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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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As an attorney, I laughed when I read this.   She is a true piece of work, a determined preacher of legal ignorance and nonsense.  


I swear she posts on ES.



Let's get back to the birds

European swallow vs African swallow. Discuss


Eurpoean girls, definitely. I guess I'm not colorblind.


I heard only Americans swallow.




[i'll show myself out.]


Dang it. Already beat to the punchline.

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Well, that's because she makes it all up.   50 percent revisionist history, 50 percent conservative platitudes, mix it all up, and spray it around to people who fervently want to believe that every actual Supreme Court decision on constitutional issues is wrong and may be disregarded.  


She's  a constitutional scholar in the same way that Kent Hovind is a scientific scholar. 


She's a Constitutional scholar like Clarence Thomas is a Constitutional scholar.


Ursula K. Le Guin wrote a letter to the editor of The Sunday Oregonian, below is the link and I'll quote the letter as it's short and sweet.  The rest is the article containing the letter.





The Oregonian’s A1 headline on Sunday, Jan. 17, “Effort to free federal lands,” is inaccurate and irresponsible. The article that follows it is a mere mouthpiece for the scofflaws illegally occupying public buildings and land, repeating their lies and distortions of history and law.


Ammon Bundy and his bullyboys aren’t trying to free federal lands, but to hold them hostage. I can’t go to the Malheur refuge now, though as a citizen of the United States, I own it and have the freedom of it. That’s what public land is: land that belongs to the public — me, you, every law-abiding American. The people it doesn’t belong to and who don’t belong there are those who grabbed it by force of arms, flaunting their contempt for the local citizens.


Those citizens of Harney County have carefully hammered out agreements to manage the refuge in the best interest of landowners, scientists, visitors, tourists, livestock and wildlife. They’re suffering more every day, economically and otherwise, from this invasion by outsiders.


Instead of parroting the meaningless rants of a flock of Right-Winged Loonybirds infesting the refuge, why doesn’t The Oregonian talk to the people who live there?


Ursula K. Le Guin


Northwest Portland

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Well the militia and anti gubment propaganda machine is running fast today after last night's meeting. It would be funny if it wasn't for all the poor dumbasses buying into it.  


Governor Brown had this to say today. 






Oregon Gov. Brown On Burns: 'Spectacle Must End'

In a press conference Wednesday where Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced her policy agenda, she took aim at federal officials.

The governor said federal officials have told to her to limit her public comments to avoid escalating the ongoing occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.

Brown called the occupation “intolerable” and  pushed for a quick resolution.  

“Federal authorities must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrongdoers accountable,” Brown said.

“This spectacle of lawlessness must end.”

*Click Link for More* 









At the refuge, it's time to pull the plug: Editorial

There never was a honeymoon phase to the armed occupation of the federal refuge headquarters in Harney County. But it was close. Law enforcement at the county, state and federal levels was joined by most locals in rationally deciding the self-described patriots holed up at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge would probably exhaust themselves spewing their wrong-headed rhetoric and, missing their families and an anticipated welcome from locals, go home to Nevada, Idaho and Arizona.

But the coercive, illegal action by Ammon Bundy's gang persists, celebrated by the hollow heroism of its telegenic leaders. On Monday, Arizona rancher Robert "LaVoy" Finicum appeared before cameras and said: "This is not just a little occupation. This is a movement that's taking place across the country...." Finicum went on to say ranchers from Oregon, New Mexico and possibly Utah would arrive at the occupation site later this week for "a signing ceremony to throw off the overlordship of the federal government" – codespeak for a refusal to pay the government's below-market grazing fees. As if to underscore his gang's resolve: "We will not back down. These buildings are very symbolic.... We're holding (them as) the federal government's fortress. We shall not give it up to them ever. It returns to Harney County when it goes back. So make that clear."



*Click Link For More*



Twitterverse blew up when a picture of the the refuge getting a delivery from Amazon. They were pissed. Then a reporter on scene showed a picture sampling what they got. Toy guns and some "Dum Dum's" candy.   



There's also a video uploaded by the Bundy dumbasses that shows them handling Native American Artifacts stored there,(this has been a huge concern of the Paiutes there needless to say). The video basically has Lavoy and others blaming the Feds,(of course),for any damage and the artifacts were being stored in rat feces. Good thing they were there to discover and disclose this kind of thing. Needless to say,Bull**** Flags went flying up on that one. 


 There's also a video and some stills of the video showing big tents,(a truck was under one of them),being put up out at the local airport. Looked like some more vehicles parked there as well. We'll see. No other media sources have this so it's doubtful this is anything. 

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 There's also a video and some stills of the video showing big tents,(a truck was under one of them),being put up out at the local airport. Looked like some more vehicles parked there as well. We'll see. No other media sources have this so it's doubtful this is anything. 


