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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Just now, LadySkinsFan said:

Here's the short answer to your question: if a Democrat president issues EOs, then they are unConstitutional; if a Republican president issues EOs, then they are Constitutional.


At least that's what the Right believes.

Even Democrats (Fienstein and others) have serious doubts about the constitutionality of President Obama's DACA order. 

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16 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Fixing the problem means being realistic about Mexican and Central American immigration. You guys pretend to be pro-immigration then you set quotas limiting immigrants to the rich, educated, or white.


You guys? :rolleyes:

Can you tell me the quotas for Mexico and Central America vs the other countries?


Did Obama sign EB-5?...or is he my guy now


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So it's more compassionate to send hundreds of thousands of young people back to countries where they don't speak the language or don't know how to navigate life there.


DACA should have been made law and included the path to citizenship.


WWJD for all you Christians out there who lack compassion.

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8 hours ago, nonniey said:

I have no issue if Congress passes an amnesty for "Dreamers" I do have issues with Presidents ruling by decree even if what he directs is popular..


This is easy to say when you know that Congress can't get it's crap together to pass a humane, common sense fix.


You can't defend institutionalism without also recognizing that the Republican conferences in both chambers are worthless.  Obstructionists to an unprecedented degree.  I know you know this is the reason that Obama had to govern through executive order.

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2 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

You can't defend institutionalism without also recognizing that the Republican conferences in both chambers are worthless.  Obstructionists to an unprecedented degree.  I know you know this is the reason that Obama had to govern through executive order.


This is always overlooked in these arguments. Obama didn't have choice because the GOP wouldnt play ball at all. They literally did nothing but get in the way. 

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26 minutes ago, twa said:


You guys? :rolleyes:

Can you tell me the quotas for Mexico and Central America vs the other countries?


Did Obama sign EB-5?...or is he my guy now


7% MAX of total immigration (that does not mean that 7% is a allotted amount) now take into account the US Immigration preference system that favors draining nations of the brightest, most educated, and richest in order to leave the rest destitute.


Oh I'm sorry did Obama have a Congress that was willing to work with him on anything? Maybe JUST maybe that was the reason he felt compelled to sign the Dreamer EO because GOPers refused to work with him on actual immigration reform.


Also, yes "you guys", you've already stated opposition to amnesty. Yet, you have NO plan on how to deport 10 million people, or how to fill the economic hole that will create, or what to do with the children who are US citizens.

Once again...



Eight years...and you have no plan....AGAIN.

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the plan is simple.

Keep the right pissed off and threatened by easily isolated and defenseless enemies.



Actually doing anything to relieve any of what they are pissed off about risks them no longer being pissed off, threatened and afraid.

And if they're not angry or scared, they may actually start to listen to what these clowns actually want to do.


I've said it before,,, the right who remains are masochists, because their "leaders" treat them with no respect, expect none of them have enough guts to question them, and believe they are simply not smart enough to figure out their game before it's too late. They are cowards who do not look for any solutions except those which hurt the defenseless, and they are afraid of these people. They themselves are never at fault for any of it.

They blame these people for stealing their jobs, and they do not consider their lack of education is what forces them to compete for the low paying jobs the immigrants are GIVEN. They fail to blame the American corporation who GIVES their job to illegals to save money. (If you have roaches, who's fault is it? The roach, or the idiot who keeps leaving crumbs laying around?) Companies that steal American jobs and give them to illegals should be forced out of business, their CEOs tried and jailed for whatever crime fits the bill. 
But because these cowards are so conditioned to be afraid of the "job providers" who hold their lives in the balance, they will defend them tooth and nail, not even realizing that the very defense is why these people continue to **** all over them. They essentially beg these people to take all of their money, decrease their benefits, and remove their ability to make a decent living.  They agree with the providers who try like hell to remove every protection the worker has, and to insure they can further oppress them..  not realizing they ARE the ones getting ****ed in the end.


Stupid, angry, terrified. This is the plan.

Nothing else. Stupid angry and terrified people are easy to manipulate, as we see so starkly on display in this country.



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1 hour ago, nonniey said:

Not the ones that are constitutional. Has there been any even the resistance are claiming to be unconstitutional (serious question as I'm not as involved in political shenanigans as I used to be - Trump and his insane resistance has had that effect on me)?

So, yeah... the "resistance" has claimed a few of his EOs to be unconstitutional. In this case, the "Resistance" would be the courts. You know those guys?


