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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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He’s very punchable and meme-able, so his lawyer was smart to insist on transcript only for potential release. But he can still come off as extremely hateable, which will fan the flames of the media and public dislike even more. 

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6 minutes ago, Conn said:

He’s very punchable and meme-able, so his lawyer was smart to insist on transcript only for potential release. But he can still come off as extremely hateable, which will fan the flames of the media and public dislike even more. 

For sure, no matter what comes of any of this - I just wanted Dan to literally have to face the music, show the world how uncomfortable he is, get meme'd and make this story much more popular.  


His lawyers just showed the world who carries the big stick - and it's not congress.


I gather this thing is all but dead in the water.  I had only a small amount of hope all of this would lead to what we all want, but I'm now at 0% hope.

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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Maloney could have waited for Snyder to return to the United States and served the subpoena at that time. If he then failed to show for his deposition, Congress could have held him in contempt. At that point Snyder could have tried in court to get the subpoena thrown out -- a process that could have taken months.

I think you were quoting from an article, but I'm not sure which one.


This part is actually a little backwards, according to Howard Gutman.  What Howard said is Snyder's attorney's would inform the house committee the day or two before the hearing he was challenging the validity of the subpoena in court, and then file the court motion, which would then not allow Congress to hold Snyder "in contempt of Congress."  


I kindof think Congress can hold anybody it wants in contempt of congress for any reason at any time, so maybe they still could, but my understanding is Congress would not take that action if an active court case is ongoing.  


Once the court case was settled, and whoever lost would immediately appeal, and whoever lost that would probably appeal to the SCOTUS, but once it's settled, Snyder would have to live with the consequences of the ruling.  If he didn't, then he would invite a lot of bad legal consequences at that time. 


In talking to one of my friends on the hill, he did say if the court proceeding was ongoing, it wasn't actual up to the committee to continue to pursue the court proceeding, it would be up to to the House Counsel's office.  And historically they have not switched directions based on who controls congress.  Now, once a resolution is reached, whoever is in charge can choose to do whatever.  

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44 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

So, basically a huge nothing burger.


It's only entertainment and productive if it's live for the world to see.

Yeah, and I said from the absolute beginning, there was absolutely no way that was going to happen.  Especially after Roger went and took a bullet for Snyder, there was no way Snyder was going to get up in front and take a public beating from Congress.  And quite frankly, he didn't have to, (as evidence by the fact he isn't), so why would he? 


And before we get the whole "rich people skirting the law" and "he's not being held accountable" and all that stuff, keep in mind one of the biggest reasons Dan was able to wriggle off the hook is because the committee bollocksed  up the whole proceeding and showed their hand way too early.  They were on very shaky footing for what they were doing to begin with, and then they completely screwed it up with a variety of things, including the information about the canceled fundraiser, comments from the committee about "holding Dan accountable (which isn't in their charter), and most notably, the conclusion of their investigation and submission of legislation prior to Dan's testimony.  They removed all of their own leverage.  


And because of this, and other statements made by the committee, they must have gotten legal advice from the House Counsel the subpoena had a really good shot of being struck down by the courts.  Which would have been extremely embarrassing to the committee, and they really can't risk having that happen.  


What they should have done is made this a massively wide-ranging investigation into the workplace at all major sports and entertainment organizations, held hearings to include the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Disney, Universal, etc.  They should have invited Roger, Al Davis' dumbass kid, the owners of the Texans and Browns, and Dan from the NFL.  They should have invited the commissioners from every sport and representative owners from each league, executives from all of the leading media companies, where we know there has been massive misconduct.  Make the investigation about the use of NDAs, HR laws, etc.  


And THEN when Dan failed to post, they would have had a much stronger case that he has something to hide, and the investigation is not simply about holding one business accountable.  Which isn't in the charter of the HOC to begin with.  If they had gone down that road, there is an even money chance Dan would have been sitting in a chair at the capitol, next to Roger and others.  He might have only taken the 5th, but I don't think he could have avoided going.  


But they didn't do that. 


So the only way they could get Dan to testify in any way was basically to capitulate to his demands.  The way I see it, he got everything he wanted:

- Remote testimony

- Not public

- Voluntary, not under subpoena


I'm sure Dan's side also asked for the testimony to remain private, but I think at that point, the committee would have been willing to either drop the case or take their chances in court, (which I think they know they are going to lose) because it would have been a pointless exercise, and more on THAT later.  


So the Snyder camp agreed to the fact the committee could release a transcript, and I assume they believe the committee WILL release a transcript. And I'm sure he and his lawyers have answers to absolutely everything pre-planned.  


