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Documents at Mar-a-Lago Were Moved and Hidden as U.S. Sought Them, Filing Suggests


The Justice Department sought a search warrant for former President Donald J. Trump’s residence in Florida after obtaining evidence that highly classified documents were likely moved around and concealed and that Mr. Trump’s representatives had falsely claimed all sensitive material had been returned, according to a court filing by the department on Tuesday.


The filing, which came in response to Mr. Trump’s request for an independent review of materials seized from his home, Mar-a-Lago, paints the clearest picture yet of the department’s exhaustive effort to retrieve the documents before taking the extraordinary step of searching a former president’s private property on Aug. 8.


Among the new disclosures in the 36-page filing were that the search yielded three classified documents in desks located inside Mr. Trump’s office, with more than 100 documents in 13 boxes or containers with classification markings in the residence, including some at the most restrictive levels.


That was twice the number of classified documents the former president’s lawyers turned over voluntarily while swearing an oath that they had returned all the material demanded by the government.


Investigators developed evidence that “government records were likely concealed and removed” from the storage room at Mar-a-Lago “and that efforts were likely undertaken to obstruct the government’s investigation,” prosecutors wrote in the filing.


It included one striking visual aid — a photograph of at least five yellow folders recovered from Mr. Trump’s resort and residence marked “Top Secret” and another red one labeled “Secret.”


Click on the link for the full article

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I watched the whole Rob Schneider clip.  What the hell is he talking about?  He compared I guess, himself on behalf of some aggrieved political class to English.bombers fighting against Nazi Germany.  I really want them to tell us what the hell rule of Democrats has resulted in?  What do they think they are standing up against?  He is not even dressing it up in American Patriotism..


There were some other pilots that flew in World War 2.  The worshiped an emperor.  They were willing to kamikaze themselves for their emperor.  


I know which pilots the MAGA crowd are like...

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15 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Saw some blurb in the news that they think Trump still has more documents after the raid.


They showed up. Went to the one place that the snitch told them to go. Found things. 

What's the odds that the snitch told them about every stash?  

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1 hour ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Saw some blurb in the news that they think Trump still has more documents after the raid.


Not unlikely.


But I gotta assume a lot of our most valuable secrets have at least some form of physical cataloging. Which makes it absolutely insane to think that you can hand over some documents upon request, but hold onto a metric crap-ton and not expect anyone to notice a swath of missing documents.



3 hours ago, China said:



Reminds me of the warnings kids get these days about what they put on the internet and on social media and how it can harm them in the future as it stays with you forever. Some things, once you put out there, you never get back.


If people decide to act an absolute fool to the point you have federal hearings about your actions... sorry bro, your stuck with that and its your own dang fault. Even if you get your record wiped or expunged, Google is the new norm and will have those articles/photos/blurbs about you forever.



I also predict a big surge in the companies that work to mitigate negative google results during searches.

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16 minutes ago, FootballZombie said:

But I gotta assume a lot of our most valuable secrets have at least some form of physical cataloging. Which makes it absolutely insane to think that you can hand over some documents upon request, but hold onto a metric crap-ton and not expect anyone to notice a swath of missing documents.


Be willing to bet that the Trump White House had standing orders not to keep records about that.  (And lots of other things.)  


And Trump has xerox machines.  And toilets. 




And not the first, either.  


Remember after 9/11?  People were hinting that W knew about it.  And they were denying it.  Before 9/11 it was completely unthinkable that any terrorist organization would ever attack on US soil.  


And it leaked out that in mid August, the title of the Presidential Daily Briefing was "Ossama determined to attack within the US".  


White House pulled all their people back in.  Spent a day or two huddled in the White House.  Then they came out.  


And what do you know?  According to the White House records, President W, in the entire month of August


* Never once received a Presidential Daily Briefing.  

* Never spoke with the head of the CIA

* Never spoke with the head of the FBI.  

* Never spoke with his National Security Advisor.  

