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Not a bad year to be a DMV sports fan


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We've been through a lot of desert years with the Caps, Redskins, Nats, Wiz, and our basketball teams, but things are looking up. Now, we may not have had a championship caliber 2015-16 year, but the Wiz won a playoff series, as did the Caps and both look to be going again (albeit with the Caps marching and Wiz limping,) our beloved 'skins took a year where people honestly predicted 3-13 and turned it around for a surprise playoff run, the Terps made it to the Sweet 16 as did Virginia with a number one seeding to boot. (For those who don't think Virginia is a local team... I just point to the last letter of DMV)  The Nats are a question mark, but you can still feel pretty good about their prospects. 


So, while we are not necessarily in the dessert years... it's good to be out of the desert. I have hope that the Redskins are trending upwards. I have hope that the Caps will finally fulfill more of their promise. I... well, I'll skip the Wiz, but who knows. I don't know if people should fear the Terps, but it's fun to see them deep into the dance.


So, hail to the DMV. It's been a long time since we could feel good.

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The Nationals and Wizards had about as disappointing a year as possible. The Caps are great and the Redskins had a solid season and won a heinous division and then promptly got our asses whipped in the playoffs. It was nice to enjoy a football season again, but the fact that it counts for such a victory for the region is a measure of how sad things have gotten. Overall, this year sucked just like any other if you're not a Caps fan.

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Relative to other years, I guess it was good. Relative to other sports towns, about an average year, maybe even below average.

This is like exiting the desert after forty years, finally finding an oasis, and complaining it's not filled with Acqua Di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani

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Eh I dunno.  Doesn't feel all that successful, yet.


If the Terrapins can win the national championship, or the Capitals can win the Stanley Cup, then I think it might be more of a success.


The Redskins winning the NFC East was nice.  Yet, zero playoff success. 


I think DMV refers more to the DC Metro Area, not necessarily Virginia as a whole.

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I just have to come back in and say this sentiment feels tone deaf to Nats and Wizards fans. This season was agonizing. Expectations could not have been higher for both teams, and they fell flat on their faces. What's worse cracks in the foundation started showing in both teams. Half the key members from those best in the majors Nats teams are gone or going soon, and there is a depressing chance that in a couple of years we'll look back at this season as the beginning of the end of the John Wall era for the Wizards.

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Fair enough when it comes to Wiz and Nats, but three out of five ain't that bad, is it? Guess I was just reacting to Terps, then thinking Skins, Caps, and last year's Wiz success w them probably sneaking into the playoffs again.

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I've never thought of DMV not including Southern Virginia as well (DMV is mentioned enough on the local radio that we assumed we counted as well).  I can understand Baltimore wanting to do their own thing, but for years I assumed DMV included the DC/Maryland/VA radio/TV markets owned/shared by the Redskins/Nationals (and Baltimore when they feel like it). 


Not everyone down here in Hampton Roads supports the "local team", but its still pretty standard to consider the DC teams as the local teams (local CBS station is the official home for the Redskins).  I don't know if Norfolk State Radio does it anymore since they went off the air and came back, but they had a Go-Go music segment every Monday night when I first came down here.

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No offense to anyone but if someone from Hampton Roads told me they were from the DC area I'd never take them seriously again. And DMV is just a shorter way of saying the DC Metro area.

As for them airing our games, that's just because we're the closest. Same reason we had such a huge fan base in Charlotte before the Panthers. They're not part of the community outside of that though (and that doesn't mean we can't still be part of the same fanbase)

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I've followed the Wizards for 25+ years now. I've never been more dejected then I am no. And that is REALLY saying something. The failures were easy when they were expected. This wasn't expected though. And it sucks big time.

We had every reason to expect this team to be one of the top teams in the conference and make an ECF run. Baseball and Football are a crapshoot year to year. Basketball is not. This Wizards team is so much better than all these middling East teams they've chased all season long. But they're losers and they massively underachieved. To the point where everyone just needs to get fired. It has to be done.

