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Random Thoughts and Observations


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Kirk Cousind final INT doesn't really bother me too much. What does concern me were the constant off target throws throughout the game - nearly always behind his WRs. This was the same shortcoming so manifestly evident two weeks earlier against the Giants.

Cousins 24 second drill at the end of regulation went a long way towards alleviating my worst fear of him - that he wilts under game pressure. High interception rates are common among young inexperienced QBs. What has bothered me about Cousins is that so many of his blunders have come in the second half.

For all the solid to impressive stats about ToP,completion percentage, low sacks, etc. that supposedly are indicative of Cousins command of the offense, we still aren't putting up points. Our scoring this year has ranged from pathetically anemic to just average.

My gut feeling is none of the 3 QBs on our roster will be here next year. McCoy maybe, if Gruden manages to hang on another year.

We are missing Logan Paulsen a lot more than most people realize. Atlanta's NT was far too much for Lichtensteiger and Long to handle, but our current corp of backup TEs couldn't seal the edge for stretch runs. Now that Lavao is on IR, our rushing stats have gone from stellar to pedestrian at best, and I don't expect them to get any better. This will end up as the first year AlMo averages less than 4 ypc. Kouandijo will replace Long by week 9.

Crowder and Breeland were 4th round steals. Moses was a 3rd round bargain. Jarett is looking like possible 7th round grand larceny.

Keenan Robinson may have had a rough outing against Atlanta, but he's a talent I want to see us lock up long term when the year is up. Perry Riley, on the other hand, is barely mediocre. Just too much of a liability in coverage.

I am guilty of having made every cheap wisecrack about the Barry hire. He has proven me wrong. Here's to no ordinary Joe.

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Some random thoughts of my own:


- Our offense does not know how to use momentum yet.  It seems like every time we get a turnover on defense the QB and O coordinators were too busy studying coverages from the last series and aren't paying attention to what just happened.  They go out on the field and seem flat footed and unprepared to capitalize quickly.  No situational awareness


- I'm not sure whether to be excited or troubled that a 4th round rookie is our most consistent playmaking WR.


- Aside from the TD throw, was Carrier even targeted once on Sunday?  Considering how big the TE's role was in the first 4 weeks I was surprised the position wasn't at least given a few looks or plays drawn up.

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Foot on the neck is not always about running it down their throats, nor up the gut. You have to finish drives and passing has to happen.


I am happy to hear Gruden was pissed at the bubble screen.


I hope our offense becomes more unpredictable. We can still get the same amount of run plays, without running on first down. Regardless, are we west coast, or not? I thought one the main tenets of the WCO was that the short pass is interchangeable with the run.  I would like to see us at random times in games, pass 5 times in row, and shock the non bellichek world. Hell, even 3 times in a row.

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My gut feeling is none of the 3 QBs on our roster will be here next year. McCoy maybe, if Gruden manages to hang on another year.

We are missing Logan Paulsen a lot more than most people realize.  Jarett is looking like possible 7th round grand larceny.



Minor point but Jarrett was a 6th rounder.  I agree about Paulsen albeit he was IMO an average blocker and nothing special on that front especially as to last season -- however, we do not have a real blocking TE on the current roster.   We are going with a Gibbs 1 style offense -- power running but without a Don Warren. 


I think if all the QBs on the roster are gone next season so is Jay.  Depends IMO how the season unfolds.

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Cousins will most likely be on the roster next year, and probably McCoy as well.  I commend your random thoughts, and I think you'll find a lot of Redskins fans share some or all of them.  Regarding the offensive struggles...I think you can chalk it up to the scheme of the offense switching to a run oriented, ball control type system where we do not rely on our QB to pass 50 times.  This type of offense will most assuredly keep you in games, but you also run the risk of being too conservative which will conversely cost games.  We know that Kirk is capable of throwing the ball 50 times for 400 yards and 3 TDs.  But with a young QB, the more pass attempts he has the more opportunities there are for interceptions.  I think our offense will eventually become a bit more expansive when DJax and Reed are back.  


Some of my own random observations:


We have a lot of injuries.


Jay Gruden has a lot of learning to do as a head coach.  We have some real head-scratching moments in every single game that good teams shouldn't have.


