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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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6 minutes ago, visionary said:

Uh....****.  This seems really bad.  




By the way, what the hell happened to all that record turnout?  Was it just for Trump, or was it that Trump supporters matched and beat it in many places.  

(I know turnout wasn't as good in the Midwest maybe)

Yeah, all this record turnout that never manifested makes me very suspicious. I wonder how many votes were never delivered, never counted... or worse, counted wrong. Is it terrible that I would be more relieved to discover if the Russians alterred our vote than if this was the reality of our vote so far.


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3 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Trump's declaration is unexpected but chilling. Scared for America. Scared America is dead.


Ashamed of America, too.


This is all so 2020. I've got nothing left. Not anger, or sadness. I, and others have done absolutely everything that is in our power to do.


Whatever happens,  I know I can survive it.

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What Trump did makes no sense unless his own team specifically feels that he is in trouble should all the votes be counted.  His lead in PA seems relatively safe, even if all the mail in votes break hard for Biden.  MI/WI I am not sure.


As soon as the story broke a couple months ago about DeJoy messing with the USPS, people quickly put two and two together and 100% predicted the very situation we find ourselves in right now and Trump followed that plan to a tee anyway.   

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10 minutes ago, visionary said:




Ugh, ugh, ugh.


It's crazy that the polls and turnout had us thinking Biden was going to maybe take Texas and we're come to hoping he scratches out a win.


Arizona seems a sure bet for Biden at this point...he's up 103,000 votes on Trump and none of Trump's counties offer enough possible votes to realistically overtake Biden. One of Biden's counties, however, is at 77% counted and he's up on Trump by 121,000 votes. I'm not sure how many mail-in votes they still have to count but the article I posted earlier ,listed AZ as a state that counts mail-in votes quickly because they already have a system in place for dealing with those types of ballots.

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