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HuffPo: School District To Distribute Satanic Literature To Students On April 1


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Is there expected to be a constructive conversation when one side believes the other side is going to burn in hell for all of eternity?

Two wrongs don't make a right is not just a Sunday school thing. There are plenty of verses, especially in the New Testament that speak of tolerance and understanding of others, and that it isn't our place as humans to judge others.

There isn't a single versus that condones these bammas with megachurches or convincing people to send money for that seed nonsense. I'm a firm believer that the number of denominations comes from people picking and choosing what they want to believe, or making **** up like the rapture.

There's a line in Matthew saying don't stand in the middle of the street praying at the top of your lunges for attention, that its okay to just do it in private because a lot of times God knows what you praying about before you even say it.

I don't know if you'd have a chance to go through at least the first half of Matthew, but even though I don't agree with certain things, I highly recommend it. Plenty of stuff in there that make sense whether one believes in God or not. There's even a verse in there about turning the other cheek.

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My point is that the validity of their existence isn't reliant upon their servitude towards constructive conversation as that is not their founding principle. Satanism's founding principle is the dominion of the self. How might Satan represent that? He a symbol of anti-Christianity.

Just compare some of the staples of Christianity and how Satanism diametrically opposes it:

Christianity uses the symbol of its followers being a flock of sheep led by a shepherd. Satanism considers Herd Conformity to be a sin.

Christianity sees gluttony, pride, lust, and wrath as deadly sins. Satanism believes in indulgence, pride (it is a sin, however, to let your pride get in the way of your goals), carnal gratification (or not; whatever floats your boat), and vengeance.

Christianity is against homosexuality. Satanism embraces gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, transsexuals, etc..

Basically, Satanism represents much of what Christianity considers to be evil, and so they are making a statement by taking Christianity's symbol of evil and making it into one of positivity.

As for why they'd do something for the purpose of pissing off Christians, well its because of the tendency of Christians to force their beliefs on others. Not necessarily on an individual level, but trying to force them in through legislation, or like in this case, where they foisted it upon school children.

The Church of Satanism has a rule when it comes something like this, the 11th Satanic Rule Of The Earth:

"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

Now all of that said, this situation is kind of interesting. This definitely appears to be a case of following the 11th Satanic Rule, however it appears to go against their no-proselytizing policy.

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Poker are you satanic or did you just stay in a holiday Inn express last night?

I am not a Satanist, however I have looked into them before in the past and I find their philosophy to be rather interesting. I'd say there is a lot about their philosophy for me to like since I am an atheist and I am big on individuality and personal responsibility. Oh, and I can't stand stupidity, and the #1 Satanic Sin is stupidity.


edit: Oh, and I have the internet at my disposal, so I think that helps with some of the knowledgeability :)

Packer fans are mostly devil worshippers. It's how they were able to get so lucky with Favre and then Rodgers. ****s.

Hey! Satanists and Devil Worshippers are two highly divergent groups!
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You're right and I apologize. Some Packer fans are Satanists, some Packer fans are devil worshippers, and some of course are both Satanists and Devil Worshippers. I didn't mean to generalize.

Jane, you ignorant slut.


Satanists and Devil-Worshippers are mutually exclusive groups as Satanists positively reject the notion of deities and the supernatural including Satan himself. I guess this kind of ignorance is to be expected about an organization that refuses to proselytize, which includes not printing up brochures to explain their beliefs (notice in the original story here that all of the brochures are for atheism; only Satanist thing in there is the coloring book).

Fortunately, ignorance is not a sin in the eyes of Satanists, only stupidity.

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The most hedonistic, Christ wedgying literature of them all...





I mean, just look at this guy.




How can you look at that human being and think that his powers are natural and not the result of some sort of pact with the devil? He looks like Napoleon Dynamite's brother.





Which also reminds me of this ATT commercial (skip to 1:00 even)


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My point is that the validity of their existence isn't reliant upon their servitude towards constructive conversation as that is not their founding principle.

I read your entire post, and even though I want to have this conversation with you, it feels pointless. To see further in your post about them embracing revenge, tit for tat "look what the Christians did" nonsense for justification for their actions, and that disgusting 11th rule, it comes across like they have completely missed the point of why Christians, non-Christians, and even people who don't believe in God consider something "evil" to begin with. To each their own.

