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The Unofficial "Elon Musk trying to "Save Everyone" from Themselves (except his Step-Sister)" Thread...


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20 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:





I have a feeling that "minor & dubious reasons" roughly translates to "if I personally liked them or what they said" or "depends on my mood when I'm asked about it."


This is what happens when you have a single semi-stable person's random whims and beliefs essentially governing how to police a gigantic social media company, vs having a well define ToS policy and having a large dedicated group of people making decisions on whether or not those Terms of Service were violated and what the proper punishment should be.


I also think it's pretty likely that Elon doesn't want "free speech" any more than any other modern right winger. They want the "correct" free speech, which is basically the free speech they agree with ideologically.


That's why platforms like Truth Social and Frank Speech claimed to be bastions of free speech but then as soon as they went live proceeded to immediately ban anyone who said things even remotely contrary to Trumpy beliefs.


But who knows. I guess we'll see what happens. 

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On 10/28/2022 at 3:57 PM, Cooked Crack said:



Why on earth would a self-identified free speech absolutist need this? Why, it’s almost as if he cares more about protecting his investment by keeping the ad revenue flowing instead of free speech.🤔 Nah, that can’t be it. Not from a good hearted philanthropist like Musk. 

On 10/28/2022 at 5:09 PM, Cooked Crack said:

I wonder if this means I can still call him a Boer on Twitter now without getting banned?

Edited by The Sisko
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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



I think this pretty much sums up Elon Musk. He's a guy who has big smarts in a couple of very niche segments (which is actually pretty common for people with ASD, and Musk said in the past that he had been diagnosed with Asperger's), but in general is a moron who surrounds himself with even dumber sycophants, and spends half of his time spreading mouth breathing right wing conspiracy theories and trolling on social media.

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Twitter re-bans white nationalist Nick Fuentes after he makes new account


Twitter re-banned white nationalist Nick Fuentes after he made a new account on Saturday, according to The Daily Beast.


Why it matters: He and other far-right figures who were previously banned by Twitter have attempted to return to the platform since it was officially purchased last week by Elon Musk, who has emphasized that he wants the company to prioritize free speech.


However, Musk has clarified that speech on the platform would need to adhere to the local laws of any country Twitter operates in and that he does not want it to become "a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!"

Musk said Twitter would create a content moderation council "with widely diverse viewpoints” and that there would be “no major content decisions or account reinstatements" before then.
What they're saying: "Bottom line up front: Twitter’s policies haven’t changed. Hateful conduct has no place here. And we’re taking steps to put a stop to an organized effort to make people think we have," Yoel Roth, Twitter's head of safety and integrity, said in a tweet Sunday.


"Over the last 48 hours, we’ve seen a small number of accounts post a ton of Tweets that include slurs and other derogatory terms. To give you a sense of scale: More than 50,000 Tweets repeatedly using a particular slur came from just 300 accounts," he added.

"Nearly all of these accounts are inauthentic. We’ve taken action to ban the users involved in this trolling campaign — and are going to continue working to address this in the days to come to make Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone."

The big picture: Fuentes was banned after making a new account under the handle @spookygoblin8, according to the Beast.


Fuentes is the founder of the far-right and white nationalist America First Foundation and has been labeled by the Department of Justice as a white supremacist.


Click on the link for the full article

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48 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I wonder how fast that will kill the platform 


Paying for verification?  I don't think that's what kills Twitter.  Plus might give at least them insight to where some the "verified accounts" money is coming from.


Honestly, I'm not a fine of charging for social media verification, but the idea of verification in more platforms known to be targeted for bots for propaganda means is not a bad idea, hope it catches on.

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

I wonder how fast that will kill the platform 

The revenue from this will be tiny, and real experts don’t need a blue check mark and most won’t pay. Maybe there are a population of idiots who will pay $240 a year to be ‘official’, but are there millions of them which is what would be required to have any impact on Twitter’s viability.


What will kill the platform is if the owners of multi-billion dollar brands think their name will be mixed up with content from trolls, racists and worse, and will take their advertising dollars elsewhere. Twitter has been going a long time and is still losing money. Musk promises that it won’t be a hellscape were shot down in flames by his own tweet about Pelosi.





Edited by Corcaigh
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