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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

Cooked Crack

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I’m as frustrated with the snails pace as anyone. I want resolution - whatever that is. 

I’m just not ready to write it off as nothing. I think it’s entirely, and maybe likely, that the biggest bombshell to this has yet to drop. 

That said there’s been plenty of inaction along the way. So, I get it. I just don’t think the DOJ and FBI **** around. 

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3 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Maybe. But like he does with the courts. He tries to bury opponents with charges and motions and other **** where a lot will get dismissed, but prove very costly and time consuming if they don't just drop it and settle. Imagine his with his skeleton team with way too many below average lawyers getting having to deal with sorting through all of that stuff.

There were no lawyers. It would have gone exactly like the other impeachment did… Witness after witness would have came up and said he did exactly what he was accused of doing and then the Republican Congressmen would have cleared him.

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4 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Of course they didn't find everything. That's why I advocate that every family property be searched top to bottom and inside out. Do it right!

It's too late, he has already placed them where they can't be found. The Dems are to weak

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54 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’m as frustrated with the snails pace as anyone. I want resolution - whatever that is. 

I’m just not ready to write it off as nothing. I think it’s entirely, and maybe likely, that the biggest bombshell to this has yet to drop. 

That said there’s been plenty of inaction along the way. So, I get it. I just don’t think the DOJ and FBI **** around. 



It really bites that we are waiting until November for the biggest shoes to drop, and it really hurts when such an obvious and dangerous threat to the world is running around.


I still think the DOJs self governance about bringing new indictments against major political figures before elections is a good one, this case just stretches the idea to an unimaginable degree.

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7 minutes ago, FootballZombie said:



It really bites that we are waiting until November for the biggest shoes to drop, and it really hurts when such an obvious and dangerous threat to the world is running around.


I still think the DOJs self governance about bringing new indictments against major political figures before elections is a good one, this case just stretches the idea to an unimaginable degree.

I’m not entirely sure that the garland memo (which was just a re-emphasis on a long running memo) is correctly interpreted as: we won’t do anything in the midst of an election. 

I think there’s a difference between announcing investigations, or commenting, etc, and pursuing obvious criminal activity when there is proof of it and an existing threat. 

which I guess means I’m not convinced they are waiting until after November, and if something doesn’t happen until after November I won’t be convinced it was because they were waiting for the midterms to wrap up. 

I don’t know. I’m incredibly biased. I grew up around law enforcement and lawyers. I grew up around people that were brought in by the doj, atf and fbi to work cases as subject matter experts. I have been told a lot of things about the DOJ and FBI. And the #1 consensus opinion, is that if you’re in some other level of law enforcement they’re completely dicks to work with as they demand all your info and give you nothing in return 


the #2 consensus opinion is that they don’t **** around.


and #3 is that you don’t want them coming after you. 

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56 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’m not entirely sure that the garland memo (which was just a re-emphasis on a long running memo) is correctly interpreted as: we won’t do anything in the midst of an election. 

I think there’s a difference between announcing investigations, or commenting, etc, and pursuing obvious criminal activity when there is proof of it and an existing threat. 

which I guess means I’m not convinced they are waiting until after November, and if something doesn’t happen until after November I won’t be convinced it was because they were waiting for the midterms to wrap up. 


I get ya, I'm specifically talking about an indictment as the "biggest shoes" that we are waiting for Nov to see. with Sept 10th being that 60 day election window I seriously doubt we see a public indictment (could still make a sealed on tho)


We know they are doing a lot in the meantime. The search warrant itself is a good sign these dudes aint just sitting on their hands. I remember hen the DOJ was questioning if they even had the manpower to handle their expanding Jan 6th probe a couple months ago. Wheels are certainly spinnin'. Everybody just whats to see the whammy, me included.

Edited by FootballZombie
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Founder of Proud Boys Hawaii chapter pleads guilty in Jan. 6 case


Two men, including the founder the Proud Boys chapter in Hawaii, pleaded guilty Friday to felony obstruction of an official proceeding for their actions during the Jan. 6 insurrection.


