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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Flood probably wouldn't take him on as a client, or we would have heard about already.


And the questions probably pushed him over the edge and he made Sessions fire McCabe.


The most important thing in his life that he wants gone, he can't control. If Mueller is fired, he's already sharing information with Schniedermann in NY and the state will get him and his criminal enterprise.

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7 hours ago, IHOPSkins said:

FBI internal investigation got McCabe fired ...... not Trump


If Trump had as much control of the FBI as some of you Deep State Supporters think....It would not be weaponized like the IRS was


"Strzok tells Page: "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office" -- an apparent reference to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe -- "that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy......."



Cant wait until Strzok gets the boot....



Is this a serious post?

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6 hours ago, Destino said:

But when will it stick?  We have a President that's firing FBI agents and demanding they stop investigating him while openly suing a porn star to keep her quiet.  That none of this seems to even slow him down is incredible.  Any of these scandals would have crippled another administration, but Trump hasn't gone into defensive mode like other politicians would.  He isn't apologizing in an attempt to appease voters.  He's just dismissing any and all criticism... and so far it's working.

Well that’s because Trump isn’t the problem. It’s the entire GOP...


And their idiot base.

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:


Interesting time in our country.


The GOP sure is a bunch of **** nozzles. They are actually attempting to allow the destruction of our nation's democratic norms as well as it's system of checks & balances and the guy they are trying to protect to do so... Donald ****ing Trump. I'd say "Still better than Hillary" but that's not even funny anymore. It's just ****ing ignorant.

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1 hour ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Interesting time in our country.


The GOP sure is a bunch of **** nozzles. They are actually attempting to allow the destruction of our nation's democratic norms as well as it's system of checks & balances and the guy they are trying to protect to do so... Donald ****ing Trump. I'd say "Still better than Hillary" but that's not even funny anymore. It's just ****ing ignorant.


They never did have any genuine allegiance to democracy or our institutions. The history of the Bananarepublicans for the last century or more has been a constant undermining of the country to satisfy their neverending greed.

2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Would love to see @IHOPSkinsexplain this web of “deep state” actors.





There ya go, save you the wait.............

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27 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

James Comey: Republican, Bush appointee


Robert Mueller: Republican, Bush appointee, currently appointed by Rod Rosenstein


Rod Rosenstein: appointed by Trump


Would love to see @IHOPSkinsexplain this web of “deep state” actors.

Globalist (Establishment) versus Nationalist (Patriots)

Its not real hard to see if you look for the truth

Doesn't CNN have a weekly update on the "Republican Civil War"?...jeez

Edited by IHOPSkins
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23 minutes ago, IHOPSkins said:

Globalist (Establishment) versus Nationalist (Patriots)

Its not real hard to see if you look for the truth

Doesn't CNN have a weekly update on the "Republican Civil War"?...jeez


I'm so glad you are here. 

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Plus it's implied Jewishness. 


BTW, I am a Liberal and a Patriot. 


The Totalitarian Right doesn't own Patriotism. In fact, if the goal is to undermine the Constitution, they are Traitors. 


Try that one on for size.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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31 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Robert Mueller is a globalist and not a patriot?


Because Sean Hannity says so?!?

Sean among many others.....


The most conservative congressmen are going all-out to fight for Trump against Mueller and the Russia probe



Mueller's Russia Indictments: Covering Up For The Deep State?



Lou Dobbs: 'May be time to declare war' on 'deep state'



“The FBI and the DOJ have broken the public trust by destroying evidence, defying oversight and actively trying to bring down the Trump presidency,” Dobbs said.


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