What we want is for Dan to fall into one of 2 traps:


1. He either knowingly or unknowingly lies, and the committee knows it.  That's perjury and he could be brought up on criminal charges and go to jail, which most likely would also end in him being forced to sell the team.  I'm sure the committee has a bunch of information they haven't released from testimony they have gathered, and they will ask about it.  Keep in mind, for perjury to be proven, there has to be proof of the lie.  A he said/he said would not work.  But there is a chance he could step on his wank. That would be the ideal scenario for having him removed as owner.  Though his legal team is going to be working VERY hard to make sure that's not going to happen.  


2.  He says or admits to something which is massively objectionable to the NFL, which they didn't know about previously.  Which would probably then be rolled into the MJW investigation. I find this a long-shot.  


Look, I have long believed that the entire purpose of this whole thing is because it is being orchestrated by Lisa Banks, who I believe has ties to the committee and the Washington Post, for the purpose of strengthening her civil case against Dan and the NFL.  The committee has gotten some good theater out of it, good on them.  Nothing else.  Who wins if Dan testifies and admits to wrongdoing?  Lisa Banks and her clients.  They can then wrap all of the admissions into a HUGE civil case slam-dunk.  They can go after Dan and they can go after the NFL as the deep pockets defenders.  


Now, that could be good for us as well, IF the NFL owners feel the best way to settle the law suit is to get rid of Dan.  But they could also take the opposite approach and defend Dan and the shield.  We will see.


But I think, and at this point I think it's fairly transparent, this whole ordeal has been orchestrated by Banks, and the only reason this testimony is taking place at all is because she wants something on the record from Dan.  If she didn't, I think the whole thing would have been dropped a long time ago.  

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Well, the committee threw it all away.  They agreed to Snyder doing a zoom call from the mediteranian to answer pre-decided written questions from a staffer only, behind closed doors.  


Surely they cant be stupid enough to think hes going to say anything useful or helpful.  The big play and leverage they had was to force his continued running from the subpoena until they could force testimony or hold him in criminal contempt.  Now they are going to get literally nothing out of it.  I guess just confirms what we already knew, when the two least trustworthy and most incompetent entities in Snyder and Congress meet, everything is disappointment.

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11 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

They had a lottery for THAT?




Exactly.  I get it cost them more money to go to Richmond but coming from someone who has been to multiple camps there including last year -- most of those practices were packed.  Heck even their walk throughs in the late afternoon had a decent turnout.


For a team bleeding fans, going penny wise and pound foolish, isn't a smart move IMO.







Edited by Skinsinparadise
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I think the post from the dude defending this actually hits the team while he thinks he's defending it by citing the Lions probably don't have a ton of fans.  That's the default company we are keeping with now apparently and that is used to actually defend the team. 😢. The Lions the only team with worst fan attendance than us.  We used to be keeping company with the Cowboys but now our comparisons on multiple fronts are the Jags and Lions.  That's Dan's legacy. 

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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

They had a lottery for THAT?



It's called an exclusive event, honey. I wouldn't anticipate you "poors" to understand. Once I win the lottery of money I will also be watching training camp alone, because I will have bought the team. I will exclude everyone. 

Edited by CobraCommander
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Just now, CobraCommander said:

It's called an exclusive event, honey. I wouldn't understand you "poors" to understand. Once I win the lottery of money I will also be watching training camp alone, because I will have bought the team. I will exclude everyone. 

I think the word you’re looking for is “expect”, but funny nonetheless :) 


if the team was smart (LOL!) they’d cancel the lottery system right now and tell fans they’re all welcome. But, they’re just a bunch of idiots, sadly….I hate this team. 


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4 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

if the team was smart (LOL!) they’d cancel the lottery system right now and tell fans they’re all welcome. But, they’re just a bunch of idiots, sadly….I hate this team. 


I hated McDonalds when I worked there too.

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1 minute ago, NickyJ said:

Knowing how to welcome all fans to a practice is lost institutional knowledge, we don't have any of that stuff around here.

Incoming Jason Wright tweet: “we’re sorry to all our fans, we didn’t realize how much being at training camp practices meant to you” 

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Wow, thats beyond pathetic. I think most fans, when it comes to any team are driven by superstars and winning. We have no superstars and we suck. Have for a long time... our superstars are quiet, lunch pale kind of guys like J Allen and T Mac... we desperately need to win. Add the off the field Dan crap, the ****ty name change and we are in for it. have to have to win, like winning 12 games and a NFC championship appearance kind of winning season. 

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