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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

We should probably start marking down all the names here who are saying Trump is winning. Fair warning, I'm going to be insufferable when Trump loses bigly again. 

There will be no big EC win for either men.  I see a Bush-Gore or Bush-Kerry EC total for whoever wins.  Biden could get 10

million more votes than Trump but there’s still a chance Trump wins the EC.

Edited by 88Comrade2000
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8 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

There will be no big EC win for either men.  I see a Bush-Gore or Bush-Kerry EC total for whoever wins.  Biden could get 10

million more votes than Trump but there’s still a chance Trump wins the EC.

I think Trump gets around 290. Biden holds one of the three main rust belt states (PA, MI, WI) but nothing else that he flipped from the Hillary-Trump 2016 election.


Biden beat Trump by 7 million in 2020 and I'm thinking 2024 has just a little lower turnout than that one. There's no way Biden increases his popular vote margin. I still think Biden wins the PV (likely by 2016 margins), and Trump, even in EC victory, will yell about how massive fraud caused him to lose the PV.  Its surreal enough that DJT will win again, but I still can't wrap my head around the possibility that he would actually take the popular vote too.

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7 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

There is truly something wrong with our education system and media when so many people who are going to vote for Trump seem to think January 6th was just fine.


It's not the education system that's the problem, it's the media. 

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18 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


 Christ, this was a terrible read.  



That's the crux of it, IMO.  Party over country all day for them and it's deep in their blood.  And I do believe China is right, someone rationalize ethics and morals away.  This **** will hold her nose and vote for Trump because she just answered her own question.  Never vote Democrat.  Ever.


People think there's strength in digging in their heels and making stances.  There's some truth to that.  But there's also strength in being able to change your mind on things and have a better understanding on why you might have been wrong previously.  Nicole here seems to have some thoughts but I'm sure she'd be blackballed by her MAGA friends if she ever changed her mind on anything political.  





What made it particularly bad was her level of shear stupidity. We have a booming economy and record low unemployment with massive investments in public infrastructure and yet they will tell themselves:


"Should a Republican choose Biden – someone we know is not a conservative and who we believe is actively derailing the country's economy, reputation and social fabric – just to avoid Trump?" 


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13 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

We should probably start marking down all the names here who are saying Trump is winning. Fair warning, I'm going to be insufferable when Trump loses bigly again. 


I don't think this will be all that close of an election. The polls we have seen to show Trump close or ahead have been so laughably bad. They've showed Trump winning or being tied with women and younger voting blocks and there is zero chance that happens. This is going to be a Roe v Wade election again throughout the country and we've seen the results of that. 


The only pause I've had recently is the Israeli-Palestinian mess. Netanyahu is and will continue to do things as part of their actions to help Trump. 

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12 minutes ago, Hersh said:


It's not the education system that's the problem, it's the media. 


Perhaps, but the fact that people are willing to dump our democratic ideals just to put someone in power who will elevate their "in group" at the expense of others also indicates that our education system has done a poor job of not only educating students on American exceptionalism, but on the evils of totalitarian and communist ideologies.


We USED to teach those things, in Civics. Now, teachers are constantly telling kids our country is evil because of its own history. I'm not saying go back to pro-US propaganda that was taught in the early 1900s, but there has to be a middle ground.


I would agree media is the sole problem IF we all watched the same media. Trump supporters don't watch CNN or any of those other channels, so they aren't even being informed of the terrible things Trump says he will do in a second term. At a fundraiser over the weekend he said he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing...and that hasn't really even come out in any of the media, left- or right-wing.


I'm baffled that religious Reagan-supporting patriotic folks would even consider backing Trump in the first place.

5 minutes ago, Hersh said:


I don't think this will be all that close of an election. The polls we have seen to show Trump close or ahead have been so laughably bad. They've showed Trump winning or being tied with women and younger voting blocks and there is zero chance that happens. This is going to be a Roe v Wade election again throughout the country and we've seen the results of that. 


The only pause I've had recently is the Israeli-Palestinian mess. Netanyahu is and will continue to do things as part of their actions to help Trump. 


Turkey's PM Erdogan has called on the Islamic world to unite against Israel. If we have another 9/11-type attack here in the US before the election, then Trump definitely wins.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


Perhaps, but the fact that people are willing to dump our democratic ideals just to put someone in power who will elevate their "in group" at the expense of others also indicates that our education system has done a poor job of not only educating students on American exceptionalism, but on the evils of totalitarian and communist ideologies.



The problem with this is that we know there are very well educated people that are all in on Trump. You think someone like JD Vance or Tom Cotton or any of these ivy league educated pieces of **** don't know the evils of authoritative rule? They know but they don't care. Most of the Trump supporters know too. This is purely about being conditioned that Democrats are bad no matter what the issue is. Watch the GOP twist themselves into a pretzel making arguments or flat out lying. If you go down a list of issues and remove political affiliation, vast majorities side with the Democrats on issues. 



