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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 6/5/2024 at 2:51 PM, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

I posted this in another thread but it makes more sense here regarding MAGA:


If Trump is gone then MAGA falls apart...but let's not forget that it is MAGA that is the deep underlying problem and not Trump himself (not entirely). Trump basically gets up in front of crowds and says crazy things, and he notes which crazy things prompted big applause so he realizes e HAS to keep saying those things in order to keep the mob interested:


Trump: (says something crazy as Topic #1)


Mob: (small, scattered cheers, some boos)


Trump: (makes mental note not to bring up Topic #1 any more, then says something crazier as Topic #2)


Mob: (massive cheers, calls for Biden and Hillary to be jailed/shot)


Trump: (makes mental note to keep bringing up Topic #2 as often and as loudly as possible to keep the Mob from turning against him)


What MAGA doesn't realize is that it is highly unlikely they will have a self-sufficient billionaire who is able to pay for his own campaigning and legal fees indefinitely, which will make it much harder for a Trump replacement to gain the same rabid following...so long as Elon Musk doesn't jump in as The New Trump.


trump is a self-sufficient billionaire spending from his own deep pockets?     


every dollar the turd has is pried from stupid MAGA hands.  every single one.  he is just better at milking the dolts than his fellow crooks.

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6 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

that's why I get tired of all the 'fact-checking' articles in the Post with their convoluted charts


that's fine. But I need the headline to be  "Lie". Not "Misleading" or "Untruth". Just say "Lie".

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32 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


**** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.



14 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


Simple messages stick in people's brains better...that's why I get tired of all the 'fact-checking' articles in the Post with their convoluted charts. The information they provide is fine, but it's not going to get to people who don't read it or are put off by the initial complexity.



i'm not trying to establish a marketing campaign... i'm talking about what talks to ME.    i am not saying what work for me is the path to success.... i still get the print-edition of the Washington Post and the Economist delivered to my door.  As far as i know, they deliver it with a horse-drawn western-union carriage.    


the one-liners, ownage, shouting, cuck-baiting.... all of that **** is just **** to ME

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The stuff that tends to “work” on the general public usually hurts my brain 


I find it super unfortunate most people cannot sit through a 30 minute high-level discussion on a topic, pay attention, and come out the other side feeling more informed 


instead they tend to think they’re being lectured, that they don’t like the other person (cause that’s how they cope with not understanding it), or they just don’t pay attention and didn’t learn anything


Politician do what works. Gish galloping around hitting 50 topics in 5 minutes but none more than a sentence or two deep, and things that fit on bumper stickers work. 

elizabeth warren doing a 20 minute interview on economic and banking policy and how and why things are good or bad ideas, only results in people hating Elizabeth Warren. 

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59 minutes ago, tshile said:

The stuff that tends to “work” on the general public usually hurts my brain 


I find it super unfortunate most people cannot sit through a 30 minute high-level discussion on a topic, pay attention, and come out the other side feeling more informed 


instead they tend to think they’re being lectured, that they don’t like the other person (cause that’s how they cope with not understanding it), or they just don’t pay attention and didn’t learn anything


Politician do what works. Gish galloping around hitting 50 topics in 5 minutes but none more than a sentence or two deep, and things that fit on bumper stickers work. 

elizabeth warren doing a 20 minute interview on economic and banking policy and how and why things are good or bad ideas, only results in people hating Elizabeth Warren. 

Ted Rack is America.



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2 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


trump is a self-sufficient billionaire spending from his own deep pockets?     


every dollar the turd has is pried from stupid MAGA hands.  every single one.  he is just better at milking the dolts than his fellow crooks.

Trump spent little of his own money in 2016 and has relied on donations since then.


Biden has very little voters that are voting for him. Most of his voters are only voting for him to vote against Trump.


If Trump wasn’t the 2020 nominee, there’s no way Dems would’ve gone with Biden.

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2 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Trump spent little of his own money in 2016 and has relied on donations since then.


Biden has very little voters that are voting for him. Most of his voters are only voting for him to vote against Trump.


If Trump wasn’t the 2020 nominee, there’s no way Dems would’ve gone with Biden.


Which is funny because historians are going to rate his Presidency extremely high.


People don't know what they have until it's gone.

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40 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Trump spent little of his own money in 2016 and has relied on donations since then.


Biden has very little voters that are voting for him. Most of his voters are only voting for him to vote against Trump.


If Trump wasn’t the 2020 nominee, there’s no way Dems would’ve gone with Biden.


biden is perfect for me.    

