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Skyrim Remastered


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Who else is going to be playing Skyrim again? 

Anyone playing for the first time?

Anyone never stop??


I beat Skyrim 2 times on the Xbox 360, once on the PS3. I preordered it for XBOX One.  I chose XB over ps4 because of the mods (PS4 won't have nearly as many).


Anyone have any mods to recommend??

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I just finally got around to Witcher 3 and I'm not sure I want to go back to Skyrim again after I'm done with it.  Two main reasons, the first is that the combat system is disappointing compared to other sword and board games.  The 2nd being that after an hour the previous point won't matter and I'll lose another 30 hours of my life running around Tamriel.  Skyrim is just so much damn fun to play even if in the back of your mind a voice is screaming "damnit this game isn't even that good!  Why are we doing this!"  


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The amount of content in Skyrim is mindboggling.  Combat is awkward and unbalanced, but there is just so much cool stuff in there.

I'm not sure what this remastering involves, but if it is just better water textures and stuff like that, then meh.   Even more content - well that's another story.  

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I am indeed playing for the first time. I am perpetually five years behind on games, because, really, all i want is a game that will give me a ton of **** to do, isn't ridiculously hard to master the buttons, and lets me relax. 

Skyrim.. holy hell, I have been playing it for about 3 months now.. i am nowhere near completing any of the storyline,, iam just running around and finding places to explore, monsters to fight nd take things from, and following side quests.

Combat is a bit wonky, i tend to lose the opponent. One thing about first-person, nothing figures in any sort of peripheral vision.

I figure I will play this for at least another 6 months.

Perfect for me.



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I'm getting it. As I've mentioned in the videogames thread, TES IV Oblivion is one of my favorite games ever. I was so hyped for Skyrim and was blown away until I went down into a cave to rescue someone for a mission (1sr or 2nd mission in the game i tried) and was met with a ****ing 30ft spider dropping down from the ceiling on me. So that and all the random spiders in the wildnerness killed it for me. Just couldn't play it. Arachnophobia is too bad. 

So I am all on this remaster since I can mod out the spiders from the game. Finally I can enjoy this masterpiece. 

Been dying to play it even more since I finished Game of Thrones over the summer. 


3 hours ago, Predicto said:

Even more content - well that's another story.  

No new content just all the DLC, remastered graphics and the PC mods are now available on consoles. 

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@codeorama here are some good mods 

Adds banner flags to roads and borders so you know where you are. Feel like it really adds immersion to the world 


This one adds trees and foliage to the holds to make them feel less empty. Maybe a touch overdone but I do like the look of a lot of them


A bunch of awesome spots in here 


Starts every time you boot up the game 


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I'll have to check some of those mods out.  I bought Skyrim around Christmas last year when it was on sale with all the DLC for $9.99 on Steam.  Playing off an on I still haven't finished it - I don't think I'm even that close.

I do love the game, but free time has been in short supply lately.  The mods look cool and I'll have to check them out.

Anybody know whether saves get transferred to the new version?  It's downloading right now, and it would really suck if saved games are stuck in the old version.  (I'm on Steam.)




By far my biggest takeaway from this thread is that Predicto plays video games.

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I don't think i ever finished the main mission in Skyrim. I put in so many hours that after I joined the Assassin's Guild i forced myself to put in a different game and said I would come back and finish. Never touched it again

i'll probably get it eventually, but i'm still backlogged on a few games. The only benefit is that usually when I get around to them, they have dropped in price

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6 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

I don't think i ever finished the main mission in Skyrim. I put in so many hours that after I joined the Assassin's Guild i forced myself to put in a different game and said I would come back and finish. Never touched it again

i'll probably get it eventually, but i'm still backlogged on a few games. The only benefit is that usually when I get around to them, they have dropped in price

Im the same way. Its rare that i get a game on or immédiately after release. Good way to save dough.

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Just some random comments....

I never play Skyrim in First Person except when shooting arrows.  I prefer 3rd person so much more for the combat.

While the Witcher 3's combat is "better" in a lot of ways, IMO, Witcher 3 is just nowhere near as good (again, my opinion) because you are forced to be Geralt. I also love the lore and background in Elder Scrolls games a lot more (I hated ESO though).

I love the main story line and the Civil War story lines in Skyrim as well as the Dark Brotherhood.  I really wish they would re do Oblivion as well.

The DLC for Skyrim was awesome IMO. Loved the Solsteim and Vampire Lord story/missions.


Thank you for the MOD links. After I beat the game without them, I'll have a great time playing with them.

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You don't play Skyrim/Elder Scrolls for combat. You play it to immerse yourself in an amazing fantasy world. I too never actually beat the main story, I always end up just running around doing random stuff. I'm probably going to get the remastered version for PS4 at some point as I love the idea of playing it on my couch in front of my big screen with souped up graphics/mods. I played original Skyrim on PC with mods(back when I had a decent gaming PC)and the mods make the game sooooo much better its ridiculous. If you're a gamer with next gen that didn't play Skyrim or played it on a last gen console you absolutely have to get Skyrim with mods.

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3 hours ago, codeorama said:

Just some random comments....

I never play Skyrim in First Person except when shooting arrows.  I prefer 3rd person so much more for the combat.

While the Witcher 3's combat is "better" in a lot of ways, IMO, Witcher 3 is just nowhere near as good (again, my opinion) because you are forced to be Geralt. 



Oooh, so you can build your own character like in the souls games? 

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Just now, Mr. Sinister said:

Oooh, so you can build your own character like in the souls games? 

Yep, I haven't played Skyrim, but my SIL and BIL did and they loved it.  Lots of character builds.  I did play Elder Scrolls Online, which is similar, but more limited than Skyrim and other scrolls games from what I've been told.  


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11 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Im the same way. Its rare that i get a game on or immédiately after release. Good way to save dough.

Unless it's No Man's Sky lol

35 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

Yep, I haven't played Skyrim, but my SIL and BIL did and they loved it.  Lots of character builds.  I did play Elder Scrolls Online, which is similar, but more limited than Skyrim and other scrolls games from what I've been told.  


It's basically Fallout 3/4 but set in a medieval fantasy world. 

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44 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Oooh, so you can build your own character like in the souls games? 

You can pick between like 6-7 races I think one is a lizard race, one a tiger type race, dark elves, wood elves, different types of human builds then choose warrior, archer, Mage/wizard, thief etc to determine what skills are boosted to start and what you develop faster. Then the more you use certain skills like swords the higher that particular skill increases. 

Tons of armors and weapon types to play around with. 

Combat is similar to Dying Light but I'll admit it's not as fun and a bit clunkier. However, you do have magic spells instead that you can use to mix it up. 

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Combat actually isnt THAT bad in Skyrim, just don't go straight melee build. Stealth is quite fun, as is bow and arrow, and magic is awesome. Melee weapon builds suck though as engaging in melee combat is quite clunky.

The problem is the non linear difficulty. You die a lot more often early on. Later on once you level up more and get good stuff you just steamroll everything.

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19 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Combat actually isnt THAT bad in Skyrim, just don't go straight melee build. Stealth is quite fun, as is bow and arrow, and magic is awesome. Melee weapon builds suck though as engaging in melee combat is quite clunky.

The problem is the non linear difficulty. You die a lot more often early on. Later on once you level up more and get good stuff you just steamroll everything.

Sounds like Witcher 3. I spent most of the time roaming and doing side quests and leveling up to the point where even dispatching the Wildhunt/Wildhunt King wasnt all that troublesome.


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