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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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6 hours ago, Elessar78 said:

Mother-in-law is still down with COVID on day 14 now. Now she acknowledges that "this COVID thing is nothing to mess around with." But also her psychological state is not good because she knows she gave her mom COVID. The aunt, who cleans houses for a living, is most likely an asymptomatic carrier she's still doing her job and going into houses of unsuspecting people.

I’m curious who the scapegoat will be if it goes south for anyone. I doubt people that deep into qtardism/trumpism/denial will own up to the role they played. 

I’m sorry for your wife. Those are people she cares about regardless of their politics/ideology.

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9 hours ago, MrSilverMaC said:

I’m curious who the scapegoat will be if it goes south for anyone. I doubt people that deep into qtardism/trumpism/denial will own up to the role they played. 

I’m sorry for your wife. Those are people she cares about regardless of their politics/ideology.

It’s playing out that way.

Grandma might pull through. Her oxygen was great today at 98, it had dipped to the low 90s yesterday. 

Chest x-ray was clear, but her sodium level was low. Now the Covid deniers are saying **** like, it’s not Covid—she just has low sodium.


Quick Google search shows that low sodium is not a good thing. 1/3 end up getting intubated. Prob higher if you’re 90. 

The delusion is strong

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Ivermectin Study Retracted After Data Found To Be Completely Wrong


Remember all those studies that purportedly showed that the horse and sheep dewormer, Ivermectin, could cure or prevent COVID? Well, one of the most cited ones was just retracted.



Here's what happened. The original study appears in a journal called Viruses in May of 2021. It was called “Effects of a Single Dose of Ivermectin on Viral and Clinical Outcomes in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infected Subjects: A Pilot Clinical Trial in Lebanon." The problem was that their data was seriously flawed. So flawed, in fact, that their only option was to retract it, as there was no way to remove the flawed data from the entire data set to salvage any part of the data set or study.


As someone who has actually created and analyzed data sets for my own research and graduate work, the fact that the data was this flawed is a failure of epic proportions. There were so many red flags, I am surprised this passed the most basic level of review. It is pretty clear that the goal was to rush this study, and the flawed findings, to press in order to push this false finding that Ivermectin was a cure/treatment for a virus.


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Who woulda thunk it?? Certainly not me who was advocating that MORE news outlets should be covering this news. Because clearly it was news that people were being given it! Doesn’t matter that there was no evidence it worked. Still news! 

That’s what’s wrong with the news media anyway. Like MSNBC. They acted this like it was a joke. Calling it horse dewormer. When really that was just the vehicle with which to receive this miracle drug. Covering it like it was a joke! A REAL news organization should have been covering it seriously! 

I could do this all day. I just might, actually. 

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New studies suggest Covid sneaks into the brain through your nose


Early research suggests that SARS-CoV-2 can enter the brain easily through a person's nose, infiltrating brain cells where it lurks unchecked, possibly leading to lasting neurological symptoms, such as trouble with thinking and memory.


Two new studies — from the California National Primate Research Center and the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto — suggest that the virus directly infects neurons in the brain, potentially offering clues as to why some people suffer from a range of symptoms long after their initial Covid infection.


Neither of the studies, presented Wednesday during a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, has been peer-reviewed, and neither is expected to answer all questions surrounding long Covid.


But they come as researchers worldwide are urgently trying to learn more about the mysterious and debilitating illness that is estimated to affect at least one-third of the more than 46 million people who have been infected in the U.S., as well as millions more globally.


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A doctor spread COVID misinformation and renewed her license with a mouse click


For much of the pandemic, Dr. Lee Merritt has appeared on talk shows and in lecture halls to spread false information about COVID-19.


Among her claims: that the SARS-CoV2 virus is a genetically engineered bioweapon (the U.S. intelligence community says it's not). And that vaccination dramatically increases the risk of death from COVID (data show an enormous drop in risk for those who take the vaccine). The entire pandemic, she says in public lectures, is a vast global conspiracy to exert social control.


