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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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8 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Bro. One of us cares about right and wrong and about the country. One of us cares about R & D and that's it. Everyone knows that you don't care. It's not like you're shy about it.

I'll break this...twa cares.  He does.  Just not in the right way. 

But he cares bigly.  (How's my favorite Marine, btw?...stateside yet?)

3 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

 so let's keep the hype to see Trump getting peed on under wraps for at least a little bit.

well, if we must...:809:

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7 minutes ago, visionary said:

Most definitely NOT what was said. More evidence of the credit the GOP give their bases intelligence. Just like Trump's tweets about the London mayor... we can twist their words to say whatever we want, no matter how obvious it is to anybody who cares about intellectual honesty, because they know their voters do not.

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So now they apparently have two defenses for Trump:


1) Basically saying Trump is ignorant and doesn't understand what he's doing so you should give him a break...like a baby that doesn't understand that stealing is wrong yet.


2) Simply pretending that everything Comey says is actually a vindication of Trump...no matter what it is.

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1 minute ago, tshile said:

The whole comey thing is becoming a joke

No one can wait for the man to actually testify.


Opinions are already formed.


America, **** yeah



I'll say my opinion:


I think Donald Trump talks a lot of bull**** and James Comey probably thinks he's a dingbat. 


According to those Abramoff tweets, it doesn't matter if Comey thought Trump was a dingbat or not. Particularly this one:

"It does NOT matter if Comey says he didn't FEEL Trump was obstructing justice. It might've helped a prosecution, but it is unnecessary."



IMHO it should make a difference whether Comey actually took Trump seriously or at least it should in the court of public opinion. That would help Trump against impeachment. In the court of law this will look really bad for Tump.




Of course... 100% conjecture. No clue what Comey's going to say or what really happened. 



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One way or the other, I simply cannot see any way Trump refrains from tweeting about Comey's testimony...whether he watches it live or just watches it that night. They can't be around him all the time. I wouldn't necessarily be all that surprised if he didn't actually "live tweet" during it, as I can see his people trying to keep him busy as a way to keep him off twitter (which is apparently how they kept him from tweeting during his overseas trip). But early morning when he's alone and stewing in his own thoughts/fever dreams/conspiracy theories seems to be when he's most likely to go on a twitter rampage.


He simply won't be able to resist. He has shown that before in situations FAR less bigly than this one.

Edited by mistertim
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1 hour ago, visionary said:



Trump is so much easier to understand once you recognize that he's mentally ill. Like I'm being serious right now, not throwing shade or talking **** or anything. The man is clearly sick. All the advice and common sense in the world isn't fixing that. His brain is broken. It doesn't work like yours. 


They--Republicans--really need to accept that, lower their expectations and then start figuring out what that acceptance means for the country and go from there. And hopefully sometime soon. You wouldn't want someone with a broken leg running a marathon for you. Why should we want someone with a broken brain in the presidency? As long as he remains in office, we're permanently residing on the cusp of this going from a ****show to something much, much more tragic. Enough is enough. 

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Obviously we don't yet know how the actual hearing will go tomorrow (even if we have strong predictive possibilities for particular folks in the room), but it's worth pointing out that reactions so far are largely engaged with the written statement, which has been out since early evening. 


The Wittes piece is worth reading very closely, as are those of the other respondents. The 7-page Comey statement is embedded there too:



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9 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:


Congressional oversight of the executive branch is a huge part of their job.

I think it's overkill, why do we need multiple investigations by Congress when they have a special prosecutor, is Congress going to do a better job than Bob Mueller?


I could see Congress doing something stupid that could jeopardize Mueller's case because it's so important for them to push for information that fits their agenda and can be disclosed to the media now as opposed to waiting for Mueller to finish his investigation.

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9 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

I think it's overkill, why do we need multiple investigations by Congress when they have a special prosecutor, is Congress going to do a better job than Bob Mueller?


I could see Congress doing something stupid that could jeopardize Mueller's case because it's so important for them to push for information that fits their agenda and can be disclosed to the media now as opposed to waiting for Mueller to finish his investigation.


What agenda is that, exactly? The Senate and the House are both Republican controlled. They stonewalled as much as they could but eventually even they couldn't deny things that were staring them right in the face. 

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26 minutes ago, mistertim said:


What agenda is that, exactly? The Senate and the House are both Republican controlled.


What's the agenda? Political points, and for them Dems they need proof that someone did something wrong soon or this story will drag out and people will get tired of it.


Everyone up there has an agenda, stop having hearings on tv so the intelligence agencies will actually give you the data you need to do your job.


I think everyone knows The Senate and House are controlled by the Republicans but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said. 


You have 3 Rep and 2 Dems working the investigations so both parties are involved.

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:



Its gonna be a Great Wall.




With solar panels :bill:


Isn't that a impeachable offence?


Let's ask the Dem leaders



Putin's ****es

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