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Wait isn’t this the dude that said he was totally going to testify and tell the truth about getting choked out by Trump? 

Yeah - the dude that said Hutchison lied that someone told her TFG tried to choke the driver. 

Another ****ing spineless asshole...

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VERY good thread, well worth the short read on Twitter…



The rest:


”1) The facts. NARA negotiated in 2021 for the missing records. They finally got 15 boxes. After going through them and finding all kinds of classified records (not organized at all), they raised the alarm. They wanted to make a referral to the FBI but had to first consult with Trump's team, per the PRA procedure. Trump's team delayed for weeks and weeks, and never substantively responded. Finally, NARA told Trump's team they were making the referral and rejected the "protective" assertion of Executive Privilege.


2) At no time did Trump's legal team file an action *at that point* to prevent the referral to FBI.


3) The FBI reviewed the records and the criminal inquiry was opened. A grand jury subpoena was issued to Trump's team. Again, they delayed and delayed in complying. Finally, in early June they agreed to a meeting at MAL to comply. They turned over more classified records, and swore out a statement that they had done a diligent search, they had not found any more classified records, and any records that remained were in the storage room. They refused to let the FBI agents look at the boxes in the storage room.


4) The FBI gathered new evidence that there were in fact more classified records at MAL, including in locations outside of the storage room. They got the search warrant and found approximately 100 additional classified records, some located in Trump's own office. 

5) That is straight up obstruction and concealment of classified records, and willfully retaining them in an unauthorized location.


6) Now come the legal arguments. First, DOJ says Trump lacks standing. The records are not his: they are the property of the US. Even if he wanted to claim them as personal records, he never did so. He did not do so in 2021, he did not do so when subpoenaed, he never did it. He has no possessory interest in the records. 


7) Second, they argue Trump is not entitled to any injunctive relief. Again, these are not his records, he waited way too long to even try to stop the FBI from getting the records, he's not entitled to relief given Executive Privilege would not apply, and even if it did the criminal investigative need outweighs it.


8. Third, the Special Master is moot. The A/C privilege records were already separated and are set to be evaluated by the magistrate. The records Trump claims are covered by EP are not his anyway, and the Nixon precedents make clear he cannot invoke it to override the need to conduct a criminal investigation. 


9) To sum it up, Trump took PLAINLY MARKED classified records to MAL, he delayed, obstructed and resisted Government efforts to recover them, he (or his staff) concealed the records from investigators, and they got caught doing so.



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Its pretty cool to watch Trumps penchant to screw over everyone who works for him, specifically his lawyers, come back and bite him in the ass so righteously. Many of his current problems could have been avoided if he had even minimally competent legal help lol. 

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Uh, yeah, find all the crimes...


Arizona GOP chair says ‘thousands’ will be implicated if J6 committee looks at her phone: report


The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party argued that thousands could be implicated if a federal judge does not quash a subpoena from the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

"That will inevitably lead to the questioning of, and further subpoenas issued to, the thousands of Republicans in contact with plaintiffs," Kelli Ward attorney Alexander Kolodin argued in a new filing, the Tuscon Star reported Tuesday.

U.S. House of Representatives' general counsel Douglas Letter noted the Department of Justice was not seeking the content of conversations, just the meta-data.

"There can be no greater interest than investigating the first attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power of its kind in our nation's history," Letter argued.

Ward, who was an alternate Arizona elector with her husband Mark, was subpoenaed by the select committee in February.

The subpoena cited a July 2021 report by Arizona 12 News correspondent Brahm Resnick.

"We need you to stop the counting," the article quoted Kelli Ward as texting Maricopa County Board's then-chairman, Clint Hickman.

The subpoena said Ward, "apparently spoke with former President Trump and members of his staff about election certification issues in Arizona. In addition, after the election, you sent out messages suggesting that the November 2020 election had been 'stolen' and posted a video advancing unsubstantiated theories of election interference by Dominion Voting Systems along with a link to a donation page to benefit the Arizona Republican Party."





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