And yet, in October, she was able to renew her medical license in the state of Nebraska. Documents obtained through a public records request by NPR showed it took just a few clicks: 12 yes-or-no questions answered online allowed her to extend her license for another year.


Critics say that Merritt's renewal is another example of how the nation's state medical boards are failing to protect the public from a small minority of doctors spreading COVID falsehoods.


"State medical boards, for the main part, have been cozy clubs of people who feel their job is to protect the profession," says Imran Ahmed, the CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a group that tracks vaccine misinformation online.


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Safe traveling in public transport amid COVID-19


Several intensive policies, such as mandatorily wearing masks and practicing social distancing, have been implemented in South Korea to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We analyzed and measured the impact of the aforementioned policies by calculating the degree of infection exposure in public transport. Specifically, we simulated how passengers encounter and infect each other during their journeys in public transport by tracking movements of passengers. The probabilities of exposure to infections in public transport via the aforementioned preventive measures were compared by using the Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Recovered model, a respiratory infectious disease diffusion model. We determined that the mandatory wearing of masks exhibits effects similar to maintaining 2-m social distancing in preventing COVID-19. Mandatory wearing of masks and practicing social distancing with masks during peak hours reduced infection rates by 93.5 and 98.1%, respectively.


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He survived severe Covid-19; now he's getting vaccinated, but losing friends


im Sells is 71, a self-described "strong conservative" who's on social media all the time. As the pandemic unfolded in the United States, his online social network was the source of a lot of his ideas about Covid-19 and what the risks of the virus could be.


It was there where he read about a high survival rate among people who'd had Covid-19, and where he saw people questioning whether masks were effective. Sells said he and his friends didn't think addressing the pandemic was particularly urgent. And based on posts he saw on social media, Sells decided he didn't need to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

"That attitude is what left me totally unprepared for Covid," he said.

In late July, Sells, a retired pilot, flew from Georgia, where he lives, to attend an air show in Wisconsin.

"My last post before I disappeared was that event, and I posted, I'm with 500,000 people, hardly a single mask, and it smells like freedom," Sells said.


Three days after the show, Sells had a fever and felt extremely fatigued. While his fever broke a few days later, the exhaustion did not lift. He hoped upping his vitamin intake and resting would bring him some relief. It didn't.

After a televisit with his doctor, Sells was tested and learned he was positive for Covid-19.

Later, he spoke with a friend who suggested he go to the hospital to get a breathing treatment.

Sells didn't realize how serious his situation had become. In the hospital, he said his doctor told him they didn't know if they could help him, but they were going to do everything they could.

"They put an oxygen mask on and cinched it down real tight. They started putting the heart monitors on me, and then asked me if I wanted to be resuscitated. And I'm in total shock," he said.

Misinformation an 'urgent threat'
Public health experts have long worried that misinformation is leaving parts of the United States unprepared to stay safe and healthy in the face of Covid-19, or other potential health problems.

Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has called misinformation an "urgent threat." In July, Murthy released an advisory report saying "Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people's health, and undermine public health effort."

With Covid-19 vaccines recently available for children ages 5 to 11, Murthy worries the impact misinformation can have on vaccine uptake for that age group.

"We have to guard against that misinformation," Murthy said in an interview with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta at the Citizen by CNN event on Thursday.

"I want parents to know that their questions are important," Murthy said. "But it's important that they also go to credible sources to get answers to those questions, like their doctor, their children's hospital, their local department of health or the CDC."


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19 minutes ago, China said:

The probabilities of exposure to infections in public transport via the aforementioned preventive measures were compared by using the Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Recovered model


Unfortunately, we're testing the "Karen" model.  

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2 arrested after violent attack over face masks caught on video inside Oregon cookie shop


A violent confrontation over masks is going viral on social media and is now the center of a police investigation in Oregon.


It all began when a man and a woman walked into the Crumb Together cookie shop in downtown Eugene without face coverings. However, they were holding a camera that was already recording.


