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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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8 minutes ago, tshile said:

It’s super obvious they painted over the A and tried to put an I looking thing in there. It doesn’t match the rest of the font. 🤷‍♂️ 


It's the same font..they just copied the "I" from either "BUILT" or "THIS" and pasted it in front of "NCESTORS".


I did the same thing here:



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16 minutes ago, tshile said:

See yours looks more real cause the spacing between the Y and the first I matches the rest of it. 

buy really almost all of those sign/shirt things are fake. I thought everyone figured that out by now …




Oh, well yeah lol...the placement of "INCESTORS" was all sorts of ****ed up and was an obvious clue. I just know from personal experience that you don't have to fake letters...grabbing individual letters from surrounding text to add/change a word makes it look more authentic. I once did that for a guy to his bank statement and I probably should not have said that out loud lol...

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28 minutes ago, tshile said:

See yours looks more real cause the spacing between the Y and the first I matches the rest of it. 

buy really almost all of those sign/shirt things are fake. I thought everyone figured that out by now …



Fake images?


On my internet?

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I've not heard of the "Run Everywhere" movement so if it's been posted already, a thousand pardons.





Rest of the text from the thread:


For example, the number of statehouse seats uncontested by North Carolina Democrats dropped from 29 to 2. That’s a huge gain for democracy and accountability. Well, this week, Ohio added even more momentum to the movement.


In 2022, there were 20 Republican seats for which no Democratic candidate ran in the primary. 20! That meant almost 30% of Republican legislators faced no opponent.


And that meant around 2 million Ohioans faced no choice as to who represents them in the statehouse. 2 million people, hearing nothing about what their incumbent state representative had been doing in Columbus…hearing nothing about the nation’s most corrupt statehouse.




And there were 4 uncontested Senate seats. That’s another 1.4M Ohioans, left out of Ohio’s democracy. No say in the institution doing so much damage to Ohio public outcomes.


Well, leaders like





stepped up to fix that!


And yesterday was the final day for candidates to file in OH. And here’s the great news! Not a single Senate race will go uncontested. Not one! And compared to 20 seats left uncontested in 2022, this week, Dem candidates filed to run in 95 of Ohio’s 99 districts.


That’s right, the number of uncontested seats in 2024 should fall from 20 to 4! Think of the difference: 16 districts, hundreds of communities, almost 2 million Ohioans, who will see a contested race in their community in 2024 who didn’t see one in 2022.


That also means 16 more candidates and campaigns knocking on doors and increasing turnout for the entire statewide ticket—for US Senator Sherrod Brown, our phenomenal Supreme Court Justices, and others.


16 additional politicians who will face some measure of accountability—for, among other things, voting to subvert Ohio’s democracy via Issue 1 in August. The author of that terrible bill ran unopposed in 2022—but he now has a fired up and capable opponent for ‘24.




The rest is mostly the advocacy group asking for help and donations (worthy imo).


If you're interested in their group, and don't want to wade through all the tweets (or go to Twitter at all lol), their site is https://blueohio.org/  (full disclosure, I have not donated or joined this group, or even read anything on their site lol...so I ain't vouching for ****). But I imagine voters having so many unopposed Republicans running is about the equivalent of only watching OANN. So the immediate goal may not be winning elections (though that is most definitely a goal), but getting opposing options in these areas that may motivate more Dem and Independent voters to go and vote. Republican voters, too, since they will now need to vote to make sure their candidate--who was unopposed last time--wins this time.





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10 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

If I was more correct physically, I would consider it. I've even thought about being able to move to my old neighborhood. I can't work so running is out. Still not fully recovered from the stroke and won't ever be.


Anybody says you're not physically fit for office, offer to do a physical fitness challenge. 


Against Donald Trump. 

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