Nicholas Ochs, 36, and Nicholas DeCarlo, 32, could face up to 20 years in prison, according to the Department of Justice.


Ochs, who had a senior leadership role in the far-right group Proud Boys, traveled from Honolulu to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 5, where he stayed in a hotel with DeCarlo, who traveled there from Texas, according to court documents. The two of them then attended the rally at the Ellipse the next day.


After the rally, they marched to the Capitol and threw smoke bombs at the police line, before entering through the Senate wing doors.


The Department of Justice also said that DeCarlo wrote "Murder the Media" on a door while Ochs recorded it. "Murder the Media" was the name of their social media channel. DeCarlo also took a pair of plastic handcuffs from a Capitol Police duffel bag.


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Justice Dept. and Trump Legal Team Clash Over Special Master Candidates


The Justice Department and lawyers for former President Donald J. Trump failed to agree on Friday on who could serve as an independent arbiter to sift through documents the F.B.I. seized from Mr. Trump’s Florida club and residence last month.


In an eight-page joint filing that listed far more points of disagreement than of consensus, the two sides exhibited sharply divergent visions for what the arbiter, known as a special master, would do, and put forth different candidates.


The Justice Department proposed two former Federal District Court judges for the position: Barbara S. Jones, a Clinton appointee to the Southern District of New York who performed a similar role in cases involving two personal lawyers of Mr. Trump, Michael S. Cohen in 2017 and Rudolph W. Giuliani in 2021; and Thomas B. Griffith, a George W. Bush appointee who retired from the bench in the District of Columbia in 2020.


Mr. Trump’s legal team countered with two suggestions of its own: a retired Federal District Court judge, Raymond J. Dearie, a Reagan appointee who sat in the Eastern District of New York and once served as the top federal prosecutor there; and Paul Huck Jr., a former deputy attorney general in Florida who also served as general counsel to Charlie Crist, who was its Republican governor at the time.


Mr. Huck is married to Judge Barbara Lagoa, whom Mr. Trump appointed to the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta, which oversees federal courts in Florida. Such an appointment would appear to create a conflict of interest that could require Judge Lagoa to recuse herself from litigation involving the case.


Judge Aileen M. Cannon, who ordered the parties to produce a list of qualified candidates by midnight Friday, will ultimately decide who will be tapped for the job. She will also set the parameters of the review.


The Justice Department, seeking to quickly finish its investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of sensitive government documents, proposed setting a deadline of Oct. 17 for completion of the arbiter’s work; Mr. Trump’s team suggested taking 90 days — or about three times as long.


The department also said Mr. Trump should pay for the master since he had asked for it; Mr. Trump’s team proposed that taxpayers split the cost.


The two sides also clashed substantially over the duties of the special master. Mr. Trump’s lawyers argued that the arbiter should look at all the documents seized in the search and filter out anything potentially subject to attorney-client or executive privilege.


By contrast, the government argued that the master should look only at unclassified documents and should not adjudicate whether anything was subject to executive privilege.


Mr. Trump’s lawyers are also asking the court to exclude National Archives officials from the process of reviewing the materials; the department believes their involvement is essential.


The dispute over the special master’s purview was reflected in an appeal the Justice Department filed on Thursday seeking to lift part of Judge Cannon’s order temporarily barring it from using the documents in its investigation.


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18 hours ago, Bang said:


Impeached... which stopped nothing. As i said earlier, the first time they brought two articles up when they could have brought in 100.
They have continued to expect fair play, they try to shame the shameless.


There is only one side capable of doing anything about them right now, and they have failed. The very fact that Herschel friggin' WALKER is leading in Georgia says the Democrats have failed utterly to penetrate the problem.
They have fought with kid gloves. And as a result, we will pay for it. 
They are the Uvalde cops. Pissing their pants while horror unfolds in front of them.

