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NRO: An Abortion-Friendly Firm in Spain Uses a Girl with Down Syndrome on Its Ads


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Couple points:

1) nah, the ad is not appropriate, imo. It tells me "all life matters", except those with down syndrome, ya screwed!!!!!

2) agree with s0crates in which Pro-Lifers should concentrate on contraception and sex ed.. The type of sex ed that tells young people what it like being a parent and not glorifying it like MTV does. 

3) non, I have been sarcastically ****-slap by Larry before. It's no big deal. Just post a eye roll meme and move on. 

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Now, though, if y'all want to have an honest discussion about matters, re: Down syndrome, and abortion, I think that's probably a topic that could really use a good discussion of ethics.

(Whether this group is capable of this kind of discussion? Well, I'm an optimist.).

Me? I think you really have to leave the decision to the parents. Simply because I can't think of any place better to hand that decision to.

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Now, though, if y'all want to have an honest discussion about matters, re: Down syndrome, and abortion, I think that's probably a topic that could really use a good discussion of ethics.

(Whether this group is capable of this kind of discussion? Well, I'm an optimist.).

Me? I think you really have to leave the decision to the parents. Simply because I can't think of any place better to hand that decision to.


So society should be neutral on taking lives?


I certainly think parents should have a voice, but who speaks for the fallen?


I like making analogies to other uses of deadly force.....when is it justified?

I support the right to kill to protect property.....with restrictions (many think I'm devaluing life with that choice)

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I'm pro-life.


I'm also pro-choice.


My personal choice is pro-life but I realize that it is a complex issue and I don't get to make everybody else's decision for them.

What's it like living without conviction?

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I'm pro-life.


I'm also pro-choice.


My personal choice is pro-life but I realize that it is a complex issue and I don't get to make everybody else's decision for them.


that's just pro-choice.  

Aww c'mon! Don't be lazy, explain to SS and the rest of us why you think he's a monster.

Monster? He allowed his child to live! He's a hero :)

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So, should we ban prenatal testing for Down? (And, BTW, I thought it was "Down's" syndrome.)

Or just ban abortions, if the test comes back positive? (Or negative?).


Well, pro-lifers would say ban abortions. pro-choicers would say the mom gets to choose.  

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So, should we ban prenatal testing for Down? (And, BTW, I thought it was "Down's" syndrome.)

Or just ban abortions, if the test comes back positive? (Or negative?).


Why ban tests?....knowing your child faces problems can be good to know.


I would prefer to ban abortions simply for Downs, imo if ya should be willing to risk that ....ya won't be able to abort them after birth for worse things/conditions.

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I've been a member of this site since sometime in 2007.  I think I generally post honestly and sometimes I'll divulge information that I wouldn't to a random stranger.  You know, the anonymity of the internet.  I try to keep discourse as open as possible on this site.  I'm also very open minded towards concepts that are alien to me.  Mostly, I come here for the fun though.  I don't post nearly as much in the political threads as I once did, because frankly they just end up as a waste of time.


So.  Since I was made out to be a monster and then later a hero (in jest) I think I'll further explain my earlier post.  I'm doing this knowing that (a.) I don't really care what others opinion of my sentiments necessarily are and (b.) I've got some free time on my hands and this is a pretty intricate topic.


First and foremost.  The panorama test that we had done could have detected a swath of birth defects.  Lucky for my wife and myself it didn't an we had a generally normal pregnancy, birth and are now left with a child who is the joy of our lives.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't almost bring myself to tears thinking about how special this boy is and how lucky we are to have brought such a beautiful thing into this world.  Unless you are a parent, there is no way that you can understand this.  It just is.


Now, if we would have received news with this panorama test that our child had some sort of birth defect then I stated that we would have had to have a "conversation".  Quite frankly, it's possible that we would have kept a child.  I don't know because I never thought for one moment how a conversation between my wife and myself would have occurred.  But, when waiting for the results of this test we knew that there was a possibility that we could get news that we didn't like and we would have had to talk about it.  Nowhere did I ever say that aborting the fetus was the automatic reaction.  It would have been an option of course, but probably not even the first one.