Uncertainty about the future is what's so depressing for me. The organization can not get to where it needs to be with the current FO and coaching staff. But we have no idea if they're gone, who could replace them, or even if their contracts are actually up this summer. Go beyond that, we don't know if Beal will ever be able to live up to his potential, or if we'll be a good enough team to keep John Wall for contract #3. Sucks. Starting to feel like the situation that Denver/Utah/Cleveland/New Orleans/Orlando all fell into with their franchise players.

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Its kinda clunky lumping all the teams in one year. Are we talking 2014-2015? Or 2015-2016? Where do the Nats(who only play on one calendar year unlike the other teams that overlap) fall?


I would say that 3/4 teams are in good shape now and in the future. The Wiz have a stud in Wall but horrendous management/coaching. On the flip side the Skins and Nats both have top 5-10 GMs and the Caps GM looks like he knows what he's doing too. Trotz and Baker are both outstanding coaches with good track records and Gruden looks like at the very least he's a pretty good coach(I think he's much better then people give him credit for).


And star wise of the four major sports we have MVPs in two of them. Pretty awesome. And honestly if Wall had a decent supporting cast he's probably in the discussion(20/10 per year is pretty insane, without him the Wiz are the 76ers).


If one of the teams can win a championship in the near future we'll be talking about this as the Golden Age of DC sports. Until then though, still work to be done.

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No offense to anyone but if someone from Hampton Roads told me they were from the DC area I'd never take them seriously again. And DMV is just a shorter way of saying the DC Metro area.

As for them airing our games, that's just because we're the closest. Same reason we had such a huge fan base in Charlotte before the Panthers. They're not part of the community outside of that though (and that doesn't mean we can't still be part of the same fanbase)


None taken, and no one down here feels they are from the DC area if they grew up in Hampton Roads.  I've only been down here since 2007 and grew up in NOVA.  Again, I also felt DMV was bigger then that, especially after hearing it mentioned down here.  Thanks for making me feel like I'm even more on an alien planet.

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I wondered how the records for the 4 major teams by season would bear out this thread. Here's a bunch of numbers:


Capitals No season
Nationals 81-81, 5th
Redskins 10-6, 2nd, 2nd round loss
Wizards 45-37, 2nd, 2nd round loss (swept)

Capitals 29-41-12, 5th
Nationals 71-91, 5th
Redskins 5-11, 4th
Wizards 42-40, 2nd, 1st round loss

Capitals 28-40-14, 5th
Nationals 73-89, 4th
Redskins 9-7, 3rd, 1st round loss
Wizards 41-41, 2nd, 1st round loss (swept)

Capitals 43-31-8, 1st, 1st round loss
Nationals 59-102, 5th
Redskins 8-8, 4th
Wizards 43-39, 2nd, 1st round loss

Capitals 50-24-8, 1st, 2nd round loss
Nationals 59-103, 5th
Redskins 4-12, 4th
Wizards 19-63, 5th

Capitals 54-15-13, 1st, 1st round loss
Nationals 69-93, 5th
Redskins 6-10, 4th
Wizards 26-56, 5th

Capitals 48-23-11, 1st, 2nd round loss (swept)
Nationals 80-81, 3rd
Redskins 5-11, 4th
Wizards 23-59, 5th

Capitals 42-32-8, 2nd, 2nd round loss
Nationals 98-64, 1st, 1st round loss
Redskins 10-6, 1st, 1st round loss
Wizards 20-46, 4th(strike)

Capitals 27-18-3, 1st (strike), 1st round loss
Nationals 86-76, 2nd
Redskins 3-13, 4th
Wizards 29-53, 3rd

Capitals 38-30-14, 5th
Nationals 96-66, 1st, 1st round loss
Redskins 4-12, 4th
Wizards 44-38, 2nd, 2nd round loss

Capitals 45-26, 2nd, 2nd round loss
Nationals 83-79, 2nd
Redskins 9-7, 1st, 1st round loss
Wizards 46-36, 2nd, 2nd round loss



2006 was a terrible year outside of the Wizards. 2009 to 2011, not much other than the Caps, and they fell apart every year in the playoffs. So a year where 3 out of 4 teams make the playoffs, and all of the teams were at least competitive, it could be worse.

