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Skyrim Remastered


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4 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Sounds like Witcher 3. I spent most of the time roaming and doing side quests and leveling up to the point where even dispatching the Wildhunt/Wildhunt King wasnt all that troublesome.


Yeah its similar in that regard. RPGs tend to be like that though to be honest, as players always outscale enemies.

Skyrim and Witcher 3 are completely different types of games though. Witcher's combat is actually really good, in fact overall I think Witcher 3 is a stronger game, but Skyrim is quite good in its own merits. Highly recommended.

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1 hour ago, Taylor703 said:

If you own this on PC there's basically no reason to buy the remaster, correct? 

If you bought it through Steam you get the remaster for free.  Don't know how it works on other platforms.


Edit: That's only if you have all the DLC I think.  Also, porting saves works, but only if they haven't been modded.

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Definitely gonna have to get this. The character variation alone seems compelling enough. The mod thing sucks, and although the experience will be nothing compared to PC (which is where games like these shine) hopefully there will at least be more stuff than Witcher 3, which seemed pretty barren.

Combat doesn't bother me a ton. Mass Effect is one of my most favorite games ever and combat was dreadful there, too. I gets down, regardless...

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13 minutes ago, turtle said:

Havent played before but very interested. Noob question: how do mods work, are theu already there in the ps4 version or do You have to do somethng to activate them?

They are already there. Just not as much as on XBox version. I guess we can expect more down the road, but for now, PS4 gamers (which I am) get the short end of the stick

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Archery/sneak is like cheatmode

Try going with Destruction, or really, any magic school other than *maybe* conjuration.  

At first it's not that bad, but magic damage does not scale with level.  After a while, you can't kill anything near your level even using your entire mana pool.   And a dragon?  LOL.

That is one area where a scaling mod definitely is needed.  

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Yeah archery/sneak is beyond broken.

Magic is good but you have to be willing to diversify your skills. You can't just go all out Destruction and nuke stuff or you will die. You need stuff in Alteration/Restoration for defense. Illusion is nice too to mess with enemies.

There is a mod that offers a LOT more perks and the new perks in the magic skiill trees are awesome. For example there is one in Destruction that increases your damage with destruciton spells by a % of your Destruction skill, allowing it to scale.

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It's kind of funny how bad Bethesda's balance issues can be game after game and still have the games win multiple awards. 

And yeah, sneaking is basically cheating, but with melee weapons as awkward as they are to use, it's not like hand to hand is all that much more interesting. 

I actually like doing less sneaking now that I'm higher level and just using the bow at close range.

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I played the hell out of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.  I got close to 100% complete on Oblivion but there were a ton of nirn roots I never bothered to find.  I played Skyrim on XBox 360 since launch and still play it from time to time.  I beat the **** out of it, I leveled at least 10 characters to 81.  So many that I've just deleted a bunch of them because I knew I would never go back to them.  I did pretty much everything in the game, but bizarrely, I never beat the Dark Brotherhood quest line.  It was the last thing I had left to do and I just couldn't bring myself to finish it.  I didn't want the game to be over.  Same thing happened to me with one of the Mass Effects.

Anyway, if you have questions about the game or the lore of Nirn, I can probably help you.

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