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1 hour ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Trump spent little of his own money in 2016 and has relied on donations since then.


Biden has very little voters that are voting for him. Most of his voters are only voting for him to vote against Trump.


If Trump wasn’t the 2020 nominee, there’s no way Dems would’ve gone with Biden.


Not sure if serious.


Not sure if I care.  



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On 6/6/2024 at 10:38 PM, Califan007 The Constipated said:

How the ever-loving **** can you be Black in America and say something THAT stupid?...And this won't help the GOP in any way, shape or form. There won't be a group of Black voters who will be thinking "It's about damn time someone spoke up for how good we blacks had it in 1934! He's got my vote!!"

You heard the amen corner chiming in when he said it, right? That didn't sound like white folks to me. Just like any other marginalized community, there's a subset of the black community that wants to be an Uncle Tom, house ***** for hire. It's a great job, if you can get it...and are willing to sell all vestiges of your dignity, self respect, and anything else to be a minstrel.


That said, his comment wasn't for the amen corner or the black community at large. As with all of the sellout crowd, his stock in trade is to be the metaphorical one black friend that Republiklans point toward to prove their bona fides that "There's not a racist bone in my body!". He's living proof that the NOI was wrong. Devils aren't only white.


On 6/7/2024 at 12:28 PM, Cooked Crack said:

There's definitely other words I want to use but I don't think it's ES appropriate 



5 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


**** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.


The Dems have been losing at the messaging game literally forever. That's why I like Gavin Newsome so much. Aside from having the most important qualities needed to win an American election, i.e., looks, great hair, and height, he also gets the trolling game. He's probably the only Dem that can stand toe to toe with the convicted felon in that arena. 

Edited by The Sisko
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7 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

The Dems have been losing at the messaging game literally forever.


Amen. I'd start calling the GOP "Big Government Republicans" who want to be involved in the most personal aspects of your life. In your bedroom. In your doctors appointments. 

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31 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Amen. I'd start calling the GOP "Big Government Republicans" who want to be involved in the most personal aspects of your life. In your bedroom. In your doctors appointments. 


I'd be running as a fiscal conservative. Point out how much the deficit has shrunk since I took office. 


I think running about how much I've hurt the Russian military versus the first President ever to recognize a Russian invasion as a part of Russia might pry away a tiny number, too. 

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9 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


here is a kind-of example.... i can't stand titles like "MAGA lunatic triggered and P'OWNED!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!"   even if i would like the content, i just never click on that sort of thing.   but give me a nerdy accountant looking John Oliver with a pompous highfalutin title.....???  i'm all over it like a pothead on a grilled cheese sandwich 


Trust me, I get it, but that is how most videos are on YouTube. Some channels definitely do it more than others, but I have cut channels out because I got tired of their clickbait. I can say though, that the guy in that video was definitely "triggered". I've been called a lot of things as a liberal, but never a "Stalinist".


8 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


**** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.



I agree, but I don't. The reason why the GOP has to use slogans, jingles and catchphrases for everything is because that is all they've got. Do you really expect them to actually explain why Trump isn't guilty? Explain what crime Joe Biden should be impeached for? Why they tanked the border bill or why the election was stolen? No, of course they can't explain that, but "Joe and the Ho, Gotta Go!" rhymes. However, I don't think its a sustainable model. Are GOP constituents even voting on actual issues anymore? Slogans won't keep a movement going.


3 hours ago, The Sisko said:


You heard the amen corner chiming in when he said it, right? That didn't sound like white folks to me. Just like any other marginalized community, there's a subset of the black community that wants to be an Uncle Tom, house ***** for hire. It's a great job, if you can get it...and are willing to sell all vestiges of your dignity, self respect, and anything else to be a minstrel.


That said, his comment wasn't for the amen corner or the black community at large. As with all of the sellout crowd, his stock in trade is to be the metaphorical one black friend that Republiklans point toward to prove their bona fides that "There's not a racist bone in my body!". He's living proof that the NOI was wrong. Devils aren't only white.




The Dems have been losing at the messaging game literally forever. That's why I like Gavin Newsome so much. Aside from having the most important qualities needed to win an American election, i.e., looks, great hair, and height, he also gets the trolling game. He's probably the only Dem that can stand toe to toe with the convicted felon in that arena. 


First of all, if you want to get an "Amen", all you have to do is literally say "Can I get an Amen?" and anyone will give you an "Amen". Black people pass those out without even thinking twice. I'm black and I hate church, I'm sure I belted one out today.


