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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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Vladimir Putin: Head of his military campaign found dead 'under mysterious circumstances'


Lt. Col. Roman Malyk (49), was responsible for enlisting men to the mobilisation campaign launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin to bolster Russian forces in Ukraine by a force of 300,000 conscripts.


According to reports, the Russian official died from hanging near a fence at his home and local police have opened up a murder probe, however suicide has not been ruled out, the Hindustan Times reports.


The Times, describe the 'chatter' in the Telegram messaging app, where the mysterious ‘suicide’ of Malyk was put in doubt, according to ‘relatives he was well-adjusted and self-assured’.


Ever since the mobilisation decree was signed by Vladimir Putin in September, reports suggest that more than 220,000 men have been thus far enlisted.


Enlistment officers accompanied by local police authorities were in many cases forcibly taking up men who were resisting the conscription orders, The Times reports.


This stirred up growing resentment against conscription, the institutions, and officials fulfilling the orders.


As a result, during this period as many as 70 enlistment offices have been attacked with molotov ****tails as a token of increasing resentment in Russia against mobilisation.

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Well, it probably wasn't  Putin's guys, unless he fell out a window before getting hung up...


Seriously, as chaotic as our politics are with a Republican party turning a blind eye to insurrection, I read about Russia and think, "we could be much worse." Here's hoping we don't ever get there. 

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Russian bomber crashes into apartment complex near Ukraine, killing 4


A Russian military bomber crashed Monday into the courtyard of an apartment complex in the Russian resort town of Yeysk, which is a few dozen miles across the Sea of Azov from Ukraine, Russia's Defense Ministry said. Four people died and 25 others were injured.


Calling it an accident, the Defense Ministry said the pilot had been performing a training flight of the SU-34 aircraft when the engine ignited during takeoff.


The plane crashed into the grounds of the apartment complex after the pilots ejected, the ministry added in a statement. It did not say how many people were forced to eject.


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33 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

Yup, word out there is that Russia traded drones for help on nukes...


The Israelis were already annoyed about the Russians buying drones from Iran. If a Russian deal with Iran has been made on nuclear tech, then I expect Ukraine will start getting Iron Dome systems from Israel. 

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2 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Anyone else worried that Russia's evacuation of Kherson is a prelude to them dropping a nuke on the west side of the Dnipro river...I hope I am wrong.


The rumor was they were going to detonate one somewhere over the Black Sea as a demonstration of intent. Absolute madness.


The more likely reasons are a withdrawal by the Russian army across the river, or preparation for a vicious house-to-house defence of the western city. For some time now Putin has refused to allow a retreat despite requests from the military (the Ukrainians claim the Russians losses on the west bank are 6:1 in the Ukrainians favor, which is probably exaggeration but shows the problem the Russians are facing). Defending across the river is far more sensible, but Putin's pride might not allow it.


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NRA Releases Full Trove of Data Critical to Russia’s National Security


As reported on Oct. 18, a group of hackers identifying themselves as being connected to the NRA – a loose association of Russians seeking the overthrow of Vladimir Putin’s regime – contacted Kyiv Post. They claim to have hacked Technoserv and nearly a dozen other companies providing national security and defense contracting services for Russia.


As of Oct 18, the hackers had only released a sample of the stolen data but have now made the data open to the public.


As Kyiv Post previously reported, Technoserv is owned by brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev. A 2022 article in the The Belfast Telegraph reported that the brothers also own Promsvyazbank, stating: “According to UK Government sources, [the bank] now services 70 percent of state contracts signed by Russia’s defense ministry and is a ‘pivotal bank’ for the country’s military industrial complex.”


A Russian IT expert familiar with the Russian Government’s IT infrastructure described Technoserv as “the people who are the architects of the Russian Government.” The source had earlier told Kyiv Post that the hack would likely indicate “access to the architecture networks, databases, cloud solutions, and other information that is of key importance to the Russian Government.”


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Naturally, the appropriate answer to higher gas prices is to end democracy and join hands with autocrats.


Putin is wrong about much in regards to the West, but he's at least partially right about the politics and how people will trade their freedom for a few bucks, just so long as you pretend you aren't taking their freedom completely.

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Ok, changing my previous speculation about Russia planning on nuking Kherson to they are planning on blowing up the dam and flooding it out. This would destroy the city and also prevent the Ukrainian army from collecting all the abandoned weapons stockpiles as they were able to in Izium.

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U.S. has evidence of Iranian troops "on the ground" in Crimea


The U.S. has evidence that Iranian troops are “directly engaged on the ground” in Crimea assisting Russia's drone strikes in Ukraine, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said Thursday at a press briefing, AP reported.

Driving the news: Russia's escalation of attacks — in some cases with the use of Iranian drones — on Ukraine since Oct. 10 has caused massive blackouts and energy rationing across Ukraine.

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned earlier this week that Russian attacks had already destroyed 30% of the country's power stations.
  • Ukraine's energy system has suffered more attacks since the Russian escalation ten days ago than in the previous eight months of the war, the country's electric utility, Ukrenergo, wrote in a Telegram post Wednesday.

What they're saying: “The information we have is that the Iranians have put trainers and tech support in Crimea, but it’s the Russians who are doing the piloting,” Kirby said, per AP.

  • Kirby noted that the amount of Iranian personnel in Crimea was a "relatively small number."
  • "We can confirm that Russian military personnel based in Crimea have been piloting Iranian UAVs and using them to conduct strikes" against Ukraine, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said at a press briefing Thursday, referring to unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • "We assess that Iranian personnel — Iranian military personnel — were on the ground in Crimea and assisted Russia in these operations," he added.

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General who led Syrian bombing campaign is new face of Russia's war in Ukraine


The general carrying out President Vladimir Putin's new military strategy in Ukraine has a reputation for brutality — for bombing civilians in Russia's campaign in Syria.


He also played a role in the deaths of three protesters in Moscow during the failed coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 that hastened the demise of the Soviet Union.


General Sergei Surovikin was put in charge of Russian forces in Ukraine on October 8 after what has so far been a faltering invasion that has seen a number of chaotic retreats and other setbacks over the nearly eight months of war.


Mr Putin put the 56-year-old career military man in command following an apparent truck bombing of the strategic bridge to the Crimean Peninsula that embarrassed the Kremlin and created logistical problems for Russian forces.


Russia responded with a barrage of strikes across Ukraine, which Mr Putin said were aimed at knocking down energy infrastructure and Ukrainian military command centres.


Such attacks have continued on a daily basis, pummelling power plants and other facilities with cruise missiles and waves of Iranian-made drones.


General Surovikin also retains his job of air force chief, a position that could help coordinate the air strikes with other operations.


'General Armageddon'
During the most recent bombardments, some Russian war bloggers carried a statement attributed to General Surovikin that signalled his intention to pursue the attacks with unrelenting vigour in an attempt to pound the Kyiv government into submission.


"I don't want to sacrifice Russian soldiers' lives in a guerilla war against hordes of fanatics armed by NATO," the bloggers quoted his statement as saying.


While the veracity of the statement couldn't be confirmed, it appears to reflect the same heavy-handed approach that General Surovikin took in Syria where he oversaw the destruction of entire cities to flush out rebel resistance without paying much attention to the civilian population.


That indiscriminate bombing drew condemnation from international human rights groups, and some media reports have dubbed him "General Armageddon".


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7 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Ok, changing my previous speculation about Russia planning on nuking Kherson to they are planning on blowing up the dam and flooding it out. This would destroy the city and also prevent the Ukrainian army from collecting all the abandoned weapons stockpiles as they were able to in Izium.

Well, they can also nuke the dam...

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