But, how can you sit here and go, "Every single little thing Trump does, no matter what, is wrong according to the Resistance!!!" and then five minutes later say, "Is the resistance even claiming that any of his EOs are wrong? I don't really pay attention.." Did you just get your 5 minute fix of FOX News for that first talking point? I mean, I guess there's a point there. It seems that no matter what Trump does (like threatent one little old nuclear armageddon because a firefly in his brain farted or backing up one little old KKK by saying that anti-protestors are just as bad), the poor guy gets criticized.


Viva La Resistance

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25 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

7% MAX of total immigration (that does not mean that 7% is a allotted amount) now take into account the US Immigration preference system that favors draining nations of the brightest, most educated, and richest in order to leave the rest destitute.


Oh I'm sorry did Obama have a Congress that was willing to work with him on anything? Maybe JUST maybe that was the reason he felt compelled to sign the Dreamer EO because GOPers refused to work with him on actual immigration reform.


Also, yes "you guys", you've already stated opposition to amnesty. Yet, you have NO plan on how to deport 10 million people, or how to fill the economic hole that will create, or what to do with the children who are US citizens.

Once again...



Eight years...and you have no plan....AGAIN.


(Congressional Research Service)

Looks like the numbers(which do not include illegals) don't support you


I stated opposition to amnesty w/o reform or addressing the problems, which differs fundamentally from opposition to amnesty.


Or maybe Obama did it to buy votes or just likes ignoring law.....it worked out just as bad as I predicted at the time.






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51 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


This is easy to say when you know that Congress can't get it's crap together to pass a humane, common sense fix.


You can't defend institutionalism without also recognizing that the Republican conferences in both chambers are worthless.  Obstructionists to an unprecedented degree.  I know you know this is the reason that Obama had to govern through executive order.

Also, it's just more GOP BS. Obama signed the fewest EOs per year of any president since Grover friggin Cleveland.

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I'm fairly certain there is a PLAN and the PLAN is to demonize and terrorize brown-skinned American citizens at the expense of constructing anything that might resemble "legislation" or "governance".  The kitchen water bowl is filled daily with sweet, addictive racial animus and the loyal hounds rise each morning to drink their fill before they get the belt again.


Trump has not usurped the GOP.  He has distilled it.

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1 hour ago, Bang said:

No knowledge and zero access didn't stop him, did it?

And now look. he has access...  and no knowledge.



No knowledge, zero experience, zero access are the prime qualifications for a GOP expert!! In fact the more you have of ANY of that the less qualified you are on any given subject.

2 hours ago, twa said:


Looks like the numbers(which do not include illegals) don't support you

The numbers were taken directly from the US Immigration website. And obviously those numbers don't include immigrants without active documentation. 

FTR, they aren't illegals, they are people.

Once you recognize that fact maybe you can start treating them humanely.

Oh let me guess, you do treat them humanely, you just don't want a government that does.

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1 hour ago, Bang said:

No knowledge and zero access didn't stop him, did it?

And now look. he has access...  and no knowledge.



The analogy that I came up with all on my own & definitely did not steal is that he's like a little kid that orders chicken tenders at Morton's. The entirety of intelligence is at his disposal. He wants FOXNews. 

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2 hours ago, twa said:


Looks like the numbers(which do not include illegals) don't support you

The numbers were taken directly from the US Immigration website. And obviously those numbers don't include immigrants without active documentation. 

FTR, they aren't illegals, they are people.

Once you recognize that fact maybe you can start treating them humanely.

Oh let me guess, you do treat them humanely, you just don't want a government that does.


I'm done debating immigration in this thread.

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3 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

So, yeah... the "resistance" has claimed a few of his EOs to be unconstitutional. In this case, the "Resistance" would be the courts. You know those guys?


But, how can you sit here and go, "Every single little thing Trump does, no matter what, is wrong according to the Resistance!!!" and then five minutes later say, "Is the resistance even claiming that any of his EOs are wrong? I don't really pay attention.." Did you just get your 5 minute fix of FOX News for that first talking point? I mean, I guess there's a point there. It seems that no matter what Trump does (like threatent one little old nuclear armageddon because a firefly in his brain farted or backing up one little old KKK by saying that anti-protestors are just as bad), the poor guy gets criticized.


Viva La Resistance

I didn't say wrong I said unconstitutional on Trumps EOs.

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