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Satanism has become about as theatrical as Christianity over the past several decades. They both push tons of merchandise despite many of the enthusiasts not really believing what either really has to say.  


It's all showbiz, maaaaaaan! 

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I read your entire post, and even though I want to have this conversation with you, it feels pointless. To see further in your post about them embracing revenge, tit for tat "look what the Christians did" nonsense for justification for their actions, and that disgusting 11th rule, it comes across like they have completely missed the point of why Christians, non-Christians, and even people who don't believe in God consider something "evil" to begin with. To each their own.

If you'd like to have the conversation, I'd be happy to have it. I don't know why deem it pointless, unless you feel the only point of conversing on the subject is to change my mind and not to come to a better mutual understanding of each others' positions (though I don't recall if I've stated a position of my own as much as I've given my interpretation of the Satanist position for which, granted, I may be showing a certain respect)

<klingon for loneliness>

maybe mobwl'?
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What if somebody is stupid but they can't help it? They really are just that stupid. That shouldn't be a sin.


Perhaps they should be stoned. 


Perhaps they are. 


Still doesn't take away from stupidity. Stupidity is one of the things I hate most about people. Unfortunately fighting it get you caught up in the rabbit hole with them sometimes. I do try to fight it...but sometimes the stupid just comes out. 

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I guess there are a couple different kinds of stupid. I think what we're talking about here is the intentionally ignorant kind of stupidity.

That could be the case, but I wouldn't presume to speak as much without getting a better understanding of Satanism. I'm a little tempted to pick up a copy of the Satanic Bible and figure some of this out.
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If you'd like to have the conversation, I'd be happy to have it. I don't know why deem it pointless, unless you feel the only point of conversing on the subject is to change my mind and not to come to a better mutual understanding of each others' positions (though I don't recall if I've stated a position of my own as much as I've given my interpretation of the Satanist position for which, granted, I may be showing a certain respect)

Poker, you're still good people in my book. We're already fans of different football teams, so its not like we're going to agree on everything.

I stated an indirect comment (which is usually how I try to roll now instead of trying to change people's minds), and in our conversation you came out in defense of this group's rationale for their beliefs not once but twice. Part of me is curious how much of their beliefs you do actually agree with, while at the same time, how did you expect me to react? From your explanations so far, this group you're talking about comes across as immature at best.

On the topic, I don't feel people should be in school trying to recruit kids with bibles anymore then trying to pass out Satanic coloring books. It doesn't look like the law is on my side on this one, and I do not agree with this methodology of protesting organized religion.

The world would be a different place if everyone who had an opinion on the Bible actually read through the whole thing first (not directed at you, saying in general), which is something I'm working on now and comparing with Archaeological evidence. It's always interesting watching a documentary and seeing a scientist who doesn't believe in God having used the Bible for their own research. I'm no expert at all, and like I said, there's stuff in there that makes sense from a personal conduct standpoint and don't require the belief that someone walked on water.

You don't have to respond to this post.

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Poker, you're still good people in my book. We're already fans of different football teams, so its not like we're going to agree on everything.

I stated an indirect comment (which is usually how I try to roll now instead of trying to change people's minds), and in our conversation you came out in defense of this group's rationale for their beliefs not once but twice. Part of me is curious how much of their beliefs you do actually agree with, while at the same time, how did you expect me to react? From your explanations so far, this group you're talking about comes across as immature at best.

I have never spoken to an actual Satanist about Satanism, and I have not read the Satanic bible, so please do not use my words as gospel. I just am trying to interpret the situation based on what's available on their website. As for how much I agree with them, that is yet to be determined; I have much to learn about the philosophy, but I do see much to appreciate, but I also see things that do not fully suit me.


On the topic, I don't feel people should be in school trying to recruit kids with bibles anymore then trying to pass out Satanic coloring books. It doesn't look like the law is on my side on this one, and I do not agree with this methodology of protesting organized religion.

