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The Atlantic: Why cant people hear what Jordan Peterson is saying?


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For a lot of the GOP, "equal opportunity not equal outcomes" actually means, an outright denial that opportunity isn't the same across the board in the first place  because 'Muricaaa....or it means some people have to pull their themselves up with bootstraps 10x as short and.....oh well.  



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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm not a peterson 'guy' (hate that we sometimes feel the need to preface comments like that, but....)- he often goes on and on, throwing out the name of one theory, making a jump to another theory that youre not familiar with unless youre deep into psychology, and before you know it, youre lost (imo). (this is in contrast to someone like harris, who is a smart guy who can communicate in logical, laymans terms far better, which is part of his appeal.)


but i actually got a different interpretation of that exchange and thought that was one of his more 'clear' moments. i didnt see it as 'women and men cant work together', but more of an observation that its inevitable that some guy who doesnt keep his base instincts in check is going to say something innapropriate, especially when a woman makes herself more physically attarctive. 


essentially, men a pigs. which is basically true. 

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13 minutes ago, grego said:

i'm not a peterson 'guy' (hate that we sometimes feel the need to preface comments like that, but....)- he often goes on and on, throwing out the name of one theory, making a jump to another theory that youre not familiar with unless youre deep into psychology, and before you know it, youre lost (imo). (this is in contrast to someone like harris, who is a smart guy who can communicate in logical, laymans terms far better, which is part of his appeal.)


but i actually got a different interpretation of that exchange and thought that was one of his more 'clear' moments. i didnt see it as 'women and men cant work together', but more of an observation that its inevitable that some guy who doesnt keep his base instincts in check is going to say something innapropriate, especially when a woman makes herself more physically attarctive. 


essentially, men a pigs. which is basically true. 


If your contention is for men and women to work together in the work place that there is never any sexual harassment, he's likely correct.


But why stop there?  Can men work together in the work place?  It has been happening for hundreds of years and we still men that are jerks and mean to other men in the work place.


We'll see.

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More men commit more work place murders and more men are killed in work place murders.




Clearly, it is questionable if men can work together, and men should stop exhibiting traits that end up getting them killed in the work place for men to be able to work together.


Because obviously, murder is always going to happen.

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1 hour ago, grego said:

but i actually got a different interpretation of that exchange and thought that was one of his more 'clear' moments. i didnt see it as 'women and men cant work together', but more of an observation that its inevitable that some guy who doesnt keep his base instincts in check is going to say something innapropriate, especially when a woman makes herself more physically attarctive. 


essentially, men a pigs. which is basically true. 


He is distilling the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace to a choice of personal care that women engage in.


It is a variation on the common idea of blaming women for the abuse they receive.


He is an enormous tool who is upset that his conservative views on gender roles are no longer given the respect he thinks they deserve.

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2 hours ago, No Excuses said:


He is distilling the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace to a choice of personal care that women engage in.


It is a variation on the common idea of blaming women for the abuse they receive.


He is an enormous tool who is upset that his conservative views on gender roles are no longer given the respect he thinks they deserve.


i can see how you could get that from his words, but i can also see how one can see what hes saying as pretty standard, non controversial stiff- 'women wear red lipstick to make themselves more attractive to men'." so youre saying" X, when hes actually saying Y.


i think what we hear when we hear someone speak is largely dependent on the information we have- information about the subject matter, the speaker and what hes said in the past. our political leanings can influence our interpretations (traumps sotu address is a good example. the best example ive ever seen- and one that i can still watch in awe is harris's exchange with ben affleck on the maher show- harris is saying one thing and affleck (and much of the audience) is hearing something else- almost the opposite of what hes saying. the peterson newman thing is a good one- what she was hearing wasnt what he was saying). 


this is the scott adams two movies thing- two people are watching the same movie but seeing very different things. this is a really interesting thing to me, especially as it relates to our current political divide. 


but, ultimately, i think you are just more familiar with peterson than i am, so i'm looking at this snippet on its own, without context (which obviously can change things significantly). what hes said in other talks or interviews could easily make me see it differently than i did. there are a handful of people that i am familiar enough with where i could confidently say someone is mistaken if they said 'this guy is a misogynist', etc, but peterson is not one i'm familiar enough with.

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Jordan Peterson says mumbo jumbo that allows culturally conservative people who fear change (especially Christians) to read whatever good things they want into it, and gets liberal people to be just as annoyed by their interpretation of the same words. 


