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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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9 minutes ago, China said:

OK, watching the Pittsburgh - Cleveland game and saw an ad for Doug Burgum for president.  I'd never heard of him.  Apparently he's governor of North Dakota.  I can't imagine his candidacy goes too far.

Same. I was watching the ad wondering what he was running for. Was thinking some local House of Delegates race. Chuckled a bit when I figured out he was running for president. 

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Of course Trump will skip the 2nd debate.  First, he's so far ahead there's no good that could come from it.  Second, if he went he'd get called out on his many lies and inaccuracies (like the dozens he told in his recent interview). Although it'd be entertaining to watch him get angry when he's called out on his BS.

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On 9/17/2023 at 4:07 PM, LadySkinsFan said:

Nope nope nope. She's a little less of a Fascist than the rest of them. Still a Fascist.


Jus to make sure I'm on the same page, can you please explain how she's a fascists, at least so I feel we aren't just throwing this term around for every Republican in office right now?

Edited by Renegade7
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@Cooked Crack

His strategy of 100 percent lying will be effective in Detroit.  Because he knows how to package his lies.  More in the media should fact check him. 


I already read some autoworkers in Detroit that clearly feel Trump represents them and their interests.  


"Policy is so complicated... I just get up on stage and lie.  I pretend to back the corporations... but I am the biggest and best negotiator." 


UAW needs to back Biden before Trump speaks there.  

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This feels like another 2016 all over again.  Watch Trump interview MTP.  Watch Biden Interview from a couple months ago (I think it was MSNBC).  Watch Biden interview in 2015 on the Colbert show.  Biden absolutely looks like he's lost a step.  I know it's stupid to say "We are going to elect a criminal".  It just seems so illogical... but I see that happening.  

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6 hours ago, China said:

OK, watching the Pittsburgh - Cleveland game and saw an ad for Doug Burgum for president.  I'd never heard of him.  Apparently he's governor of North Dakota.  I can't imagine his candidacy goes too far.


Recall a line from Mark Russell, in which he states that (some guy) has announced his candidacy for POTUS. 


"He's an unusual candidate. Governor of Vermont. Supports gay marriage, and open carry. Thus achieving an absolute lock on his core constituency- gay hunters from Vermont."

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3 hours ago, Fergasun said:

This feels like another 2016 all over again.  Watch Trump interview MTP.  Watch Biden Interview from a couple months ago (I think it was MSNBC).  Watch Biden interview in 2015 on the Colbert show.  Biden absolutely looks like he's lost a step.  I know it's stupid to say "We are going to elect a criminal".  It just seems so illogical... but I see that happening.  

He was elected once and can be again. Election was today, he beats Biden.


For the voters that will make the difference in the election, it won’t be:


1. Trump is the opponent.

2. Trump the sequel will see us turn into a facist dictatorship.

3. Trump is a convicted criminal.

4. The abortion issue.


The average voter isn’t that nuanced.  They will see where they are economically, under Biden when they vote vs where they were under Trump before covid. If they feel they were better under him; they will vote him. 

Trump doesn’t need to flip that much. He wins the same states as 2020, he will have a little more EVs after 20 census. All Trump needs to do is flip 3 states that totals about 40 EVs. Considering how narrow the race was in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin; Trump doesn’t need to flip much.


Joe will try to make the race about Trump and the grave danger of giving it back to him but for many voters, it will only be about Biden and the fact they feel his presidency has had a negative impact on them, economically. Whether that’s true in reality doesn’t matter; if they feel it’s been **** under Biden, Biden is cooked.


Joe will get more votes but in the real race for EVs, Trump doesn’t need to flip that many votes to get 270.  

Also, I don’t see turnout being anywhere near the record 2020 levels. Some voters will stay home. Saying they are ****ed either way, 4 more years of Biden or 4 more years of Trump.


I say the convicted criminal Trump has an easier time to flip the 3 states he needs than Joe does to keep Trump at bay, if things aren’t remarkably better around Election Day 24. Inflation has to be a no factor then and prices are down.


Yeah, it seems implausible a convicted criminal can actually win but the average voter doesn’t care. They will assume, if Trump can’t serve; his veep will serve.



I know many think I am just saying nonsense and that when the actual time comes; no way voters do that.  They voted for him once and they can do it again.  The race is far closer than you think. Trump won narrowly in the key states, just like Biden did.  So, it won’t take much to flip.

