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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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Dan as usual is his own worst enemy and stupidly transparent when he thinks he's being clever.  


I know there is some pessimism about him ever being forced to sell the team.  I think our best shot at it is to hope Dan is continually put under stress until he basically makes enough mistakes that things finally explode to such an absurd extent that the NFL has to do something about it.


The irony for me is I am catching up to all of this, right after coming off a conference call where I am trying to get a client to stop sabotaging themselves in the mix of dealing with a crisis.  Sometimes the best answer as I told them is to do nothing.  But some people can't help themselves -- Dan being one of those type of people.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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The thing is by sending a press release on doing this it obviously keeps the topic in the news.  Part of the stupidity of Dan is he thinks people are as stupid as he is.    And this isn't about PR 101.  This is PR for kindergarden. 


Lets take more minor versions of this type of behavior, all the leaks about Scott McCloughan, you don't have to have much insight to deduce that they wanted fans to embrace the ouster and take their side of things.  The stupid Kirk Cousins press release. Going back further when they decided not to hire Gregg Williams, they figured they can turn fan sentiment their way by leaking that Gregg bad mouthed Joe Gibbs.  Most read through the nonsense.  But what made it even more stupid is it brought the spotlight even more on these stories.  


It's Dan's 101 PR instinct which is to try to turn the narrative back in his favor.  And that's with the low stakes stuff.  Now he's fighting for much bigger stakes with his ownershup at least in question and its still the same playbook -- he keeps the story going strong via his own actions (which is beyond stupid) and we know the next step here if he's going to stick to his playbook is to try to intimidate and destroy the witness here.


The kicker to me is that Dan still thinks he can win people over and take his side.  It shows how pathologically delusional he is.  The same reason why he will never be a good owner is being played out right now as to him dealing with his own PR survivial.  That is, poor instincts, sleazy behavior, deep delusion, scapegoating and incompetence.  


The more I watch this play out the more I think Dan was the leak on the Jon Gruden stories.    Some said why would Dan do that because it would ultimately bring the spotlight back on him.  Yeah that's true.  But he never seems to have a grasp of that basic PR element that even a 2nd grader could understand.  Dan in the moment likely thought hey let me turn the WFT fans against Bruce and exact some revenge on Bruce and his pal at the same time -- and he didn't think about the boomerang impact of the move because heck when does he forsee the boomerang effect of anything?




Edited by Skinsinparadise
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My nephew called me to tell me he sorry about saying I was over reacting and being a bad fan when I told him a few years ago I wasn't going to games (unless literally free) or buy any merch until they get Synder out of control of the team. At the time I guess he just thought I was a bad sport/loser or over reacting. He compared it, at the time, to him still being an Eagles fan when they never won anything ever. 


He called me today and the first words out of his mouth were 'You were right. This MF'er is a menace to society and has to be stopped!'


Word is getting out about how this dude should probably be in jail by now. 

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Is this another case of Dan having too much ego to resist leaking that this was his investigation (the way he couldn’t resist saying publicly that he wasn’t punished) and the NFL is covering their asses, or is this yet ANOTHER investigation separate from the one Snyder is already having conducted? Every outlet specifically reported today that Snyder hired the investigators (again) so I find it hard to believe that detail was off entirely.

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To follow up on my last post, wow, even worst yet for Dan.  Yeah its stupid enough to put out a press release and do this to keep the subject in the press.  But for the NFL to weigh in and override him within short time of that press release.  What a freaking PR mess.  


So basically:


A. Dan brings the story some new legs (stupid)

B.  His credibility is already shot on him running his "own" investigation in the past, yet is willing to bring back that whole narrative (stupid)


And the result is:


After taking the PR hit with their move in a vaccum.  Now we got the story converging with the NFL saying no we are going to do this -- which suggests they don't trust Dan.  And as much as the NFL has been a disaster with this, Dan's dumb PR move puts the NFL's feet to the fire even more.  I don't know if the NFL does anything with this but I do think the odds are greater now that they do something.


My point is this is Dan showcasing how even for his own survivial he is his own worst enemy and stupid and delusional as heck.  If there is evidence for the NFL that he doesn't deserve the team his sleazy actions are plenty to make that case but the fact of how he's handling his own situation showcases why he's a trainwreck.


The more I think about it, while I am not optimistic that they remove him as owner, I am starting to think we have a fighting chance that he's suspended as an owner for some time.  If so, they can't leave it to Tonya.    It could be George Steinbrenner style suspension.  That's not enough for me but i'd take it if it happened.  The Yankees were able to set up their big run in the 1990s when Steinbrenner was suspended.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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3 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

To follow up on my last post, wow, even worst yet for Dan.  Yeah its stupid enough to put out a press release and do this to keep the subject in the press.  But for the NFL to weigh in and override him within short time of that press release.  What a freaking PR mess.  


So basically:


A. Dan brings the story some new legs (stupid)

B.  His credibility is already shot on him running his "own" investigation in the past, yet is willing to bring back that whole narrative (stupid)


And the result is:


After taking the PR hit with their move in a vaccum.  Now we got the story converging with the NFL saying no we are going to do this -- which suggests they don't trust Dan.  And as much as the NFL has been a disaster with this, Dan's dumb PR move puts the NFL's feet to the fire even more.  I don't know if the NFL does anything with this but I do think the odds are greater now that they do something.


My point is this is Dan showcasing how even for his own survivial he's his own worst enemy and stupid and delusional as heck.  If there is evidence for the NFL that he doesn't deserve the team his sleazy actions are plenty to make that case but the fact of how he's handling his own situation showcases why he's a trainwreck.


