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HuffPo: School District To Distribute Satanic Literature To Students On April 1


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School District To Distribute Satanic Literature To Students On April 1


Nope, not an April Fools’ Day joke.

Students in Delta, Colorado-area middle schools and high schools will be provided handouts of atheist and satanic literature on April 1, in a bid to pacify parents outraged after the school district handed out free Gideon Bibles to students in December.


That Gideons-sponsored event violated the separation of church and state, said parents, who demanded they be permitted to furnish nonreligious items as well. 


The literature for Friday includes several brochures — one titled “It’s Okay to Not Believe in God!”; one with information on the separation of church and state; and one concerning biblical sex and obscenity that the school district has censored with stickers.


“The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities,” a coloring book authored by The Satanic Temple, will also be available.





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So church and state has became theist versus atheist now? I reject that entire premise. If they wanted to make an equal time argument, I'm all for it. Invite every religious house to have a chance to hand out pamphlets. Atheism is just one house of many, nothing more and nothing less.

I can't fault atheist for wanting to claim a position of equal importance to all religions combined, but they've not earned it. That school district fell victim to an absurdly self serving argument. Shame on them.

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Children, children, children.

Keep your ****ing religion to yourself.



Gosh, that solves so many problems, and none of your faith is disturbed.



You know that Jesus's parting words were "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples" right?


Sharing Christianity through evangelism is a fundamental part of the religion.

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Atheists are by definition not satanic.  Why do people think otherwise?  


Well because satanists say so....





Why do Satanists worship The Devil?

We don’t. Satanists are atheists. We see the universe as being indifferent to us, and so all morals and values are subjective human constructions.


Our position is to be self-centered, with ourselves being the most important person (the “God”) of our subjective universe, so we are sometimes said to worship ourselves. Our current High Priest Gilmore calls this the step moving from being an atheist to being an “I-Theist.”

Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We do not believe in Satan as a being or person.

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The correct way to prevent Christians proselytising is to allow equal time for Muslim clerics to talk to the kids.

Recently the Satanists were effective in shutting down public Christian prayers conducted by the Phoenix City Council. It's a toss up between them and Muslims on who would be more effective.


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You know that Jesus's parting words were "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples" right?


Sharing Christianity through evangelism is a fundamental part of the religion.



Go wild.   Proselytize as much as you like, as long as you don't try to enlist the government to do it for you.


These things keep happening because [some] Christians can't allow religion to remain in the private sector

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Why does everyone have to be a raging asshole about everything?

Wait I know, because you've been persecuted by the Christian church your entire life. All of those Easter displays and nativity scenes. Just awful. Time for payback followed by moral equivalency on Internet forums

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Why does everyone have to be a raging asshole about everything?

Wait I know, because you've been persecuted by the Christian church your entire life. All of those Easter displays and nativity scenes. Just awful. Time for payback followed by moral equivalency on Internet forums

Certain sects of the Christian Church have without a doubt persecuted and trampled on people's right who don't adhere to their faith and they continue to do so today using the government. This is an issue that's important to me as a Biologist because of the Church's attempts to teach BS in the science classroom.

I would argue that the ones who feel the need to hand out pamphlets and Bibles to children in schools are the ones who especially deserve to be pushed out. We already have enough of a problem in the deeply religious communities of denying reality and critical thinking.

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Certain sects of the Christian Church have without a doubt persecuted and trampled on people's right who don't adhere to their faith and they continue to do so today using the government. This is an issue that's important to me as a Biologist because of the Church's attempts to teach BS in the science classroom.

I would argue that the ones who feel the need to hand out pamphlets and Bibles to children in schools are the ones who especially deserve to be pushed out. We already have enough of a problem in the deeply religious communities of denying reality and critical thinking.

You realize this is just creating trump supporters

It's like fighting terrorism maybe the best strategy is laissez faire

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You realize this is just creating trump supporters

It's like fighting terrorism maybe the best strategy is laissez faire

I'm not sure. I think to some extent, I would leave them alone in parts of the country that are too far gone. It doesn't make sense to go after prayers and whacko teachings in public schools in say deep Alabama. And from what I know of the work that some lawyers who go after some of these school districts, they target mixed areas where the Church is trying to creep into the public domain but there is enough of a secular community that doesn't want it.
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You know that Jesus's parting words were "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples" right?


Sharing Christianity through evangelism is a fundamental part of the religion.


Yeah, and the fact you guys seem to think that makes it okay os one of the more galling things about you all that you never seem to get.


No means no.




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Being dickish to Christians who evangelise in places they aren't supposed to seems to be a fundamental tenet of many atheists.

fact is, most atheists would prefer to leave them alone. Push does comes to shove, and these thumpers never seem to realize that they are the ones doing the pushing.


Somehow they believe that 

A/ we MUST be saved, and

B/ we want to.

and C/ we don't care if it's the first, third or last words their dead guy said. He does not hold authority on me.


As others have said,, keep it out of the public schools or public arenas that we ll must share via taxpaying, and no problem.

Enjoy your church, enjoy all your social events and such, and enjoy your faith.

Approach me on the street and I will be very polite in turning you down. Come to my home, i am not so nice.

Try to give it to my kid, i feel violent.



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The public domain is not a safe space for atheists. Religion is not private anymore than art, language, fashion, or custom. Religion is a primary component of culture. There is no unraveling the two. Government can not choose a religion to endorse, but it's not the role of government to keep it out of public spaces. There is no freedom from religion, only freedom of religion. Walk around Arlington cemetery and the difference is hard to miss.

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The public domain is not a safe space for atheists. Religion is not private anymore than art, language, fashion, or custom. Religion is primary component of culture. There is no unraveling the two. Government can not choose a religion to endorse, but it's not the role of government to keep it out of public spaces. There is no freedom from religion, only freedom of religion. Walk around Arlington cemetery and the difference is hard to miss.

In this sense it is fair to lump militants atheists in with the name changers

Chew on that one Bang!!!! :P

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I disagree,,  if taxpayers of many or no faiths all share in the cost of the public spaces or schools, as it is, then it is the government's job to keep it out, because we do have freedom of religion, and that means the freedom to not have any religion, or believe one other than the bible.


I wonder how hindu parents felt? they are not atheists.. but, knowing a lot of folks, silly elephant head means ridiculous fable, whereas dead guy walking does not.



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