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1 hour ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

I know many think I am just saying nonsense and that when the actual time comes; no way voters do that.  They voted for him once and they can do it again.  The race is far closer than you think. Trump won narrowly in the key states, just like Biden did.  So, it won’t take much to flip.


I think everyone understands that Presidential elections come down to a few thousand or ten thousand votes in 3-5 states.  This is not the shrewd political insight you may think it is. 

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 Man...Im truly not interested in this age question matter for Biden...but understand I have to keep the conversation honest.


All four of my grandparents died in their early 80s.  From what I can tell he's in better state of health at his age then all of them accept one was at the same (fathers mom and another both died from cancer that basically came out of nowhere and in a place too difficult to beat off).


I'm not buying our country in general is being honest about this whole thing because Biden and Trump are nearly the same age.


So its really an authoritarian that may die in office versus someone willing to protect democracy in our country that may die in office.


I, too, wish we could do better then these two options right now, but right now those are the options.  Please try again in 2028 instead of presenting false choices.

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It's not even the age thing.  Look at him (Biden) versus 6 or 7 years ago.  Different.  He does look like he'e lost a step.  


Look at Trump.  Pretty much the same. 


I also think Trump is a clown President and don't buy the whole "he's going to be more effective and dangerous."  Sure, at enriching himself and his family.  He actually sucks at policy.  He's just fantastic at growing a cult following.  


Reporters should ask him, "Should we call it the Trump party?"

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Just a reminder that Ferg is the guy that, by his own admission, watches hours of Tucker Carlson twitter content so he can make sure he’s getting “all the info on Hunter Biden that the mainstream media suppresses”.  I’m paraphrasing him there, but that’s the gist of the enterprise.


So, yknow…grain of salt and all that.

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I think Rump will be more dangerous whether he is a clown or not. If he just finds himself some competent people, and I think that could happen, then he could weaponize our government against his detractors.


Edit: I just noticed the autocorrect to Rump from Trump. I will leave it, as it is an accurate descriptor. 


I actually enjoy Fergasun’s posts. He gives angles that I don’t think about. It’s not like he’s crazy or an ass on here. I generally respect his views. 

Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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Joe Biden, even if he's "lost a step" is lightyears ahead of Trump in his prime from a mental competency standpoint.  


If anyone would like to go example-for-example of deeds and statements that call each's capacity into question, I'll take Joe and bet my house that I'd win. 


Edit:  And this doesn't even get to the argument that Trump wants to, and tried to, tear down our democracy, is probably a multiple felon, has been held civilly liable for rape, accomplished almost nothing his first term other than cutting taxes for the very rich and signing off on Mitch McConnell packing the Supreme Court, is entirely corrupt, cannot hire and retain competent people, agitated an actual insurrection, may not be eligible to serve as POTUS under the 14th amendment, supports all of America's enemies so long as they say nice things about him personally, nearly killed Chris Christie, tried to have Mike Pence killed, publicly supported actual Nazis immediately after one of them actually killed a woman, publicly took Putin's side over the US intelligence community, tried to strong arm an ally to obtain personal political favors, spends all day watching Fox News even when he was POTUS, pardoned war criminals, completely botched our nation's response to Covid, exploded the national debt, can barely even spell (I guess that is related to his mental competency), not-quite-directly took millions of dollars from foreign countries and special interests, called a war hero and POW a "loser", hired Jeff Sessions, hired Michael Flynn, hired Steve Bannon, hired Stephen Miller, gave classified information to a Russian ambassador, gave classified information to Mark Meadow's biographers, gave classified information to minor aides for no reason, oversaw the longest shutdown in history, I'm tired now, but can keep going once I recharge. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Joe Biden, even if he's "lost a step" is lightyears ahead of Trump in his prime from a mental competency standpoint.  


If anyone would like to go example-for-example of deeds and statements that call each's capacity into question, I'll take Joe and bet my house that I'd win. 

Yeah, well, is Biden man enough to stare into a solar eclipse?

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31 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

It's not even the age thing.  Look at him (Biden) versus 6 or 7 years ago.  Different.  He does look like he'e lost a step.  


Look at Trump.  Pretty much the same. 




Biden could lose twice as many steps as that and still be more steps ahead then Trump has ever been. 


It's not even close...Trump is saying crazy **** that either isn't true or he thinks is true but is wrong every single day.  I don't see that with Biden.


There's a difference between keeping a conversation honest and calling it how you see it.

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