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2015-2016 NCAA Football Discussion Thread

The Evil Genius

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Hokies to the Fiesta AND 11-2 this year.


Wow. That's some kool-aid from Mandel. 


Do you think that's even remotely possible, SHF?


This year? Yea its possible. This the best collection of talent/experience since 2011, and probably the best that will be until the Beamer's replacement is in place

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The fines are irrelevant. What matters is the game on the field. And elliot and jt Miller will put up points. And VT offense is gonna VT offense.

I said before that VT is hyped up as most overlooked team in country. We got d. But offense? Brewer isn't rg bad but he's still inconsistent. I could care less what he did in spring. Until he shows more understanding and consistency he's just cousins junior. Guy had some questionable decision making and bad picks last season.

Hokies to the Fiesta AND 11-2 this year.

Wow. That's some kool-aid from Mandel.

Do you think that's even remotely possible, SHF?

Mandel high on tech if you've been reading my posts and listening to the audible podcast

This year? Yea its possible. This the best collection of talent/experience since 2011, and probably the best that will be until the Beamer's replacement is in place


We are all quick to forget brewers troubles or how Loeffler was criticized immensely for his play calling. I am telling you, I try to be positive, I try not to be that DC media guy who hates all DC teams. Hey, I believe the Nats have a shot. But this team is a 7-5 or 8-4 team. In fact they aren't even the best team in their division.

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I said before that VT is hyped up as most overlooked team in country. We got d. But offense? Brewer isn't rg bad but he's still inconsistent. I could care less what he did in spring. Until he shows more understanding and consistency he's just cousins junior. Guy had some questionable decision making and bad picks last season.



I hope VT loses by 140.

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Illinois fired their coach today.


That's weird.


On a personal, Penn State note, good, **** Tim Beckman.


On a morality note, good, **** Tim Beckman.  If even half of what is being alleged about him is true, it makes him an even bigger piece of ****.

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Is this "Enter Sandman" thing a famous college football experience? I never hear it discussed by anyone other than Tech fans.

It's just one of college football's traditions like Clemson touching the rock and running down the hill, the FSU Seminole spearing midfield, the SC 2001 space odyssey entrance, Wisconsin jump around etc.

This is VT's thing. And it's a pretty awesome experience

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Its a VT tradition. They enter to it before every home game.



That Boise State one gives me chills every time. Still recovering from seeing that loss in person ugh.

That OSU game is going to be electric. Biggest game ever played in Blacksburg

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48 seems too much on the VT D. Especially at home. 


FYI Mandel predicts 11-2 and ACC champions. VT isn't even the best team in their conference let alone their division (GT is better and GT beat them last year and they go to GT to play) 


Even with rebuilding FSU I still think FSU could possibly beat VT, perhaps even Notre Dame. So I don't know where people get off saying VT is elite or "underlooked". This team used to be a regular 10 win team but has really regressed of late to .500 records.This seems like a 4 loss team to me. The offense worries me. 

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As much as I enjoy seeing tOSU and their coach lose (and it doesn't happen often enough)...I just don't see them screwing the pooch 2x in 12 months.

I think tOSU rolls early and big.


Damn we can't get more than 3 points at home? Lol

Wouldn't surprise me. I have no expectations for Brewer. Last year every time he made a play, whether pulling something out of his behind or just sticking in and taking a shot and showing grit, he'd follow it up with a boneheaded mistake

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