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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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3 hours ago, tomwvr said:

Every American should criticize every damn politician in dc.

the two party machine only cares about enrichment of its members and the power over everyone not in the political class.

Trump is nuts , we all knew that long ago. The problem is we have two parties that care noting about anything but power

Nobody’s buying this crock of ****, chief.

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17 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Fox News was only off by 767k. It's almost as if they have no clue about any damn thing. 🤭

I think it was after last month, a guy at work says "have you looked at those bad jobs numbers?"  I replied "yeah, but also recently the eventual revised numbers have brought them closer in line to the original projections." 


The guy's response: "Well, you can do anything with numbers you want."


There's just no use anymore..................

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California county recalls top official, giving militia-aligned group a path to government


Voters in far northern California have solidified the ouster of a Republican county official, giving control of the Shasta county board of supervisors to a group supported by local militia members.


Leonard Moty, a retired police chief and Republican with decades of public service, lost his seat in a recall election in one of California’s most conservative counties. The Tuesday recall came as tensions reached a high in the county after two years of threats and increasing hostility toward moderate Republican officials over pandemic health restrictions.


“I really thought my community would step up to the plate and they didn’t and that’s very discouraging,” Moty said in an interview with the Guardian earlier this week, warning the recall would shift the area to the “alt-right”.


Updated polling numbers released on Friday showed about 56% of 8,752 voters supported recalling Moty. Cathy Darling Allen, the county registrar of voters, said there were about 121 ballots left to count. The results won’t be finalized until next month, but the two candidates in the lead to replace Moty attended a celebration on Tuesday with members of an area militia group, the Sacramento Bee reported.


The recall is a win for the county’s ultra-conservative movement in their efforts to gain a foothold in local government in this rural part of northern California and fight back against moderate Republicans they felt didn’t do enough to resist state health rules during the pandemic.


Though Shasta county was among the least restrictive in California amid Covid, residents unhappy about state rules and mask requirements have showed up to meetings in large numbers since 2020. Moty and others were subjected to what law enforcement has deemed “credible threats” and personal attacks in meetings – one person told him that bullets are expensive, but “ropes are reusable”.


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Rep. Jerry Fortenberry (R-NE) seems to have found a scapegoat in his federal case: his own age. Fortenberry, 60, said in court filings that he plans to call in an expert on the fallibility of memory and aging to show that he was simply confused and not lying when the FBI questioned him over a campaign contribution.


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On 2/4/2022 at 6:00 PM, Califan007TheConstipated said:



Trump Releases Absolutely Insane and Unhinged Response to Mike Pence’s Speech: ‘I Was Right and Everyone Knows It!’


We all knew it was coming, certainly, Mike Pence knew it was coming. It was only a matter of “when” Trump might unleash his rage and how he’d do it. Interestingly, Trump didn’t individualize or pick Pence out for anything particularly dramatic.


No, he went back to one of his favorites in Mitch McConnell and then just anger generally.


“Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible.”



Click for all the nonsense

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"It's not like we don't have enough jobs here in Wisconsin. The biggest problem we have in Wisconsin right now is employers not being able to find enough workers," Johnson said about Oshkosh Corp.'s plans to locate the jobs in South Carolina.

Interesting election strategy. Less jobs here. I guess it doesn't matter since Republican voters only care about culture war stuff.

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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Interesting election strategy. Less jobs here. I guess it doesn't matter since Republican voters only care about culture war stuff.

this is exactly the reason why he can say this stuff and will likely get away with it and win reelection. The GOP base doesn’t give a **** about policy stuff.  They vote based on the culture war topics of that particular election. 

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The Republican Knives Are Out for South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem


South Dakota Republicans haven’t lost a statewide election since 2008. They have slapped Democrats around in just about every campaign, even running unopposed for a U.S. Senate seat in 2010 and U.S. House seat in 2020.


Now it seems like they’re so desperate for a good fight that they’ve picked several among themselves.


Gov. Kristi Noem, who has been riding high in polls in her state, has never lost an election. She served four terms in Congress before being elected governor in 2018. The South Dakota legislature has supermajorities in both chambers, with Republicans holding 94 of 105 seats. No Democrat holds statewide office.


But Noem has suddenly found plenty of opponents with whom to wage bitter political battles: fellow Republicans.


Conversations with experts and political insiders from both parties suggest that while it’s far too early to suggest she’s in danger of losing her re-election bid this fall, Noem may emerge bloodied, with any national ambitions in some jeopardy.


University of South Dakota political science professor Michael Card told The Daily Beast that Noem has raised hackles in part by the very nature of how she performs duties essential to her job. Specifically, he pointed to her repeatedly referring to South Dakota issues with terms like “my bill” and “my budget” in a state with old-school lawmakers who like to maintain their fiefdoms.


When one of her staff members referred to the “governor’s budget” this week, Card noted, a normally mild-mannered lawmaker “snapped” and said it was the legislature’s budget, not her own.