See zoony, they're playing right into our hands.


The question is - how long do we need to wait for the drone strike? I was thinking mid februrary but the rate of growth is lower than I thought. We need to thoroughly think through the optimal time here - the strike must happen before they get bored and start leaving, but not so soon we miss out on getting more of them.

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Does the governor of the state count as an authority to these separatists?  It's hard to figure out just what their screwy views of government are exactly.  



Does the Constitution SPECIFICALLY SAY that Oregon shall have a governor?  No, it does not, therefore his "authority" is invalid.

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Her authority. And apparently there is an issue. She's "unelected",so she only has limited authority. Maybe. Kinda sorta. 





Well, i'm pretty sure Oregon, like the US, provides for a succession protocol.  



Oh look, it totally does:  http://bluebook.state.or.us/state/constitution/constitution05.htm


Constitution of Oregon: 2015 Version
Section 8a. Vacancy in office of Governor. In case of the removal from office of the Governor, or of his death, resignation, or disability to discharge the duties of his office as prescribed by law, the Secretary of State; or if there be none, or in case of his removal from office, death, resignation, or disability to discharge the duties of his office as prescribed by law, then the State Treasurer; or if there be none, or in case of his removal from office, death, resignation, or disability to discharge the duties of his office as prescribed by law, then the President of the Senate; or if there be none, or in case of his removal from office, death, resignation, or disability to discharge the duties of his office as prescribed by law, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall become Governor until the disability be removed, or a Governor be elected at the next general biennial election. The Governor elected to fill the vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the outgoing Governor. The Secretary of State or the State Treasurer shall appoint a person to fill his office until the election of a Governor, at which time the office so filled by appointment shall be filled by election; or, in the event of a disability of the Governor, to be Acting Secretary of State or Acting State Treasurer until the disability be removed. The person so appointed shall not be eligible to succeed to the office of Governor by automatic succession under this section during the term of his appointment. [Created through initiative petition filed July 7, 1972, and adopted by the people Nov. 7, 1972 (this section adopted in lieu of former section 8 of this Article)]
Edited by PleaseBlitz
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Heh. That's beside the point I'm sure. Betting there's something in all that that's unconstitutional,(that's their favorite thing). And gee they know all about it too. That's cuz the carry around pocket Constitutions in their,well,pockets. Info about those here. 




This is a couple of actual back and forths one fellow was having with a couple of them earlier today. Warning. Reading responses of Bundy Militia sympathizers will lower your IQ a bit. Temporary,but it will happen. ;)













FBI and Oregon standoff leaders begin negotiations to end refuge occupation

BURNS – Ammon Bundy, standing in a biting, freezing wind Thursday at the police blockade to the local airport, borrowed a cellphone from an FBI agent.

On the other end was an FBI negotiator who identified himself to Bundy only as "Chris."

And so opened talks between the leader of the refuge occupation and the federal agency in charge of bringing an end to the armed takeover, now in its third week.

For nearly an hour around noontime, the negotiator listened to Bundy's well-practiced litany of complaints against the federal government while probing for what it would take to end his occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

They ended the call with the promise to talk again Friday.


*Click Link For More* 





I watched most of this,(unfortunately I had to click on Pete Santilli's house of dumbasses site),and at times,it was a bit frustrating to listen to the FBI agent on the phone talking,(it was already mind numbing listening to Bundy),as he was just as conciliatory as he could be with Bundy. Ugh. Though he didn't let up on Bundy on trying to get him to reveal an exit strategy. Well one that was realistic anyway.  For the record books,Bundy told the guy he had to go because he had meeting with a couple legislators from New Mexico coming. No word on that. He and several of his crew then went to eat at a restaurant in Burns then headed back to the refuge. Just another day at the office. 


Edit. Article with video of the idiots filming themselves going through the the Paiute artifacts. 





Trying to find the other one from earlier today,but basically responses to the video and what the militia said from the NFWF and others was bull****. The artifacts were locked away with only one person having the key. Stuff was put away properly and categorized. Other artifacts were there and were waiting for them,(and members of Paiute tribe),to go through and categorize as well. 


Edit 2. People on site reporting this: 



As of 3pm, compound being fortified with earthworks, rr ties, etc.
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I was just having a conversation with somebody about "socialism," and it occurs to me that the BLM is obviously an evil socialist institution. I'm sure these fine citizens are just trying to protect us from a Stalinist nightmare.  Why if the BLM is allowed to proceed with this tyranny then the next thing will be forced labor camps and mass graves.


Am I doing it right?

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Heh. That's beside the point I'm sure. Betting there's something in all that that's unconstitutional,(that's their favorite thing). And gee they know all about it too. That's cuz the carry around pocket Constitutions in their,well,pockets. Info about those here. 