The defense has impressed me.  Some of that has to do with our ball control offense, but impressive none-the-less.


Hopkins is proving to be an all around upgrade over Kai.


Keenan Robinson and Chris Baker appear to have taken a major step forward this year.  Being a defensive-minded fan it's been really fun to watch these two.


Redskins football appears to have changed direction for the better after the Scotty M signing.  Our trenches are looking stronger than they have in years, and we are competitive in every game--something we have not seen in years past.  I hope it continues.   

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Has any team in history, ever let all 3 of their QBs go?

I would guess no ****ing way.

Pretty sure we did in 99. Trent Green left for St Louis, we cut Frerotte. Can't remember who the 3rd string guy was, but we traded a 1,2, and 3 for Brad Johnson, signed Rodney Peete and some other journeyman backup.

Now that I think about it, we also did in Norvo the Clown's first year. We drafted Shuler and Frerotte and signed Mr Friesz as a FA.

If Gruden is still here for year 3, then McCoy stays, but my gut is that Cousins plays only just well enough to command too much money from some desperate GM. Any coach besides Gruden won't be so enamored with Colt, and RG3's salary makes him a goner.

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I feel like we are walking on pins and needles, protecting Kirk. From comments from a Cooley or Gruden, as a 4th year guy, I really don't think he needs to be nurtured.  No matter what we are doing, the INTs remain. And no, not all INTs are on him, but they are there, as they are with every QB. And the fixation on them continues, and it's not just us obsessive deranged fans either.


Let's see Kirk with the full playbook, since the pass pro has been very good, and the run game has vanished.


Not letting him throw too many times because moar passes = moar interceptions just seems to be almost limiting his ability to learn to get past them, and limits our ability to grade him. 



The nurturing may even be holding the team back. I understand we are trying to win now, and the powers think this if for the best, but meh.

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For all the solid to impressive stats about ToP,completion percentage, low sacks, etc. that supposedly are indicative of Cousins command of the offense, we still aren't putting up points. Our scoring this year has ranged from pathetically anemic to just average.



We are robbing ourselves of opportunities with turnovers ... and brutal penalties.  we get dinged for an avg. of 72 penalty yards per game. 24th in the league. 

We have a lot of injuries.



Imagine this D with a healthy Junior Gallette and Duke Ihenanco?? Hell our Specials are doing great and we don't have Hayward. 

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I feel like we are walking on pins and needles, protecting Kirk. From comments from a Cooley or Gruden, as a 4th year guy, I really don't think he needs to be nurtured.  No matter what we are doing, the INTs remain. And no, not all INTs are on him, but they are there, as they are with every QB. And the fixation on them continues, and it's not just us obsessive deranged fans either.


Let's see Kirk with the full playbook, since the pass pro has been very good, and the run game has vanished.


Not letting him throw too many times because moar passes = moar interceptions just seems to be almost limiting his ability to learn to get past them, and limits our ability to grade him. 


The nurturing may even be holding the team back. I understand we are trying to win now, and the powers think this if for the best, but meh.

Kirk certainly has a penchant for throwing INTs, and when you're a coach dealing with a young qb with turnover problems you want to build confidence.  With Djax and Reed out, I think it's pretty hard to justify throwing the ball a bunch and running the ball less.  Even with those two weapons back, the strength of this team  (as I see it) is running the ball.  It also fits the mold of a Scott M Team -- Run the ball, ball control, strong defense etc.  It fits the scheme of the players he brought in as well.  A competent coach will look at the roster and say: "in order to win we need to run the ball and control the clock."  It's been a breath of fresh air for me to see the change of offensive style, and something that signals a maturing coach.  But that's just my opinion.  


I think we know what we have right now with Cousins.  He is a guy who is capable of lighting up the stat sheet, but only on a week to week basis.  Most young QBs are erratic early on, and tbf this is Kirk's first year as unquestioned starter so in my eyes he's still young.  It will be interesting to see as he progresses through his career what type of QB he will eventually become: a consistent QB that limits mistakes, or an inconsistent gunslinger ala Rex Grossman.  At this point we don't really know.  I tend to lean on the side that says he will improve consistency and become a good qb in the league as he seems to have all the tools.  But I certainly have been wrong before, and it wouldn't surprise me if I am wrong here.  