It's nice they are getting to the Jan. 6 hearings. In a few months the very real potential it all gets shut down and put away is very real. Right now their opponents are planning on this being the final 'fair' election in the history of this country.

He's still free despite overwhelming evidence of his attempted coup, and despite the since-revealed theft of highly classified documents.

He's still free.
When has anyone ever heard of the FBI raiding someplace to find illegal activity, finding it, and making NO arrests? Especially given WHAT was found. 
It's insanity. It's negligent, and it will cost us more and more and more every single day that it's allowed to continue. There is no way in hell anyone can show me that what they found is not just cause for an arrest.


So enough with what the Dems have done. None of it "did" anything. We need leadership, we need people who will take the fight to them, not sit back and absorb it until they barely have any breath left. This is not a political fight. it's a fight against fascism and authoritarianism and a clear shift away from the core values of this country.


This is where we are.




The Dems are not the party at fault. That would be the GOP, the party that enable this monster and blocks every Democratic attempt at justice.  

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20 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


The Dems are not the party at fault. That would be the GOP, the party that enable this monster and blocks every Democratic attempt at justice.  


Our leaders are charged with defending the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  The Left hasn't exactly been knocking that "domestic" part out of the park.  Yes, the GOP is that enemy of democracy.  But if the Dems can't defend us from it, then they aren't doing their job.

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She’s good. She’s very, very good.


Spot on. Where are all the top conservative lawyers? They should be tripping over each other to work with Trump if there's so much evidence refuting all these accusations.


I've been saying for years now if there was such evidence like Trump n his supporters claim, why isn't Trump himself waving that in front of cameras at his rallies saying "here's the proof ****ers?". 🤷‍♂️

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Nosferatu Subpoenaed in Save America PAC & Fake Electors Probe


The Justice Department has subpoenaed two former top White House political advisers under President Donald J. Trump as part of a widening investigation related to Mr. Trump’s post-election fund-raising and plans for so-called fake electors, according to people briefed on the matter.


Brian Jack, the final White House political director under Mr. Trump, and Stephen Miller, Mr. Trump’s top speechwriter and a senior policy adviser, were among more than a dozen people connected to the former president to receive subpoenas from a federal grand jury this week.


The subpoenas seek information in connection with the Save America political action committee and the plan to submit slates of electors pledged to Mr. Trump from swing states that were won by Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the 2020 election. Mr. Trump and his allies promoted the idea that competing slates of electors would justify blocking or delaying certification of Mr. Biden’s Electoral College win during a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021.


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1 hour ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


The Dems are not the party at fault. That would be the GOP, the party that enable this monster and blocks every Democratic attempt at justice.  

I'm not going to argue against that, but if you're satisfied with how they have faced such a threat, I don't know what to say.

They are toothless, and they are the only opposition party there is. 
Why didn't they bring the 25th into it?
I mean seriously, contemplate what he has done, what he continues to do, what they absolutely WILL do if they manage to win it back while these lunatics are still running around free?
What protects us?
Isn't that something we need to be protected from? 
They didn't even try. They have failed to exert the rule of law with the powers available to them. They made a lot of clever finger wag tweets, though. They have had all of this nation's law enforcement agencies and intel agencies tell us there is strong evidence he is a compromised agent of an adversarial nation, he followed the Fascist takeover playbook page by page, and EVERYONE knew it.. and they brought up two articles of impeachment and acted like that would be enough to do anything.
They expected these people to say "Gosh, they impeached us.. I guess they aren't messing around, we better shape up".
and what do you know, they didn't. 


It's not about blaming them for him. It's about seeing how they have failed to act. They are cowed by worries of "if we do it, then they'll do it next time" bull****, and what that does is let a traitor destroy this country over a threat of something that won't happen, because once they get hold of the power again they will not give it back.


Which way do you think all of this is going to go? Historically, people don't wise up from being involved in something like this once they are. You have to destroy them. 
How does that happen if those who have the ability will not apply the law?