Pocket Constitutions aren't helpful when you can't read.


I'm betting they just don't like the governor because she's bi (and therefore subhuman).

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Oh yeah. That's definitely part of it. Some of the comments from some of the "gems" who believe in all that crap were obscene to say the least. "pervert","sexual deviant",that kind of thing.  







The FBI on Thursday defended its response to an armed group that has occupied an Oregon wildlife refuge for weeks, calling it "deliberate and measured" as it seeks a peaceful solution.

The statement by the FBI came a day after Oregon Governor Kate Brown called the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge "absolutely intolerable."

"The FBI recognizes that many in the community have questions about why we are here and our role in helping to end the occupation of the wildlife refuge," the FBI said Thursday.

"This occupation has caused tremendous disruption and hardship for the people of Harney County, and our response has been deliberate and measured as we seek a peaceful resolution," the FBI said.


*click link for more* 


There's a rumor that a rep from the FBI and Bundy met in town earlier today for more "negotiations".  Like I said earlier,I watched most of it yesterday and I wouldn't call them negotiations. Bundy's demands are the kind that everyone,(except maybe him and the other militia),knows can and will never be met. They also don't recognize the FBI,(and the DOJ),as being constitutional,so I'm unsure why Bundy even talks to them,except that he understands how this works and is playing the game. 



Personal opinion. They,(FBI and others),underestimated this situation and the resolve these guys actually have to continue to do what they've been doing. 

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They should just stop letting people come and go as they please.  The biggest enemy of resolve is hunger.  


It also occurs to me that the classic example of an arm of the government that is not provided for in the Constitution is the Air Force (as planes had not been conceived of in 1787).  Perhaps we should see if these folks would recognize them?

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They should just stop letting people come and go as they please.  The biggest enemy of resolve is hunger.  


It also occurs to me that the classic example of an arm of the government that is not provided for in the Constitution is the Air Force (as planes had not been conceived of in 1787).  Perhaps we should see if these folks would recognize them?

Agreed. It will come with no small amount of risk considering the number of other members of several different militias that are in the area as well. However instead of being scattered in and around town,something like that could draw most of them into one place,which has its pros and cons of course. However that's about the safest way they have right now I think. Go in shooting and there's all kinds of obvious risks to those there as well as damage to the refuge itself. Also have to make sure no kids in there at the time. There's also the unpredictable response of the members of Oath Keepers and other that,as I just mentioned,are somewhat scattered in the area. Risk some nasty altercations right in town. Not enough manpower,(yet or at least to present knowledge),to account for all of them in a completely safe way. Then there are the residents in town that do in fact,welcome the Bundys and they probably want to to account for them too.  As for the Air Force,who knows. I've read comments from some of these folks that believe that the sheriff is the one who has the power over the military and that SCOTUS doesn't have the power,(constitutionally),to decide what's constitutional or not.  One thing all these idjits believe,is that Bundy hasn't broken any laws,(he said it himself).   


All that said,after watching some excerpts from the "negotiations" at the airport,I get the feeling that one of the things the FBI is doing is delaying and diverting a bit. 1 for obvious reasons,(slow buildup and finding the right time). 2. Politics. Yeah. That's probably involved here too,(says captain obvious). 3 possibly because Bundy has stated they have deep pockets supporting them,(that's been evident at the refuge),and that he has political support,(more so than the idiots from Oregon,Tennessee,and Nevada that have already thrown in with them). They may be trying to figure out who and what. 




It's like one reporter recently quoted an unnamed member of Homeland Security stating that no one is in charge of things there now and it's a confused mess. 

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All that said,after watching some excerpts from the "negotiations" at the airport,I get the feeling that one of the things the FBI is doing is delaying and diverting a bit. 1 for obvious reasons,(slow buildup and finding the right time). 2. Politics. Yeah. That's probably involved here too,(says captain obvious). 3 possibly because Bundy has stated they have deep pockets supporting them,(that's been evident at the refuge),and that he has political support,(more so than the idiots from Oregon,Tennessee,and Nevada that have already thrown in with them). They may be trying to figure out who and what. 




It's like one reporter recently quoted an unnamed member of Homeland Security stating that no one is in charge of things there now and it's a confused mess.

c) All of the above. :)

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I think cops should simply move in.  Not assault them or ask them to leave.  They said it's public land and everyone has a right to it?  Well then public employees can hold a team building retreat there.  Right now.  With no defined end date. Have them show up with sleeping bags and their own supplies and just move in.  Twice the number of militia men present.  Let there be no square inch of the place that doesn't have at least a few law enforcement members loitering nearby loudly complaining that they don't see the "team building" aspect of any of this. 

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