I mirror your sentiments here, and I believe this was the route originally taken by those not happy with the Gideon's bible-giveaway, but they were ignored and forced to up the ante and so they seeked out help from the Freedom From Religion Foundation and from Satanists. If the school was going to allow one religion to spread its message, it was going to have to allow all religions to spread their message, a tactic that has worked many times to show Christians the folly of their way with the end result being that the Christians suddenly have a change of heart when it's other religions being heard. However in this case, the bluff was called, except clearly it wasn't a bluff, so this is the result.


The world would be a different place if everyone who had an opinion on the Bible actually read through the whole thing first (not directed at you, saying in general), which is something I'm working on now and comparing with Archaeological evidence. It's always interesting watching a documentary and seeing a scientist who doesn't believe in God having used the Bible for their own research. I'm no expert at all, and like I said, there's stuff in there that makes sense from a personal conduct standpoint and don't require the belief that someone walked on water.

I'd say I'm relatively well-versed in the bible, having grown up going to Church every Sunday and conducting some of my own personal study. Sure, there are some things that could be considered decent for personal conduct, but there are also abhorrent things in the bible, such as the order to kill homosexuals. Likewise, perhaps you should consider reading the Satanic Bible before you go judging Satanism. Just looking at some of the rules, statements, and sins, there's some nice things in there, such as doing no harm to little children, not killing animals for any purpose other than food or self-defense, not making unwanted sexual advances, etc..


You don't have to respond to this post.

I'm happy to respond.
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I have never spoken to an actual Satanist about Satanism, and I have not read the Satanic bible, so please do not use my words as gospel. I just am trying to interpret the situation based on what's available on their website. As for how much I agree with them, that is yet to be determined; I have much to learn about the philosophy, but I do see much to appreciate, but I also see things that do not fully suit me.


I mirror your sentiments here, and I believe this was the route originally taken by those not happy with the Gideon's bible-giveaway, but they were ignored and forced to up the ante and so they seeked out help from the Freedom From Religion Foundation and from Satanists. If the school was going to allow one religion to spread its message, it was going to have to allow all religions to spread their message, a tactic that has worked many times to show Christians the folly of their way with the end result being that the Christians suddenly have a change of heart when it's other religions being heard. However in this case, the bluff was called, except clearly it wasn't a bluff, so this is the result.


I'd say I'm relatively well-versed in the bible, having grown up going to Church every Sunday and conducting some of my own personal study. Sure, there are some things that could be considered decent for personal conduct, but there are also abhorrent things in the bible, such as the order to kill homosexuals. Likewise, perhaps you should consider reading the Satanic Bible before you go judging Satanism. Just looking at some of the rules, statements, and sins, there's some nice things in there, such as doing no harm to little children, not killing animals for any purpose other than food or self-defense, not making unwanted sexual advances, etc..


I'm happy to respond.


I'll tell you now, I may read more up their concept just so I'm not completely ignorant, but I'm not going to read that book.  That would make me feel way too uncomfortable, not going to lie you.  We've already made our points and agree enough on topic at hand there's no point in derailing it (but I'll be around when it comes up again).  You see something worth sharing in your studies, you should probably just start another thread.


I never get a straight answer on stuff like eradicating villages in Deuteronomy, but dude, its 2016.  Christians aren't stoning people to death for working on the Sabbath anymore. If you're talking about Leviticus 20:13, that's deep Old Testament, and though I'll keep looking to see if that upheld in New Covenant teachings, it certainly doesn't sound like it fits.

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Perhaps from the eyes of a Christian who who see Satan as a symbol of ultimate evil. And that is certainly part of the reason for using Satan as a symbol: to piss off Christians.

But there's more. Satan is a representation of freedom and individuality. According to the bible, God kept Adam and Eve in ignorance and demanded of them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan, on the other hand, brought them out of their ignorance by means of that forbidden fruit, so he can be seen as a symbol for enlightenment and self-empowerment.


I added the "of Good and Evil" because it is often forgotten in the naming of that tree, and the reasons God didn't want them to eat of it. The Good(Self-righteousness) and Evil(Unrighteousness) were not for man to play with, as it removed them from the true righteousness of the Tree of Life and severed their relationship with God. This separation from God plays out in every man or woman doing what THEY think is "good", and only them. These good/self-righteous actions can be seen as good things by some, and downright evil/unrighteous by others. The differences causes conflict among men and not just God as well.


But this a side note in this discussion, so I won't derail any further.

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