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Per CNN: 25 injured in Manhattan explosion


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Remember watching some documentary type show about the LAPD on one of those reality TV channels. It waa like 15 years old and i can't recall the name but it was kind of like Cops but more in depth. Every episode would follow around a different part of LAPD. Homicide, narcotics, gangs, CPS, etc. One episode followed around the bomb squad. I remember being shocked at how many explosive devices they were called out to. It was like all day, every day and they were acting like it was normal. They were all pipe bombs and i think all of them turned out to be either purposefully faked to make it look like one, false reports and playing it safe or just something else entirely. Ever since seeing that, I pump the brakes hard whenever I see reports of pipe bombs.

BTW, since the injuries aren't life threatening, is it OK to make a Note 7 joke or still too soon?

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After Sept 11th, I thought this would be a common occurance.  As I thought bombing Metro trains and tainting water systems ect. would occur.  After a while I was cautiously relieved, even with the Boston bombing and mass shootings.  Simple explosives commonly going off everywhere made me imagine cities having to shut down, declare martial law or something.  Let's hope this is a one-off.




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11 minutes ago, LeesburgSkinFan said:

NYC mayor DeBlasio just said it was an intentional act but too early to say it's terrorism....ummm


I tend to find the game of deciding which intentional acts of violence count as terrorism a bit puzzling myself, but I've been told it has something to do with motive.

Was this a kid playing with matches or a radical extremist bent on sending a political message? If it was the latter, would it make a difference what the political message was?

Beats me.

All I can really say is I hope none of the injuries are too serious. 

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I would like to see surveillance cameras at head height at locations where anti terror efforts warrant it. Airports, train stations, toll booths, etc.

I have never seen the need to have ALL the camera's located up on ceilings - at the highest level possible, looking down. It's like the old goal line camera's in football, it took the league decades to figure out to just position the GD camera directly on the goal line, not at an off angle.

I guess authorities fear someone is going to smash it as they proceed through security checkpoints. I would like to think all already know they're being recorded at these same places so why hide the camera at all. How about pin hole hidden cams on metal detectors, no matter the means; capture HD color clear head shots, that will also show a persons scars, unique features and height presumed a bit more accurately. Yes, still maintain the ceiling top cameras out of reach for redundancy, and black and white low res grainy needs.

Anyone that panics seeing the camera and tries to hide their faces, yank them out of line. Full cavity search.

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from my understanding they have programs that reconstruct faces and such from high angles when needed.

before long they will be able to scan your dna from images :kickcan:

they already can construct your face from dna to a large degree 

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