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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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10 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



There was no list. That idea was championed by conspiracy theorists and media outlets hungry for impressions on Twitter and views on YouTube. People all over Twitter--and mostly just the MAGA loons and Musk fan boys--were acting like Epstein kept a little black book of clients, the number of times they used his services, and their sexual preferences...or something. I actually watched a CNN or MSNBC segment on YouTube that started off saying "A list of Epstein associates and acquaintances is expected to be released later today," then ended the 5 minute segment saying "We need to remind people that there is no list" lol...


Eh, still fun to remind them Trump was involved with Epstein. Here's a fun quote from Trump:


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:



Hey, if they starve to death, at least they'll die like Americans.
maybe we can build them some camps so they can you know,, concentrate, and starve to death in peace.
we can give them some nice striped PJs or something.



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Yanno, I really wonder sometimes. I'm 65 and I look around at people my age, my cohort, the demographic I'm a part of and wonder what the actual **** happened to a bunch of you?? I see them raving outside the Capitol and punching stewardesses on planes and shooting the neighbors for walking in their yard and marvel at them. Y'all were right along side me in the 60s and 70s, I sold you weed and showed you how to use a bong, you were drunk dancing in the school parking lot at 2AM, you carried the same transistor radio as I did listening to Diana Ross and the Supremes, you hitchhiked to Pittsburgh with me to catch a concert, we laid side by side on the beach looking at the stars when we discovered LSD, we laughed and talked and grew up together in the same small towns and now you have morphed into the worst versions of humanity, bitter, small, mean and spiteful. What happened to you? I was there, don't try and bull**** me, I remember it all, I worked some of those same crappy jobs and worked on the beaters we drove there with extra oil and a jug of water in the trunk, a couple of wire coat hangers stashed in there just in case you needed to fix the exhaust. I lived through the 80s and 90s, got some of my share and screwed up other things, but somehow somewhere I missed out on a huge slice of experience that burned me to the bone and left nothing behind but scar tissue and trauma and pain. Yeah, we've been through economic crashes and inflation and divorces or whatever, and we lost a lot along the way, but where did you lose yourselves?!?

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The change, if enacted, would mark a significant overhaul for how politics work in Michigan, where those hoping to win positions like governor and U.S. senator, currently have to participate in competitive August primary races, decided by voters. A caucus system would give a smaller group of people sway over Republican nominations for key offices.


They so scared of their own voters

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6 hours ago, LD0506 said:

Yanno, I really wonder sometimes. I'm 65 and I look around at people my age, my cohort, the demographic I'm a part of and wonder what the actual **** happened to a bunch of you?? I see them raving outside the Capitol and punching stewardesses on planes and shooting the neighbors for walking in their yard and marvel at them. Y'all were right along side me in the 60s and 70s, I sold you weed and showed you how to use a bong, you were drunk dancing in the school parking lot at 2AM, you carried the same transistor radio as I did listening to Diana Ross and the Supremes, you hitchhiked to Pittsburgh with me to catch a concert, we laid side by side on the beach looking at the stars when we discovered LSD, we laughed and talked and grew up together in the same small towns and now you have morphed into the worst versions of humanity, bitter, small, mean and spiteful. What happened to you? I was there, don't try and bull**** me, I remember it all, I worked some of those same crappy jobs and worked on the beaters we drove there with extra oil and a jug of water in the trunk, a couple of wire coat hangers stashed in there just in case you needed to fix the exhaust. I lived through the 80s and 90s, got some of my share and screwed up other things, but somehow somewhere I missed out on a huge slice of experience that burned me to the bone and left nothing behind but scar tissue and trauma and pain. Yeah, we've been through economic crashes and inflation and divorces or whatever, and we lost a lot along the way, but where did you lose yourselves?!?


Yep, we were a bunch of hippies back then. I still am to some degree at least politically. I also had to support my daughter by myself so went the corporate route. When I first started out proposal writing, I only wrote for the civilian agency RFPs and not DoD, because I was against war from the Vietnam protest days. At some point I had to start writing/managing DoD proposals, and I hated it. I hated it the most for proposals for Aberdeen and Fort Detrick because of the types of chemical warfare that we proposed personnel to work with. Then there were some of the ex military and technical people I worked with where the misogyny was overt and disgusting even though as a proposal manager my job was to keep everything on track to get to deadline and submission. A lot of times during these years I worked from home so I wasn't exposed to this crap on a daily basis. I dealt with people over the phone mostly, going into the office only when necessary. 


I retired because of my stroke because my stamina, ability to keep concentration, and aphasia means I can't do much and especially can't manage/write proposals anymore. The one positive thing is not working on DoD stuff anymore! It's a relief, I haven't changed my feelings about war, outrageous profits especially medical profits, and corporations. 

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Fascinating as differences between the two of parties become more and more about their constituencies basic human operational levels and natures.


One party has filtered itself into a corner where only a small percentage of  their "normal humans" remain in power and live among their base. These days, those folks look down upon, and even despise, the vast majority of the herd they're trying to manage in order to hold onto, and gain more, power. But they can't reject them. 


The Dems at the top have only small percentages of their base in a few factions that give the rest heartburn.


These days there seems little equivalency between the large majority of each party when it comes to basic intelligence, ethics, integrity, and some sort of reasonable moral compass.

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57 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

Fascinating as differences between the two of parties become more and more about their constituencies basic human operational levels and natures.


One party has filtered itself into a corner where only a small percentage of  their "normal humans" remain in power and live among their base. These days, those folks look down upon, and even despise, the vast majority of the herd they're trying to manage in order to hold onto, and gain more, power. But they can't reject them. 


The Dems at the top have only small percentages of their base in a few factions that give the rest heartburn.


These days there seems little equivalency between the large majority of each party when it comes to basic intelligence, ethics, integrity, and some sort of reasonable moral compass.


This is spot on. One of my many musings is to start a third party, but in a different vein. They don't fund or run candidates, but exist to support whichever options give the best answers to questions, have the sanest policies and to deny votes to the fringes, ALL the fringes. They can disseminate literature, talk to voters, garner support to reweave the center to resist the divisive elements of any ilk. You make sense? We'll vote for you. You're an asshole? We'll vote for the other guy. There are a lot of disaffected voters that have to hold their noses, it might help to have some other choices. I believe there might be a slice of the electorate that could benefit from some cohesion beyond the nebulous not of Independent. If nothing else it could be entertaining to try.

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That people like Stefanik are allowed on tv by non-conservative media without essentially everything that they say being challenged is a shame.


Not only is Hunter Biden being indicted, but it has been well documented that the gun charge he now faces is abnormal for people in a comparable situation.





If anything, he's (now) being treated unfairly.


(I know less about the tax charges, but I suspect his situation is abnormal so it is hard to determine if the deal that was in place was abnormal or not.)


Then to let her go forward with the statement that there is a Biden crime family that Joe Biden sits at the head of is just ridiculous  If you aren't/can't challenge, her don't have her on.

Edited by PeterMP
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56 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


(I know less about the tax charges, but I suspect his situation is abnormal so it is hard to determine if the deal that was in place was abnormal or not.)


From what I've read (here), he didn't pay his taxes a couple of years. But he contacted the IRS, filed late, and paid the back taxes and all penalties. 


Willing to bet that the number of people who have been criminally prosecuted after paying their taxes in full is really small. And only happens when there's some other reason the government is being a dick to somebody. 

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