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Stop buying anything Redskin


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Funny they just called me Monday trying to sell me another pair of tickets in 221. 


Yeah about that.....I'll get back to you in a couple of days. They got some nerve I mean the sales guy ...was like "good news" I got you 2 more in your section. Good news really ? Are they that disconnected with the fan base that at the exact moment they are flying the plane into a freaking mountain they start trying to extract more money from the loyal fanbase. Yeah I'm with you they already get enough of my dough and time. It's a damn shame the last two years they were starting build a little goodwill with the fanbase....less and less people showing up in opposing teams gear which is still to damn much.


Einsteins definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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41 minutes ago, SamMills51 said:


Don't quit on your team when times are tough. I didn't when 2010 happened to the Panthers.


Only way changes are made is if you hit the guy in his wallet. 

25 minutes ago, hailer21 said:

They'll never win with Snyder - if you really are a fan of this team, you should boycott this team with a passion.


I agree

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Dan Snyder isn't a Redskins fan.  He never has been one.  He's just suckered everyone into believing that he really cares just because he sells nostalgia and yesteryear like it really amounts to a hill of beans.  Who gives a **** about 1987?  Seriously!  Who gives a flying **** that Bruce Allen is the son of George Allen?!  Why should I give a **** about that?  Bruce Allen & his yellow pants can go to hell for all I care.  Whatever happened to caring about the here and now?? You sell us garbage and cover up the stench by parading around the past like it's relevant today.  No offense, but what Art Monk did in 1983 doesn't mean **** to me.  Joe Theismann doesn't mean **** to me.  Keep selling the past to nostalgic fans who live in the past.  Dan Snyder doesn't give two ****s about you, you or you.  As long as his pockets stay fat and he's in complete control he's gonna continue to do what he's done.  His ego is too massive to ever change.  **** him.

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