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2006 was a terrible year outside of the Wizards. 2009 to 2011, not much other than the Caps, and they fell apart every year in the playoffs. So a year where 3 out of 4 teams make the playoffs, and all of the teams were at least competitive, it could be worse.

Plus, local teams made some noise in the college games. 2 Sweet Sixteen teams. Georgetown was a disappointment, but MD was okay and Virginia almost and shoulda made it.

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I would categorize it is a significantly above average year.  


Skins got a real GM who intends to build through the draft has got to be the feel-good story of the year.  Finding a QB is a close 2nd if they sign him long-term.  If they fail to do that, then all of this goes to hell. They won the division, even if it did suck.  There was no end-of-year public meltdown, firings, drama (for once).  This was a WAY ABOVE AVERAGE year for the football team.  


Nats were a huge disappointment, but Harper emerged as legitimately the best player in baseball.  This year should be fun.  The Nats don't really have an average season yet, they've been either really bad or really good.


Caps lost a heartbreaking series (again), then had a phenomenal regular season this year.  If anyone gave a **** about the Cap's regular season, this would be a huge deal.  Kuzy and Holtby emerging as legitimately elite is the good news here.  The fact that anything short of a Stanley Cup will be a disappointment is kind of sad, but here we are.


I don't watch the Wizards, so will not opine.  


I rate it 3 out of 4 Ovechkins.

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The Nats were the WS favorites last season.  Them missing the playoffs constitutes one of the most disappointing baseball seasons in a long time.  I'd say one of the most disappointing seasons by a DC team in forever if not for the season the Wizards just pooped out.  Speaking of the Wizards, this team beat the **** out of the current second place team en route to a series sweep last postseason.  They should have been the second best team in the East this year.    But in typical Wizards fashion, they collapsed and reverted to being a loser.


The Caps have done truly great things so far in the '15/'16 season.  In truth, they've pretty much single-handedly kept DC Sports fans from walking off a bridge for most of the past 8 years.  But the Caps have been consistently good for a while.  Let's be honest, the good feelings that inspired this thread come mostly from the fact that the Redskins made the playoffs.  It's a measure of how second rate the DC sports teams are that, when the football team finishes over .500, it's cause for happiness and satisfaction.  This is a ****ing horrible place to be a pro-sports fan.

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The Nats were the WS favorites last season. Them missing the playoffs constitutes one of the most disappointing baseball seasons in a long time. I'd say one of the most disappointing seasons by a DC team in forever if not for the season the Wizards just pooped out. Speaking of the Wizards, this team beat the **** out of the current second place team en route to a series sweep last postseason. They should have been the second best team in the East this year. But in typical Wizards fashion, they collapsed and reverted to being a loser.

I mean lets be honest... You knew deep within your heart of hearts that that was going to happen.

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So, honest question: which DC team was the last team to make the playoffs two years in a row, I mean BESIDES the capitals? It seems like the caps make the playoffs year after year. The Wizards made the playoffs 2 times in the last 3 years, but before that they were horrible. And the Nats made it in 2012, and 2014, but before 2012 they were also horrible. And the skins (since I've been a fan) went to the playoffs in 2005, 2007, 2012 and 2015.

Just one I'd like to see the Wizards, Nats or redskins (all 3 please?) make the postseason more than just once every few years.

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If one of the teams can win a championship in the near future we'll be talking about this as the Golden Age of DC sports. Until then though, still work to be done.


I don't think so - that would have to be the early- to mid-1980s. 


The Redskins were dominant and won a couple championships (1982 and 1987)

The Bullets were a perennial playoff team (missing the playoffs just once from 1981 - 1987)

The Caps started a 14-year playoff run in 1982. 

The Orioles (sorry, they were the local baseball team) won the WS in 1983 and were OK for the next couple years

Even Georgetown basketball was a powerhouse through most of the 1980s

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