynicism of Trumpist politics, they’ve told themselves that everyone is unprincipled—or, as Tim Miller sardonically puts it, “LOL nothing matters”—but that’s just not true. A lot of Americans really do believe in the American idea. All men are created equal, We the People, a more perfect Union, a government of laws not of men, the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, leader of the free world, the whole deal. Sure, it’s cheesy, and we’ve never actually achieved it, but so what? We’ve improved over time, and most Americans would like to keep trying.


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I am amused (and quite often not in a good way) at so many of the narratives about the next election. IMO Biden's age is irrelevant and is tossed around as a convenient blurb to keep it interesting without adding anything whatsoever of value to the conversation.


As far as I'm concerned the candidates themselves don't matter, it is the administration they stand for that is important. We saw the hive of scum and villainy that washed through the White House under *****, every week someone else was getting caught doing some shady **** and resigning to "spend more time with their family". The administration that Biden has assembled is arguably the most competent one in my lifetime, they intentionally avoided filling it with Ivy League degrees and instead chose people with genuine abilities and skills to do the job. Joe could sit on the beach eating ice cream and snoozing for another four years and the machinery that is in place would keep rolling along and never miss a beat. Do we not notice that there is not a constant flow of reports concerning kickbacks and misuse of govt services, etc, the way we saw under *****? Does anyone seriously doubt that given the chance it would all start right back up again? 


We have this weird fixation with celebs and personalities and individuals these days when it is the larger collection of people doing the work as part of the machine that actually do the work. That's part of the appeal w/ *****, the dummy demographic that believe reality shows are real and a cult of personality is something to brag about, even when the personality sucks.

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4 hours ago, LD0506 said:

As far as I'm concerned the candidates themselves don't matter, it is the administration they stand for that is important.

My standard is "what will the country look like if this person wins?"*


I don't like Hillary. But I'm pretty sure I know what the country would have looked like, if she won. 

And I don't care if Biden is making decisions, or his staff is. I care about the results. 

* For the last 30 years, it's been an easy decision. 

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Ron DeSantis Gets 'Brutal' Bad News From GOP Strategist


Sarah Longwell, a Republican political strategist, said on Sunday that support for 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis is dwindling in such a way that conservative focus groups are no longer mentioning the Florida governor's name.


DeSantis was long viewed as the GOP's best chance at overcoming former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. However, support for DeSantis has faltered in recent weeks. Critics of the governor have bashed his handling of Florida's insurance crisis, while others have said that DeSantis is placing too much focus on culture wars instead of producing a strong economic plan.


According to Longwell, the proof of DeSantis's faltering campaign is evident considering he is no longer being mentioned in conservative focus groups.


"I have to tell you, he has been getting killed in the focus groups and it's not even that kind of criticism. We always ask people who do you want to see be the 2024 nominee? And six months ago, Ron DeSantis, he would always come up. He was the first one. If it wasn't Trump, it was him," she said during an appearance on CNN's Inside Politics on Sunday. "People don't even mention him right now."


Click on the link for the full article

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On 5/1/2023 at 11:11 AM, Fergasun said:

Lieberman is associated with the group "No Labels".  I believe we recently learned that "No Labels" is funded by right-wing dark money.  




On 5/1/2023 at 4:40 PM, PleaseBlitz said:

No Labels counts Harlan Crow as a major donor, but generally is not required to disclose their donors (and does not do so voluntarily), so you know they just want what is best for everyone and are definitely not just a front for monied corporate interests. 




On 5/1/2023 at 4:50 PM, 88Comrade2000 said:

No labels was interesting until you find out their real funding and purpose. They just want to draw enough votes from Joe to give Don the election. No Labels is just a front to ensure Don wins.


No Labels sued by ex-employee over alleged racial discrimination


A former Black employee of No Labels is suing the centrist political organization claiming she was discriminated against because of her race and retaliated against for reporting the alleged discrimination.


The group, which has gained both fanfare and criticism for exploring a third party presidential bid, admitted some descriptions of the plaintiff’s time with the group in its answer to the lawsuit, but denied the allegation that it engaged in racial discrimination or retaliation.


Mischa Smith, a former outreach manager at No Labels, alleges in the lawsuit that she was fired by No Labels for reporting discrimination to two of the organization’s higher-ups and that she was treated differently and less favorably from other similar employees of different races. Smith also says in the suit that during her tenure at No Labels, she was “chastised” by an official with the organization “for missing metrics due to her attendance at a family funeral.” She said she was given a new position where she felt she was set up to fail and was not paid enough money for the more strenuous and time-consuming job. As part of the lawsuit, Smith said she was explicitly asked by No Labels founder and CEO Nancy Jacobson to find Black people to support the organization.


Two days after complaining about what she saw as race discrimination to superiors, Smith said in the lawsuit she was “given menial work that the other white coworkers were not” while at a political conference in Houston last year. At the conference, organized by Andrew Yang’s Forward Party, Smith alleges that she was chastised for being late in delivering No Labels-branded cookies that had been made for the event.


Click on the link for the full article

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4 hours ago, China said:

Critics of the governor have bashed his handling of Florida's insurance crisis, while others have said that DeSantis is placing too much focus on culture wars instead of producing a strong economic plan.


Turns out targeting 95% of your campaign to steal the voters off a guy who's base sticks with him after 100 felony charges maybe aint the best move. 

That and defending the guy your trying to beat after every indictment, giving him a free bailout.

You'd think he'd change his stratagem. He has certainly changed his staff.


At the rate he's falling he wont be in position to be next man up even if Trump disappears like he clearly hopes and dreams.. That window is closing. He needs to boost his support

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3 hours ago, Larry said:

Who knew that being a bigger asshole than Trump wouldn't work?  

I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not......


As prickly and unlikeable as Ron appears to be, I think its almost impossible to be a bigger asshole than Trump.


Keep in mind that these polls are (allegedly) taken from a GOP-leaning sample size. And its depressing that Trump is getting 50+ percent in the polls. The GOP voting base is diseased.


I think DeSantis would have a better chance in the general than Trump if he were the nominee.


But that's not to say Trump can't win the general. There's a good chance he will (IMO). For as much as independents largely loathe him and should tire of his act as the campaign season rolls into high gear, he doesn't need a lot to switch from 2020.


This political climate is ugly. But its about to turn a whole lot uglier in short order.......

Edited by hail2skins
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