Raising a child is hard work.  Any parent would tell you this openly.  I could only imagine the amount of work raising a child with Down's or any other birth defect would entail.  The sacrifices that one would have to make in order to see that child in a somewhat normal situation.  Those parents raising children with birth defects are truly special people, they deserve probably more than society gives them credit for.  I couldn't imagine how mine and my wife's lives would change with a child born with birth defects.


No man hopes that when he finds out that his wife is pregnant that she is pregnant with a child that will be born with Down's or any other defect.  Some men, like myself, hope that she's pregnant with a boy as opposed to a girl.  Some the other way around.  Every perspective parent has their own ideals and preconceived notions of how their child will be.  It's only natural.  If something doesn't happen the way one would expect then people will react in a variety of ways.  Some will accept, some will manage, some will reject, every person's coping method for that which is out of their control is different.


Back to abortion.  Women have been having abortion for decades for one reason or another.  Some would classify women's abortions as a vanity.  Somebody makes a mistake and a women gets pregnant?  Abort it.  That seems to be the general line of thinking.  There are other reasons for abortion... rape, incest, risk to the mother, etc.  If women are essentially allowed to have abortions because their quality of life will suffer, why not allow them to have abortions because the quality of their child's life will suffer?  Knowingly, at an early stage in the pregnancy?



I know I'm not changing anyone's opinions with this post and this will probably be my last post in this thread because I know how these things go.  Downhill fast.  I just had some spare time and felt like typing a lot because it's been a while since I have here on ES.  So there's that, take it or leave it.

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Great post Sprinfieldskins


I will say on the quality of life issue we need to view it in the same manner we would a born child.....what that manner is that is another matter.

I can't personally condone a exception or classifying them as less of a person

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What's it like living without conviction?

Holding a belief while also realizing that I don't have the right to force my belief on everybody else in no way equals living without conviction. But, since I don't hold the exact same position as you on the subject I guess you had to insult me with the first stupid thing that came in to your head, no matter how non-sensical.

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Holding a belief while also realizing that I don't have the right to force my belief on everybody else in no way equals living without conviction. But, since I don't hold the exact same position as you on the subject I guess you had to insult me with the first stupid thing that came in to your head, no matter how non-sensical.

I can see why it sounded that way. My apologies for the rudeness. My passion on this gets the better of me at times.


Do you believe abortion is murder of a human being?

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I can see why it sounded that way. My apologies for the rudeness. My passion on this gets the better of me at times.


Do you believe abortion is murder of a human being?

You don't believe that. Unless you think every woman who miscarried should go before a grand jury

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Now, though, if y'all want to have an honest discussion about matters, re: Down syndrome, and abortion, I think that's probably a topic that could really use a good discussion of ethics.

(Whether this group is capable of this kind of discussion? Well, I'm an optimist.).

Me? I think you really have to leave the decision to the parents. Simply because I can't think of any place better to hand that decision to.


this got passed me...  Parents? That's not how it works. It's the mother's choice.

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You don't believe that. Unless you think every woman who miscarried should go before a grand jury

Either your avatar is an accurate reflection of you or you're giving me a hard time. Not sure which. :)


Of course I'm talking about abortion on demand, not miscarriages.

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Either your avatar is an accurate reflection of you or you're giving me a hard time. Not sure which. :)


Of course I'm talking about abortion on demand, not miscarriages.

Prison time for pregnant women caught smoking? Attempted murder

What about eating the wrong foods during pregnancy?

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Prison time for pregnant women caught smoking? Attempted murder

What about eating the wrong foods during pregnancy?


Well considering kids are having their lunches taken away if they don't meet necessary nutritional content, I could see something like that, coming from the left.

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Prison time for pregnant women caught smoking? Attempted murder

What about eating the wrong foods during pregnancy?

On the smoking thing, we ban it in public places due to second hand smoke being harmful to others. Why not some sort of consequences, obviously not prison time. I have no idea what that would be.

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