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Randy, I'm with you to an extent. You can still be a run heavy team but pass (maybe run PA) on back-to-back downs. Seeing how our run game has faltered, I think forcing teams to commit to defending the pass (or at least trying to) is a smart way to go. Of course to do that you need to 1) trust your qb and 2) be willing/ready to answer the media questions if it doesn't work. That's not to say Jay doesn't totally trust Cousins, or that he's afraid of this questions. Break the tendencies Jay and the whole team will benefit in the long run.

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Lichtensteiger needs to be replaced and we need a new backup center.

I to would like to see Kouandijo replace Long and see what he can do.  Hopefully, he gets in with a few games to evaluate, and hopefully he is the answer or add guard to the list of needs next year.


Barring injury, KC is the QB the rest of the year.  Unless he melts, going to give him the season to show me.  I have confidence that he is learning how to overcome his interceptions, continue to read NFL defenses, and no longer crack under pressure.  What worries me is the stretches of inaccurate passes.  Have to hope he developes as others have pointed out.


Without Jackson and Reed on the field it exposes the receivers.  Garcon is good and Crowder is showing he is a quality #3 WR, but we need another quality receiver, prefer big, to throw too.  Unfortunately, we also have to replace Reed.  Guy just can't stay on the field which sucks because he is good.  I agree also that we need a quality blocking TE next off season.


I think we need at least one if not two more quality drafts where we find players all over the draft.  We need more depth, need safeties, need LB's, continued qaulity special teams players and such.  We also need to continue getting younger on the lines, especially the Dline which will take time.  We have quality, so need need for Scott to just bring guys in, need quality players at this point.


Edit:  i aslo see GMSM being less active in FA.  Less splash than last year.

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Luckily it seems like the only people over reacting to the turnovers by Cousins seems to be the media and the fans. Internally no one seems to be panicking or even particularly suprised. Gruden seems tough and willing to admit that theres room for improvement, but doesn't seem overly concerned that Cousins is continuing to play pretty much exactly how he expected him to when he named him a starter.

The coach is acting like it's pretty much part for the course, which it is for a young qb. Gruden seems to have much more tempered, realistic expectations that can be measured on a week to week basis, as opposed to members of the media who expect Cousins to morph into Tom Brady by the time this years playoffs roll around

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Some random thoughts of my own:

- Our offense does not know how to use momentum yet. It seems like every time we get a turnover on defense the QB and O coordinators were too busy studying coverages from the last series and aren't paying attention to what just happened. They go out on the field and seem flat footed and unprepared to capitalize quickly. No situational awareness

- I'm not sure whether to be excited or troubled that a 4th round rookie is our most consistent playmaking WR.

- Aside from the TD throw, was Carrier even targeted once on Sunday? Considering how big the TE's role was in the first 4 weeks I was surprised the position wasn't at least given a few looks or plays drawn up.

-Carrier caught the first pass on the :24 drive.

-I agree, momentum does not exist for us. Most teams end it when Breeland makes a pic, we go conservative.

-Yes, our stat lines (on both sides of the ball) are a little misleading because we tend to curl up in the fetal position for the third quarter of games.

- This is the week where Jay Gruden can earn a little respect from me. The Jets are not as good as their record but MetLife is a bad vibe for us and we are beat up. He has to find a way to win ugly for a few weeks and get us to 4-3 at the bye. That is how this season stays meaningful... A lot of short passes and play action on first down... Go Costanza and do the opposite of his inclination and instincts! If DJax plays I would spread out in the redzone and pop a draw on a passing down. I'd go goalline and play action inside the 5. Must be less predictable tomorrow.

Pretty sure we did in 99. Trent Green left for St Louis, we cut Frerotte. Can't remember who the 3rd string guy was, but we traded a 1,2, and 3 for Brad Johnson, signed Rodney Peete and some other journeyman backup.

Now that I think about it, we also did in Norvo the Clown's first year. We drafted Shuler and Frerotte and signed Mr Friesz as a FA.