The more I think about it, while I am not optimistic that they remove him as owner, I am starting to think we have a fighting chance that he's suspended as an owner for some time.  If so, they can't leave it to Tonya.    It could be George Steinbrenner style suspension.  That's not enough for me but i'd take it if it happened.  The Yankees were able to set up their big run in the 1990s when Steinbrenner was suspended.

They want him gone. He changed the name now they can get rid of him


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5 minutes ago, Redskins 2021 said:

They want him gone. He changed the name now they can get rid of him



I hear they want him gone but I got doubts they have the balls to do it on two different fronts:


A.  Does it make it easier to get rid of them down the road?


B.  Dan is litigious as heck, so are they ready for the big lawsuits?


Part of the reason why I can see a suspension is you could avoid worrying about A and B.  Try to have your cake and eat it too.


The wild thing about Dan's actions is he I am sure he doesn't see it this way but he's basically taunting the NFL to take action towards him. 


I used to think years ago Dan was just a dumb owner but he had other things cooking for him outside of football but the more I read about his failed businesses and watch him handle his own situation in this case comvinces me he's really really mega delusional and incompetent across the board and not just with football. 

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Before I say this it is not a defense of Dan nor is it saying I don't believe Tiffani Johnston because I absolutely do. Will say if she refuses to be a part of investigation especially now that its come out NFL is doing it and not team it is not going to look good optically. She refused to participate in the first investigation when everyone said it was a sham investigation. Made the allegations in front of congress when it wasn't under oath. Says she wont participate in the new investigation unless conducted by the very person she refused to work with in the first sham investigation and  she worked for the team for years after the incident reportedly took place with a reported resignation letter talking about how much she loved the organization. Like I said I fully believe her but unless we get more than he said she said its not going to result in anything unfortunately. That's a large reason NFL hasnt made him sell before now. There is no smoking gun here and NFL doesnt want to set a precedence based solely off accusations whether we believe them to be true or not.

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7 minutes ago, Redskins 2021 said:

They want him gone. He changed the name now they can get rid of him


Has nothing to do with it imo, any new owner would have been happy to change the name and do a complete rebrand. That would have been the dream for a nearly defunct franchise, in fact. It’s actually worse now that we’ve already been rebranded terribly. 

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1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:

but the more I read about his failed businesses and watch him handle his own situation in this cases comvinces me he's really really mega delusional and incompetent across the board and not just with football. 

His business ventures across the board are catastrophic failures. His lone win was him being in the right place at the right time in a business that only existed for about a 5-10 year span. 

one of the luckiest businessmen you will ever come across 

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1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I hear they want him gone but I got doubts they have the balls to do it on two different fronts:


A.  Does it make it easier to get rid of them down the road?


B.  Dan is litigious as heck, so are they ready for the big lawsuits?


Part of the reason why I can see a suspension is you could avoid worrying about A and B.  Try to have your cake and eat it too.


The wild thing about Dan's actions is he I am sure doesn't see it this way but he's basically taunting the NFL to take action towards him. 


I used to think years ago Dan was just a dump owner but he had other things cooking for him outside of football but the more I read about his failed businesses and watch him handle his own situation in this cases comvinces me he's really really mega delusional and incompetent across the board and not just with football. 

This reminds me of Selig and MLB being afraid of Angelos suing when they were moving the Expos here, so they handed him 90% control of MASN. Of course Angelos ultimately sued over the right fees and 16 years later it's still tied up in courts. Moral of the story: ****ty asshole litigious owners are going to be ****ty asshole litigious owners no mater what you do. Rip the band aid off. If he threatens to sue, threaten to release the Wilkinson Report.

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4 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

Before I say this it is not a defense of Dan nor is it saying I don't believe Tiffani Johnston because I absolutely do. Will say if she refuses to be a part of investigation especially now that its come out NFL is doing it and not team it is not going to look good optically. She refused to participate in the first investigation when everyone said it was a sham investigation. Made the allegations in front of congress when it wasn't under oath. Says she wont participate in the new investigation unless conducted by the very person she refused to work with in the first sham investigation and  she worked for the team for years after the incident reportedly took place with a reported resignation letter talking about how much she loved the organization. Like I said I fully believe her but unless we get more than he said she said its not going to result in anything unfortunately.

She didn’t have an issue with cooperating with Wilkinson specifically I don’t think, she was afraid. And since many were harassed by Snyder’s goons during that investigation, she was right to worry. Only after seeing how little traction it got did she decide to come forward, she had enough. 

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3 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

This reminds me of Selig and MLB being afraid of Angelos suing when they were moving the Expos here, so they handed him 90% control of MASN. Of course Angelos ultimately sued over the right fees and 16 years later it's still tied up in courts. Moral of the story: ****ty asshole litigious owners are going to be ****ty asshole litigious owners no mater what you do. Rip the band aid off. If he threatens to sue, threaten to release the Wilkinson Report.

The only reason IMO it hasn’t happened already is because Dan knows other owners with similar pasts 

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5 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

This reminds me of Selig and MLB being afraid of Angelos suing when they were moving the Expos here, so they handed him 90% control of MASN. Of course Angelos ultimately sued over the right fees and 16 years later it's still tied up in courts. Moral of the story: ****ty asshole litigious owners are going to be ****ty asshole litigious owners no mater what you do. Rip the band aid off. If he threatens to sue, threaten to release the Wilkinson Report.


I don't think the NFL will do this because Snyder could just threaten to release more emails that implicate Howdy Doody Goodell and the other owners in collusion to keep players' salaries low.

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