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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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17 minutes ago, tshile said:

that’s not what’s wrong with you and that’s not what you’re doing. 

you’ve been presented facts about how this second article came about, and rejecting those facts in favor of an opinion you’ve made up out of thin air. 

and while doing so, you treat this second article as if it exists in a vacuum when it doesn’t. 

That’s not giving someone any benefit of the doubt. That’s not clinging to some notion of morals. 

it’s willfully believing something with zero support over something with support. 

juxtapose that with the whole general issue of how women are treated when they report things, and you fit right in with the wrong crowd. 

the post had 17 women come to them for the first article.


the second article started because the person in possession of the tapes, took them to the post after seeing the redskins and snyder get off with essentially just bad PR 


the post also had 25 additional women come forward after the first story, and are included in the second story. 

not to mention OVER TWO DECADES of reports that snyder treats people like crap, and runs an organization with a toxic culture built on fear. 

and your reaction to all of that is to make up this attentive theory, based on nothing of substance, and wave away with your hands 20 years of evidence of ****ty behavior and 42 women coming forward (so far) to claim sexual harassment, being pimped out, and now secrete videos of their private areas. 

You have the audacity to call others mindless? To buck up about your morals and extending the benefit of the doubt?


how phony and fraudulent. 

you make some good points, but i wasn't trying to suggest he's innocent, nor was I intending to justify what has happened over the last 20 years or the culture that building has had.

I would just like to hear both sides of the story before I determine if snyder should be run out of town.

I believe he could be an asshole but not guilty of anything worthy of forcing him out ( no matter how much I'd like him to be).


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1 hour ago, profusion said:

Goodell translation: "We're just going to let this one play out. Good luck, Dan."


My read is that this is the same investigation that Snyder ordered, not a new one.


Yeah, I've seen some folks saying that's the case.


Then it's as worthless as the statement itself. 

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1 hour ago, profusion said:

Goodell translation: "We're just going to let this one play out. Good luck, Dan."


My read is that this is the same investigation that Snyder ordered, not a new one.

In his statement, Goodell mentioned that the NFL recommended the investigating attorney. 

Sounds like this might actually be the NFL’s investigation, with Snyder footing the bill. 

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2 hours ago, redskinss said:

I have no love lost for dan Snyder but someone has an agenda here.

They released the first article with a week of ridiculous build up, then catapulted the **** against the wall and most of it didn't stick apparently they decided to regroup, pick up all the **** and fling it again. 

I'm not saying snyder is innocent and hell, I'd love to see him go, but at what point do we have to admit this isn't solely about the accusations and there are twenty years of vitriol for dan snyder behind some of this?

No, what you are is an idiot who either does actually love Dan Snyder, or closet supports some of the things that were going on but knows others view it as morally reprehensible.


Anyone with half a brain knows that once the first article comes out with numerous accounts, it would embolden others who had always thought speaking out would lead to them being railroaded.  This has happened almost every time in modern history with something like this.  It was blindingly obvious at the time that if there was truth to it, more people would come out because of the article and a followup with more serious allegations would occur.

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I'm surprised at the amount of people normalizing Dan's actions. People saying there's an agenda are missing the main point here. Don't be a piece of **** person and people won't be able to write 5,500 word articles about you. I'm just going to add this before I get the typical "well being a piece of **** person won't get him to sell" response, if you're a murderer you're a POS person, if you're racist you're a POS person, if you're sexist you're a POS person, if you destroy property you're a POS person. People are acting like Dan has to commit murder to lose his ownership, but in reality he simply has to be found unfit by the other owners. Dan is 100% unfit to sit at the table with the other owners and they all know he's a liability. 

Edited by Burgundy Yoda
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3 minutes ago, Peregrine said:

No, what you are is an idiot who either does actually love Dan Snyder, or closet supports some of the things that were going on but knows others view it as morally reprehensible.

None of this is true, but thank you for all the personal insults.

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15 minutes ago, redskinss said:

None of this is true, but thank you for all the personal insults.

Don’t really understand why adults  can’t disagree or voice opinions without name calling. You are not an idiot, at least as far as I know. 😂 

11 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

That NFL statement is like most of their actions--all bluster, no action.

I don’t know,they will probably end up taking three number one draft picks and 80 million in cap money.

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3 minutes ago, Tarpon75 said:

Don’t really understand why adults  can’t disagree or voice opinions without name calling. You are not an idiot, at least as far as I know. 😂 

Its also interesting how easily people's comments can be misconstrued and opinions can form with almost no information. 

For example most of the people in this thread now think I'm a womanizer or bare minimum a sympathizer when that couldn't be farther from the truth. 

I've always been the exact opposite, I've always been extremely shy when it comes to the fairer sex, I can't even sexually harass a woman who wants me to do it, much less one who doesn't, and I certainly never meant to imply I condone that behavior, I just hate how the court of public opinion more and more convicts people before they have a chance to defend themselves and as much as i despise snyder he may or may not be as guilty as the articles seem to suggest he is.


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5 minutes ago, redskinss said:

Its also interesting how easily people's comments can be misconstrued and opinions can form with almost no information. 

For example most of the people in this thread now think I'm a womanizer or bare minimum a sympathizer when that couldn't be farther from the truth. 

I've always been the exact opposite, I've always been extremely shy when it comes to the fairer sex, I can't even sexually harass a woman who wants me to do it, much less one who doesn't, and I certainly never meant to imply I condone that behavior, I just hate how the court of public opinion more and more convicts people before they have a chance to defend themselves and as much as i despise snyder he may or may not be as guilty as the articles seem to suggest he is.


Unfortunately, it is a sign of the times. You must agree and be in lockstep or you get heavily ostracized or worse.Snyder may be proven implicit without a doubt,but we aren’t there yet. You don’t have to defend yourself with me,I get where you are coming from.

Edited by Tarpon75
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37 minutes ago, Peregrine said:

Whats also horrible about all of this is......Dan Snyder, the most hands on, handsy and involved owner in all of the NFL, is now going to be the opposite of gone: even more hands on

Synder is good at one thing and one thing only.  Using business buzz words to death in press releases.  Other than that he’s pond scum.

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7 hours ago, Califan007 said:

I'm trying to figure out why the minority owners aren't included in that group who "had to have known". Maybe they aren't at the facilities very often? I dunno.

I think this is trench warfare Billionaire style and they’re somehow involved in “leaking” the story.  Mostly because they aren’t ever named at all.  And they want to sell. (They retained an Investment Bank to help them sell) and they know their part of the team is worth more to a buyer who can gain control of the team. 

I hope this is true and I hope they make a Netflix series out of it.

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27 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

Two totally different statements


Well, at least he said he takes responsibility for the culture before blasting the Post.


Im honestly conflicted.  Dan is a horrible owner.  And the Post has turned into a rather deplorable “newspaper.” 

I hate both.  I kindof wish there could be mutual destruction at the hands of the other.  

For now I’m going to wait and see what the NFL does.

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