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13 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

We should probably start marking down all the names here who are saying Trump is winning. Fair warning, I'm going to be insufferable when Trump loses bigly again. 


You can mark me down.  I'm extremely concerned. 

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There are a large group of people, voters even, who don't care, follow or pay attention to politics as much as those of us posting in this thread.  Indeed, they might even say things as, "Fergasun... i have been alive for longer than you.  It really doesn't matter which party is in control... it ain't gonna have a huge effect on my life."  And you know what, for the most part, that's right.  Except if you are someone on the margins.  An immigrant who could get deported (and who knows if he will follow through); rape-victim seeking abortion; even someone with large student loans. Why young people don't see how much Trump can eff up their lives?  


We somehow got thru 4 years of Trump (and could do it again). America really doesn't need an effective President.  Except when we do (like COVID).  People really trust Trump in any crises over Biden?  All the rosy crap for him is because we didn't have many criseses... Trump is gonna crumble and fumble Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine and whatever else happens.  He won't have the same handlers to keep from screwing up.  Have fun with that GOP (if it happens).  


If I want to cry and be depressed about the future of America, All I need to do is turn C-SPAN on to the day after Obama was elected and the day after Trump was elected.  Trump's cult has stuck with him since the 2015-2016 cycle.  Ironic, is that none of the real implications for Trump's election -- ie. the direct overturning of Roe v. Wade were even considered.  It's likely the same is happening this cycle too.

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7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


You can mark me down.  I'm extremely concerned. 


Things can always change but I'm feeling pretty optimistic for Biden lately. Mainly the way the Dems have been overperforming polls.

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7 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

We somehow got thru 4 years of Trump (and could do it again). America really doesn't need an effective President.  Except when we do (like COVID).  People really trust Trump in any crises over Biden?  All the rosy crap for him is because we didn't have many criseses... Trump is gonna crumble and fumble Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine and whatever else happens.  He won't have the same handlers to keep from screwing up.  Have fun with that GOP (if it happens). 

I try to have this mindset too, but then I look back and see how nobody thought that 1/6/21 could happen and thus can't really argue with those who fear the worst from a second Trump term.


It is what it is. It seems like Trump's bombastic crap on Truth Social has been downplayed or ignored while he's been a candidate again, but I'm not sure the media will ignore it if he's elected again. I can see his BS once again wearing thin with the public, and the question I have is which sycophant would you get the most satisfaction of being chosen for his VP, only to get his/her ass kicked by someone like Andy Beshear in 2028?  At this point I'd like to see goofy Tim Scott get his clock cleaned.

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4 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I try to have this mindset too, but then I look back and see how nobody thought that 1/6/21 could happen and thus can't really argue with those who fear the worst from a second Trump term.


It is what it is. It seems like Trump's bombastic crap on Truth Social has been downplayed or ignored while he's been a candidate again, but I'm not sure the media will ignore it if he's elected again. I can see his BS once again wearing thin with the public, and the question I have is which sycophant would you get the most satisfaction of being chosen for his VP, only to get his/her ass kicked by someone like Andy Beshear in 2028?  At this point I'd like to see goofy Tim Scott get his clock cleaned.

Getting ahead of ourselves a bit, but I wonder if Trump were to win in 2024 (I don’t think that’ll be the case), would his VP run in 2028. Or would the VP be the fall guy for the Administration’s failures and a different candidate will take the lead?

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Posted (edited)

Or would Trump get SCOTUS to somehow invalidate the 22nd amendment? That seems more likely than him not running in 2028. 


That said, I still see Biden at 286ish EC at worst. And +9mil in pop vote. 


People ****ing hate Trump and the GOP being tied to him will make people vote against him. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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4 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

Getting ahead of ourselves a bit, but I wonder if Trump were to win in 2024 (I don’t think that’ll be the case), would his VP run in 2028. Or would the VP be the fall guy for the Administration’s failures and a different candidate will take the lead?

Yeah, the VP running is normally conventional wisdom....except for Cheney's concerns about his health, and Biden still grieving over Beau's death (he probably very much regrets not running in 2016, as he very likely would've prevailed over Trump then). But in the age of Trump, who knows? If one of his children like Don Jr wanted to be POTUS and DJT supported the run, he'd be the favorite for the nomination for sure, even over Trump's VP.

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To me you can glean more from campaign moves and what’s happening than from polling. 

two basic examples:

- trumps about-face on crypto currency. It’s such a dramatic change in stance it only makes sense that their internal polling and strategy determined they needed to court those people to have a chance 


- being booed at the libertarian conference 


there are others.  But for my money those are the things that give a better indication of what’s really happening. Campaigns don’t do 180* turns on policy unless polling is driving that. 

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10 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Or would Trump get SCOTUS to somehow invalidate the 22nd amendment? That seems more likely than him not running in 2028. 


That said, I still see Biden at 286ish EC at worst. And +9mil in pop vote. 


People ****ing hate Trump and the GOP being tied to him will make people vote against him. 

Trump gets in and has a a gop congress; there will be no more elections.

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