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I (sort of) won a 2021 Hugo Award


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Last night, they presented the awards for the 2021 Hugo Awards. For those who don't know, they're sort of the Oscars for the field of science fiction and fantasy. So, for genre writers and nerds they're a pretty big deal. The first award was presented in 1953, and together with the Nebula, it marks the highest acknowledgment an SFF writer can get.


Yesterday, I (sort of) won one. 


What I mean by that is that I was on the team of story contributors beneath the winner. In February of 2020, Paul Weimer reached out to me and asked if I would help him on a project he was doing. He wanted an essay on what books a modern author would choose if they were teaching an Intro to  Science Fiction/Fantasy class. I wasn't the only writer asked to do this, but I was excited when they included my submission and published it. It was the first work I did with Nerds of a Feather. So, yesterday when the editor thanked the writers, I felt thrilled. After all, I may not have been the captain of the boat, but I was one of the crew... and maybe they would not have gotten to this port without me.


Here's me with the award!




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8 minutes ago, bcl05 said:

I probably pay more attention to the Hugos than any other awards, because they pretty much determine my fun reading list for the next year.  



Best novel was a really tough category. I really liked them all a lot with the possible exception of Harrow. For some reason, I just couldn't connect to it. Martha Wells winning best series and best novel was really cool. Apparently, she's had a really tough journey and almost quit.

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