If Gruden is still here for year 3, then McCoy stays, but my gut is that Cousins plays only just well enough to command too much money from some desperate GM. Any coach besides Gruden won't be so enamored with Colt, and RG3's salary makes him a goner.

Impressed by your memory, and to the point you responded to I would rephrase, has any team besides the Redskins started over with all three QBs three times in the last 21 years? Probably not... Shows you how terrible the signal callers have been. Ugh.

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Kirk certainly has a penchant for throwing INTs, and when you're a coach dealing with a young qb with turnover problems you want to build confidence. With Djax and Reed out, I think it's pretty hard to justify throwing the ball a bunch and running the ball less. Even with those two weapons back, the strength of this team (as I see it) is running the ball. It also fits the mold of a Scott M Team -- Run the ball, ball control, strong defense etc. It fits the scheme of the players he brought in as well. A competent coach will look at the roster and say: "in order to win we need to run the ball and control the clock." It's been a breath of fresh air for me to see the change of offensive style, and something that signals a maturing coach. But that's just my opinion.

I think we know what we have right now with Cousins. He is a guy who is capable of lighting up the stat sheet, but only on a week to week basis. Most young QBs are erratic early on, and tbf this is Kirk's first year as unquestioned starter so in my eyes he's still young. It will be interesting to see as he progresses through his career what type of QB he will eventually become: a consistent QB that limits mistakes, or an inconsistent gunslinger ala Rex Grossman. At this point we don't really know. I tend to lean on the side that says he will improve consistency and become a good qb in the league as he seems to have all the tools. But I certainly have been wrong before, and it wouldn't surprise me if I am wrong here.

I don't see a gunslinger, I see a water pistol. My biggest concern has been the apparent lack of arm strength... Receivers having to reach back and pull-up on routes, no zip, just looks weak to me. He had more on the ball in 2012 and 2013 in my opinion. I don't see him lighting up any stat sheets, his numbers are some of the worst in the league... A combination of play calling and capacity. The completion percentage should be high, the ball isn't traveling far in the air very often. If we knock others for this, we have to be honest in assessing Kirk.

He is an old 27, four years in the league and four years of college ball and 20 starts in... What if this is who he is? Best option in this offense, not a long term answer in my eyes but like all fans I defer to Scot. At this point he has not warranted another contract, but if he can make progress, which I will mostly gage at the end of the year based on success in a crap division this year, I would be comfortable continuing to build a team around him and seeing what happens.

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Nsekhe Long LeRib Sheriff Moses 


should make for a good test for Cousins, but maybe more so, McVay and Gruden. 


I was thinking its wise to just run a ton (at least early) and don't expose the new OL, and let them find their feet. 


Maybe we end up going with our regular offense, and help out Nsekhe just a little bit.  DJax being in the game may be more of a factor, in building our playbook this week. I do not expect DJax to play, however. 

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Nsekhe Long LeRib Sheriff Moses 


should make for a good test for Cousins, but maybe more so, McVay and Gruden. 


I was thinking its wise to just run a ton (at least early) and don't expose the new OL, and let them find their feet. 


Maybe we end up going with our regular offense, and help out Nsekhe just a little bit.  DJax being in the game may be more of a factor, in building our playbook this week. I do not expect DJax to play, however. 


Well its going to be interesting to see what we do in terms of gameplan. We need to stay balanced - certainly dont want to be dropping back and throwing 40 plus times. Then again the Jets have a really good defense at all 3 levels and its going to be tough sledding trying to run against their base front 7.


We have to find a way to help out Neshke - dont want to be seeing any deep drops and we need to stay ahead of teh chains and out of obvious passing situations. So I would look to pass more off play action on 1st downs than we have - but not so much shot plays more intermediate crossing routes and quick passes to the TE and RB off that play action. Stay ahead of the chains on 1st down and then come back with the run on 2nd down.


I think Thompson wil be a big part of the gameplan. Screens to him on that left side to help out the LT and trying to get him isolated on linebackers.


Dont see is scoring that many points. 20 would be a good effort. Defense needs to keep it to a low scoring game for us to have a shot IMO. If 'bad' Fitzgerald shows up thats very doable.

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