Because it's all just empty culturally paranoid word salad with some catchy multi-syllabic buzzwords to make it sound academic.   Can you say: Postmodern neo-marxist pronoun indoctrination undermining Western Civilization?   Because he can, and will, until your eyes glaze over.    He's Deepak Chopra for insecure white guys who feel like women are getting too much attention and multiculturalism is scary.  He's a classic bull**** artist getting his 5 minutes of fame.    


Dude makes $100K A MONTH from Patreon for his insights.   LOL suckers



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  • 3 months later...

Why is no one listening to Jordan Peterson? 


Because he says dumb **** like this:



Enforced monogamy. Yeah really. 


Anyone else want to die on the hill of supporting this idiot and questioning why people like him perhaps aren’t the intellectual heavy weights they are talked up to be?

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29 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

This thread is comedy gold.


And also very sad.


People with right wing leanings are desperate for intellectual backing. 


They find Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson and say “AHA, these folks sound smart and rational, AWESOME! 


And then right on que, these intellectual heavy weights say things like: 


“Arabs are only good for bombing crap and living in open sewage” - Ben Shapiro


”We need enforced monogamy so that all men can get laid” - Jordan Peterson


Maybe, just maybe people will start to realize that sexism and racism are a necessary requirement and feature of modern conservative thought. 

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18 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Jordan Peterson has found a way to monetize the very victim-hood he claims to be against.  It's really quite brilliant. 


There has always been gobs of money to be made telling people "it's not your fault you're _______." 


In Jordan Peterson's case, the _______ is "an enormous loser."



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5 minutes ago, zoony said:

  Bumping threads from 4 months ago, lol.




My dude, most of us who have to make a living by discovering new information and ways of obtaining it can spot these “intellectual” charlatans from a mile away. 


Don’t be a sucker and look into these people just a little bit before anointing them as leaders of whatever this victimhood excercise is. 

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2 hours ago, No Excuses said:


Men with frail and sensitive ego’s are ultimately Jordan Peterson’s target audience.


At some point in our society, I believe communication, nurturing needs to be re-emphasized. 


Too many people are working too many hours, and not keep on close enough contact with others are form relationships with others to make sure that they are being are being taken care of, along with their children.


I think it's in part due to the harsh treatment the last generation endured at the hands of their parents, but I think there is a natural tendency to give in, leave them alone, and for the kids themselves to ultimately grow up lacking the critical tool which is self evaluation.


"I'm a victim, I'm right, why should I change anything,  I can't possibly be wrong."


It's just an awful, awful way to live, and technology has just made it worse, and will continue to, until we find a way to correct this societal, foundational flaw

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But everything would be fine if women would stop working and taking all those jobs from men, stay home, be monogamous (it's only for women doncha know?), birth and raise the children, clean the house and cook dinner every night, and have sex whenever their man wants. Any woman who doesn't want this is a Lesbian, a thing to be reviled unless it's porn.


/sarcasm. Edited to add because some people might think I was serious.


That's these men's ideal life.


They need to watch the movie Revolutionary Road. Set in 1955, these men's ideal timeline, it shows the real story. Based on the book of the same name by Richard Yates published in 1961. I love the movie so much that I got the book to read on my travels because I read at night.

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6 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

But everything would be fine if women would stop working and taking all those jobs from men, stay home, be monogamous (it's only for women doncha know?), birth and raise the children, clean the house and cook dinner every night, and have sex whenever their man wants. Any woman who doesn't want this is a Lesbian, a thing to be reviled unless it's porn.


That's these men's ideal life.



Wish my wife worked, she stays home and enforces monogamy on me with death and torture threats.

She did birth and help raise kids(that she insisted on), her cleaning and cooking skills rather suck though.

Did I mention she demands sex....even during Playoff games?


If the sex wasn't so good I'd find another......if she wouldn't kill me.



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45 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

But everything would be fine if women would stop working and taking all those jobs from men, stay home, be monogamous (it's only for women doncha know?), birth and raise the children, clean the house and cook dinner every night, and have sex whenever their man wants. Any woman who doesn't want this is a Lesbian, a thing to be reviled unless it's porn.


That's these men's ideal life.


They need to watch the movie Revolutionary Road. Set in 1955, these men's ideal timeline, it shows the real story. Based on the book of the same name by Richard Yates published in 1961. I love the movie so much that I got the book to read on my travels because I read at night.


This is the most ironic post, ever, for this thread

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