It isn't blaming them for him, it's utter contempt for them letting this continue and continue and continue until it's beyond reining in. And it is.



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2 hours ago, Bang said:

I'm not going to argue against that, but if you're satisfied with how they have faced such a threat, I don't know what to say.

They are toothless, and they are the only opposition party there is. 
Why didn't they bring the 25th into it?
I mean seriously, contemplate what he has done, what he continues to do, what they absolutely WILL do if they manage to win it back while these lunatics are still running around free?
What protects us?
Isn't that something we need to be protected from? 
They didn't even try. They have failed to exert the rule of law with the powers available to them. They made a lot of clever finger wag tweets, though. They have had all of this nation's law enforcement agencies and intel agencies tell us there is strong evidence he is a compromised agent of an adversarial nation, he followed the Fascist takeover playbook page by page, and EVERYONE knew it.. and they brought up two articles of impeachment and acted like that would be enough to do anything.
They expected these people to say "Gosh, they impeached us.. I guess they aren't messing around, we better shape up".
and what do you know, they didn't. 


It's not about blaming them for him. It's about seeing how they have failed to act. They are cowed by worries of "if we do it, then they'll do it next time" bull****, and what that does is let a traitor destroy this country over a threat of something that won't happen, because once they get hold of the power again they will not give it back.


Which way do you think all of this is going to go? Historically, people don't wise up from being involved in something like this once they are. You have to destroy them. 
How does that happen if those who have the ability will not apply the law?


It isn't blaming them for him, it's utter contempt for them letting this continue and continue and continue until it's beyond reining in. And it is.



I think I agree with your general premise - the warning signs weren’t always taken seriously enough (I know many dems did take them quite seriously though), and part of that was a belief that the guardrails would constrain Trump et al to some degree - but I’m also not sure what tangible things they could have done?  25th is up to cabinet members, has nothing to do with dems (though as Buzz points out, the J6 committee could have pushed this harder, though there’s still some time I guess).  Now if you wanna talk about Manchin and Sinema and ditching the filibuster in order to strengthen/re-establish voters rights and expand the court, I’m on board.  If you’re thinking the FBI should have pushed their investigations into the organizers sooner, I tend to agree… but that’s not a dem thing.


So I guess I’m honestly asking (there’s a lot I don’t know about the topic) what else could be done?


One thing that I think has to change is a two-part issue - improving privacy laws and increasing sentences for (and investigations into) threats of violence toward individuals - whether it’s election workers, congresspersons, their staff, etc.

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19 minutes ago, skinny21 said:

So I guess I’m honestly asking (there’s a lot I don’t know about the topic) what else could be done?




Honestly, do the Dems do even half of what the GOP does to fire up their base?  Do they fight as hard for a topic as the GOP does?  


Also, I will note that it isn't our responsibility to figure out how to do it.  It is their job.  Us not knowing how to fix it is no different than us not knowing how to repel a foreign invasion.  I expect that stuff to be trusted to someone who knows how to get results.  Right now, the Dems are the equivalent to the Redskins/Commanders.  The fans aren't expected to know how to fix it.  But we know the results produced by people that are expected to are pure crap.

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4 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

Honestly, do the Dems do even half of what the GOP does to fire up their base?  Do they fight as hard for a topic as the GOP does?  


Unfortunately they don't. Why? All the GOP has to do is tell a dozen different lies and it consistently works. 😬


GOP burns down their house along with half the neighborhood. Residents look at Democrats like "Why did yall allow this?". 🤪

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20 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


If there were an arsonist burning down your neighborhood, wouldn't you expect officials to do something about it?


Yes. Not easy to do when over half the neighborhood doesn't seem to give a **** tho. 😬


Democrats have their hands full and yet are always tasked with cleaning up Republican messes. It's a slow uphill battle. Price of freedom n whatnot is eternal vigilance n junk. 

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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