Your last point, is...on point. Somebody smarter and more famous than I am said something along the lines of "Democrats want to vote for the cool guy". Well, we do. When Bill Clinton whipped out his saxophone, you KNEW it was over. Especially after Bush tried to get in touch with the youth and totally flopped on a basic interview on MTV. I was born in 1984 and I still remember both of those events quite clearly. Remember how cool Obama was? Even more so against fuddy duddy McCain and "Missionary" Mitt Romney? We need a young, good looking, smart and ambitious person to make a run. I think that person is Newsom, I've floated this idea to my friend in Arizona and he hated it. I think Newsom would be an amazing candidate in 2028. I also think he walks a decent line between progressive and centrist Democract which makes him easy to get behind. We shall see.

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1 hour ago, Simmsy said:

We need a young, good looking, smart and ambitious person to make a run.


Mayor Pete.  


(Although the last three years have not been kind to whoever is in the SecTrans seat.)  


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24 minutes ago, Larry said:


Mayor Pete.  


(Although the last three years have not been kind to whoever is in the SecTrans seat.)  



I was going to say that he's too young, but he'll be 50 in 8 years and I don't think that is TOO young. Hopefully, America will be over the anti gay stuff by then.

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1 hour ago, Larry said:


Mayor Pete.  


(Although the last three years have not been kind to whoever is in the SecTrans seat.)  


Mayor Pete will never be the nominee.

He has little if any black support and you can’t win a Dem nomination without it.

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50 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Mayor Pete will never be the nominee.

He has little if any black support and you can’t win a Dem nomination without it.


Don't be so sure...I think you're just basing that on what happened 4 years ago. He's gaining support among black voters. He's losing support out in the sticks.


Recent poll results in swing states:



If Biden were no longer the nominee, who would voters support:











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5 hours ago, Simmsy said:

First of all, if you want to get an "Amen", all you have to do is literally say "Can I get an Amen?" and anyone will give you an "Amen". Black people pass those out without even thinking twice. I'm black and I hate church, I'm sure I belted one out today.


Uh, no. If he had said, "It's time to worship Satan", I very seriously doubt that there would have been that kind of agreement. Besides, he didn't ask for an amen. However, I wasn't being literal. It was the equivalent of saying the peanut gallery. I'm pretty sure he was in a room full of other House ****** who were happy to back up his foolishness, probably wearing House Negroes for Tя☭mp shirts.

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Pete Buttigieg is thoughtful, focused, energetic, level-headed, supremely intelligent, and a masterful communicator. 


It seems like these are qualities that Americans are no longer looking for in a President.  But there's always hope.

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1 minute ago, Dan T. said:

Pete Buttigieg is thoughtful, focused, energetic, level-headed, supremely intelligent, and a masterful communicator. 


It seems like these are qualities that Americans are no longer looking for in a President.  But there's always hope.


Over the years, he's actually gotten some real respect for his appearances on Fox News.  

I became attached to him for watching the way he handled himself on two appearances on Meet The Press.  

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12 hours ago, Simmsy said:


I was going to say that he's too young, but he'll be 50 in 8 years and I don't think that is TOO young. Hopefully, America will be over the anti gay stuff by then.


10 minutes ago, Larry said:


Over the years, he's actually gotten some real respect for his appearances on Fox News.  

I became attached to him for watching the way he handled himself on two appearances on Meet The Press.  


I'll be curious to see, if Biden wins a second term, what role Pete B. fills in the Cabinet. I have to think he'll get a "promotion" from Transportation Secretary.


And if, God forbid, Biden loses, I hope Buttigieg is a frequent and prominent opposition voice in the ensuing four years.



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9 minutes ago, Dan T. said:



I'll be curious to see, if Biden wins a second term, what role Pete B. fills in the Cabinet. I have to think he'll get a "promotion" from Transportation Secretary.



Mayor Pete has lots of time to do good in the Democratic party before going to the top.


In a second term, I'd make him WH Comms director.

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I personally don't see a gay person winning a presidential ticket until all the Boomer gen is gone (and it's not like my gen x has been much better at acceptance). Even then, it's a tough road when the opposition party will continue to try to roll back Obergefell. 


23 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

In a second term, I'd make him WH Comms director.


Isn't that a step backwards? At least as DOT Secretary he's in the line of succession (albeit 14th).

Edited by The Evil Genius
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