“I think that’s symptomatic of a lot of what’s going on,” he said. “It’s her brand, not the state.”


State political insiders suggest Noem is basically alone in Pierre, and that even if she remains beloved by large swaths of the Republican base, her image has taken a serious dent among the very people she needs to get things done.


“She doesn’t have any friends,” a longtime Republican insider and observer of South Dakota politics told The Daily Beast.


Perhaps most remarkably, Noem is sparring with the current GOP speaker of the state legislature, Rep. Spencer Gosch.


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Republican candidate for Oregon governor Stan Pulliam confirms former membership in Portland swingers group


A top candidate in the Republican primary for Oregon governor has confirmed he was part of an invite-only Portland swingers group for swapping sexual partners.


Sandy Mayor Stan Pulliam said in a statement to The Oregonian/OregonLive that he and his wife, MacKensey, briefly explored relationships with other couples beginning in 2016 before deciding to “focus solely on each other, our marriage and our family.”


“Ever since, day in and day out, we’ve worked as a team to strengthen our family and to create a better community and state for our girls and the hundreds of thousands of kids just like them, so they can safely grow up, live, work and stay right here in Oregon,” Pulliam said.


The disclosure could prove to be a headwind for Pulliam, 40, whose campaign has contrasted the small-town virtues of rural Clackamas County with the supposed squalor of Portland.


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Yeah, you don't want to be swapping partners with those dirty hippies, you want to swap with the people you know from your wholesome small town.

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The Republican Party is enabling Trump's politics of violence


The Republican Party is ever closer to the destination to which it has long been headed under former President Donald Trump -- the legitimization of violence as a form of political expression.


The Republican National Committee's censure of GOP Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for probing the "legitimate political discourse" of the January 6 insurrection enshrined that principle in the party's policy dogma. The move on Friday underscored the untethered extremism of large sections of one of America's great political parties and the still malignant, dominant influence of the ex-President, who is ready for action with a $122 million war chest.

The RNC's declaration coincided with the release of new video by the Department of Justice showing the horrific truth of the insurrection -- a Trump mob, high on his election lies, beating up police officers and vowing to drag lawmakers through the streets. But the RNC's authoritarian was at odds with some anti-Trump stirrings elsewhere in the party, most noticeably from ex-Vice President Mike Pence, who criticized his ex-boss' demand that he steal the election by subverting the Electoral College count last year as "un-American."

The potentially irrevocable break with Trump boosted Republicans who despair at the party's trashing of truth and democracy and occurred amid perhaps wishful whisperings among some strategists that the ex-President's grip may be weakening. These could be the first shoots of a coming debate over whether Trump should be the party's nominee for a third time, in 2024.

But Trump's dark power is also playing out among a larger group -- GOP lawmakers who disdain his strongman radicalism but are afraid to speak out against him because they think loyalty is the only way to save their political skins. The acquiescence of most Republicans has long enabled Trump's assaults on the rule of law and shows little sign of hardening into opposition to the ex-President.


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Gaetz isn’t wrong. China has made a ton of moves like that over the last 2 decades. Although I believe one of our smarter/est posters shared an article about how that didn’t go too well in Africa recently. 

 Definitely need to figure out a different global influence strategy. 

not that gaetz should be anywhere near anyone trying to do that. 

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Trump, DeSantis tensions shadow this year's CPAC


The simmering tensions between former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) are looming over the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where both men are set to give highly anticipated speeches later this month.


With Trump eyeing a political comeback and DeSantis seen as a potential contender for the 2024 GOP presidential bid, the high-profile gathering in Orlando, Fla., offers a prime opportunity to take the temperature of the Republican base and pitch their political brands to the conservative activists and leaders who will play a major role in boosting the party’s next presidential nominee.


But the conference also has the potential to highlight — and possibly even deepen — the emerging divide between Trump and DeSantis, stirring both worry and intrigue within the GOP.

“I think he definitely feels threatened by the governor,” one GOP donor, who has given to both Trump and DeSantis, said of the former president. “I can’t necessarily blame him, because there are a lot of people right now who are very interested in what Ron DeSantis has to say, and I think that’s especially true at CPAC.”


Trump has griped behind the scenes for months about DeSantis’s rapid political rise, including chatter about a future White House bid. Fueling the complaints is the Florida governor’s apparent refusal to say publicly that he won’t challenge Trump in 2024 should the former president mount another campaign for the White House.


The donor said that while Trump has clung to the same talking points — most notably his baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him — DeSantis is “talking about Joe Biden, he’s talking about freedom from COVID lockdowns, he’s looking forward and not backward.”


It’s unclear whether Trump and DeSantis will appear together or separately during CPAC — a common stop for conservative leaders and ambitious Republican politicians — and the conference’s organizers haven’t yet released the speaking schedule.


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