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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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5 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Trump will not be removed from office because they aren't that many Republicans that would join the Dems; to remove him from office.

I have a list of issues I have with both parties. 


For or the republicans at the top I have:

how they behaved during the Obama era


how they have sold their soul to back trump and defend him


until recently it was clear the order they were in. But now I struggle to figure it of how they treated Obama was worse. It seems like it should be, but this trump stuff gets worse by the day. 


Its hard to fathom voting for a gop candidate. Calling out trump for what he is, is requirement number 1. Only then will I look further for consideration. 

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39 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

To be fair, most of those 250,000 views were from twa.



15 minutes ago, tshile said:

Calling out trump for what he is, is requirement number 1. Only then will I look further for consideration. 

They will... but only when the political winds dictate it.


The GOP's leadership is pure ****. There are good Republican candidates at the state and local level. At the Federal level, they are the worst.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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19 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Totally like Session 9 at this point (that little voice inside Gordon's head, shouting "Do it, GordonGordon? Gordon, DO IT!").

Yeah.  Dude has been deep in the cassette room for a while. :ols:


My serious worry is that Trump fires Rosenstein and then puts somebody in there to fire Mueller (which I think is pretty likely and always has been).  My question is, what happens if/when that happens?  The Pubs are saying it would be suicide, but would it be?  Would they really hold him accountable?


I'm not so sure they would.  And if they don't...then what?  What if Congress just lets him get away with it?  I'm getting that sinking feeling in my gut.

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The Republicans won't do anything. 


Voters will have to vote them out. If Democrats take the House and Senate, they can at least legislate and should override any veto by Trump. It will be something to curb him, stress him out more. 


Then Dems need to take the White House in 2020. And at last our long national nightmare will be over.


And then prosecute Trump criminal enterprise so it never happens again, like Republicans were spanked after Nixon resigned. Trump won't be removed from office unless he's impeached and resigns. Senate won't have enough votes for removal.

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11 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Yeah.  Dude has been deep in the cassette room for a while. :ols:


My serious worry is that Trump fires Rosenstein and then puts somebody in there to fire Mueller (which I think is pretty likely and always has been).  My question is, what happens if/when that happens?  The Pubs are saying it would be suicide, but would it be?  Would they really hold him accountable?


I'm not so sure they would.  And if they don't...then what?  What if Congress just lets him get away with it?  I'm getting that sinking feeling in my gut.

My concern is more that Rosenstein is replaced with someone who "keeps the investigation going" but handicaps it so bad that it is useless.  Then they can say the investigation was done and he was cleared when it wasn't a real investigation.

1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Then Dems need to take the White House in 2020. And at last our long national nightmare will be over.


I don't think this will be true until we get campaign finance reform done and get the money out of politics.  Sure a Dem would be better than trump and pretty much almost any GOP but the Left is beholden to their masters also.  The Left is currently better from a moral stance than the GOP but I still think they are corrupt as hell.  Pretty much a requirement for any public servant seems to be doing what is best for your donors rather than the people you are supposed to represent.  

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5 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Then we storm Pennsylvania ave and demand justice. 

Agreed.  Unfortunately, I think that's where this one is headed.  It feels like that train wreck you can see coming a mile away.  First round is on me. :cheers:

2 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

My concern is more that Rosenstein is replaced with someone who "keeps the investigation going" but handicaps it so bad that it is useless.  Then they can say the investigation was done and he was cleared when it wasn't a real investigation.

Yep.  Just like the House Intel investigation led by Devin Smithers.

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1 hour ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

My serious worry is that Trump fires Rosenstein and then puts somebody in there to fire Mueller (which I think is pretty likely and always has been).  My question is, what happens if/when that happens?  The Pubs are saying it would be suicide, but would it be?  Would they really hold him accountable?


Only if the polling data says that the voters will hold the GOP accountable.  (By extension, that the voters won't buy whatever spin they try to put on it.)  


And I'm not at all sure that the voters would.  For example, I get the impression that a good chunk of the electorate actually believe that Nunes actually has been investigating actual systematic corruption at the FBI (probably run by Hillary Clinton).  

Edited by Larry
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36 minutes ago, visionary said:





Oh, I think that legally, he does.  At least, I'm not aware of any law that says he can't.  (It's not like the guy is Civil Service, or anything.)


No, it sure feels to me like the rule against firing him (or the head of the FBI) really ought to be political, not legal.  


36 minutes ago, visionary said:




Well, by now, Trump probably requires an NDA for all meetings.  

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22 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

It's the whole obstruction of justice thing.


Which says Trump can't fire him for certain reasons.  Not that he can't fire him.  


(Which is one reason why Devon Smithers & Co have been working so hard to try, in advance, to fabricate a cover story for it.  They've literally been working, in advance, to try to assist in the obstruction which they assume will be coming.)  



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I was interested in the statute of limitations for federal obstruction of justice. 


In federal cases, it's five years from discovery.





If Trump only serves one term, charges can be brought against him after January 2021. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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2 hours ago, tshile said:

I have a list of issues I have with both parties. 


For or the republicans at the top I have:

how they behaved during the Obama era


how they have sold their soul to back trump and defend him


until recently it was clear the order they were in. But now I struggle to figure it of how they treated Obama was worse. It seems like it should be, but this trump stuff gets worse by the day. 


Its hard to fathom voting for a gop candidate. Calling out trump for what he is, is requirement number 1. Only then will I look further for consideration. 

For the GOP you could really go all the way back to the Nixon administration and their southern strategy.

What they did to Obama was unconscionable but they tried to the same thing to Clinton early on. The GOP never accepted the election of Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama and probably won't accept the election of the next Democratic president.


Thing is, the GOP and their voting base is getting older. They are literally dying off.  What they are doing is being magnified during the Trump era.   Millions of people are being turned off from the GOP forever.  They may not go to the Dems, but the GOP will eventually cease to exist.


We are in the early stages of the realignment of American politics. By the 2028 Presidential Election in 10 years; you will see a completely different environment. What will that be??  Stay tuned. 


The Dems have their own problems but for now they can paper over them, or can they?  If they can't; then that means they don't win control of the House and don't win some governorships this year?

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I was interested in the statute of limitations for federal obstruction of justice. 


In federal cases, it's five years from discovery.


If Trump only serves one term, charges can be brought against him after January 2021. 

Who will do that though?  Bring charges against a former President , even if deservedly so; will suck up the oxygen of a new president's term.  The next president is going to have to undo everything Trump has done and also pass laws to prevent the abuses/corruptions going on in the Trump era.


I'm not saying not attempt to do it, but I'm not so sure a new Administration will want to do that.

Edited by Rdskns2000
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