The man and woman - who were later identified as Scott Collin and Amy Hall - were allegedly looking for an altercation over mask rules. The owner of the bakery refused to serve them since they weren't wearing face coverings.


In the video, the owner is seen getting shoved by Hall. The owner then grabs a baseball bat from behind the counter and the altercation began, which lasted several minutes.


Collin and Hall eventually left the bakery and later spotted police officers a few blocks away. They showed officers their video footage and claimed they had been attacked.


Police arrested Collin and Hall for assault and the video is now being investigated, which has been shared thousands of times across various social media platforms.


Click on the link for the video

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Florida judge dismisses mask lawsuit brought by 6 school districts


A Florida judge dismissed a lawsuit brought by six county school districts which contested the state’s school mask policies, as set by new Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. Gov. Ron DeSantis’s press secretary celebrated the news on Twitter and posted a picture of the dismissal.


Broward, Miami-Dade, Orange, Duval, Alachua and Leon counties had sued in opposition to a Sept. 22 update to the Department of Health’s emergency rules for COVID-19.


The new rule was Ladapo’s first act in office, and allowed parents to opt out of mask mandates while also removing quarantine requirements for students and parents.


The six school districts that had sued the state over the rule had the case dismissed due to “an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority,” according to the Judge Brian Newman’s ruling.


In response to the ruling, the governor’s press secretary, Christina Pushaw, called the dismissal a “massive win for parents’ rights in Florida.” They said it was the first ruling on the legal merits of Emergency Rule 64DER21-15.


In a statement released from the governor’s office after the ruling was delivered, State Surgeon General Ladapo and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran weighed in on the news.


“There is no strong evidence of health benefits for children as a result of mask mandates in schools. The rights of parents continue to be protected in Florida, as we can see by this tremendous decision,” said Ladapo. “Florida will not make decisions out of fear, but rather out of close analysis of the data.”


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Fox News, OAN, Newsmax Viewers More Likely to Believe Covid Misinformation, Survey Finds


A new Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 78% of U.S. adults either believe or were unsure whether some Covid misinformation was true. The number of individuals believing Covid misinformation to be true also largely varied based on vaccination status and news consumption habits.


According to the poll, which was released on Monday, very few people who trust CNN, MSNBC, NPR and local news believed four or more false statements about Covid to be true (only 11-16%). Between 44-52% believed between one and three false statements.


Comparatively, many more Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax viewers believed false statements about the virus to be true. Forty-six percent of Newsmax viewers, 37% of OAN viewers, and 36% of Fox News viewers believed four or more false statements about the virus, compared to (respectively) 40%, 43%, and 52% who believe 1 to 3 false statements.


A September memo from Fox Corp said that 90% of all employees are vaccinated, and Neil Cavuto recently made an impassioned plea for viewers to get vaccinated. Some Fox News hosts, however, have continued to push dubious vaccine claims and a network contributor recently doubled down on refusing to get vaccinated.


Mediaite reported last Friday that Newsmax — whose hosts have railed against vaccine mandates — is implementing its own mandate.


Unvaccinated individuals were far more likely to believe false statements about the virus than those who are vaccinated.


Sixty-four percent of unvaccinated adults either believed or were unsure about at least half of the eight false statements KFF used — compared to just 19% of vaccinated adults.


The discrepancy could also be seen across party lines, with almost half (46%) of Republicans believing or not sure about at least half of the false statements, compared to Democrats’ 14%.


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30 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

One more thinning of the herd coming up.



Hmm.  The 7 day average case matches what I see, but I think the 2100 deaths is a one day reporting number not a 7 day average.  The deaths are still in decline.  1300 on 11/1, 1120 on 11/12.

On 11/11/2021 at 1:55 PM, China said:

If Abbott were to outlaw COVID deaths like he has outlawed rape, Texas would be a paradise.

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On 11/13/2021 at 11:19 AM, TryTheBeal! said:

One more thinning of the herd coming up.

Speaking of the herd, this is just awful news. We could be living with COVID variants forever, even if we get everyone vaccinated.



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